The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.
Mar 9, 2023 at 7:13 PM Post #51,767 of 90,900
I think it's fair to show criticisms to product and always encourage honesty.

Nobody has ever claimed or implied otherwise, and there has never been a shortage of critical impressions around here. It's more than a little disingenous to suggest that the issue is simply a matter of some people being critical and others not liking that. There seems to be an active bias that someone being harshly critical is by default being honest. As I've said before the issue is really one of tact, respect and, quite frankly, basic manners-- it is possible to be critical without being obnoxious and rude. And just because someone is aggressively negative does not mean they don't have a bias or aren't pushing some other agenda.

Here's a stitch in time, to save nine.

Posting Etiquette:

Posting Guidelines:

This right here.
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Mar 9, 2023 at 7:23 PM Post #51,768 of 90,900
And just because someone is aggressively negative does not mean they don't have a bias or aren't pushing some other agenda.
Oh yes, that reminds me, Mr. Rockwell; are you not the same person who once accused both me and Crinacle (mistakenly, because somehow my Dorado 2020 review was misconstrued as his) of being biased towards Asian IEMs because we apparently only listen to, in your words "JPOP, KPOP etc..." with talk about 64 Audio apparently being some sort of "token white guy"? I hope you aren't somehow implying that my negative reception of whichever favorite IEM of yours happens to stem from some sort of Asian audio reviewer ulterior anti-Western IEM motive.
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Mar 9, 2023 at 7:23 PM Post #51,769 of 90,900
Here's a stitch in time, to save nine.

Posting Etiquette:

Posting Guidelines:
I think most adhere to these guidelines but the grey area is "defamatory statements". Is calling something terrible or trash defamatory? Defamatory statements aren't made against people but on audio gear. I get that it's hard not to feel personal about gear that each of us have a high degree of affinity for but it's not against people, they're toys... If someone called my van trash, I'd be like cool, but I don't care because it's perfect for my family and use case. They're still free to make those statements. If they start inviting hateful or defamatory statements to me or my family using the van then the gloves are coming off.
Mar 9, 2023 at 7:27 PM Post #51,770 of 90,900
Well that was a s___storm.....

Just hoping that VE could hurry with their Phonix LE. Everywhere in the world except Hong Kong and China has received theirs, from what I have heard.

Sent my Chiron back to EA for repairing the 4.4. I hope that when this comes back, my Annihilator is already here waiting. High hopes I know.
Mar 9, 2023 at 7:38 PM Post #51,771 of 90,900
I think most adhere to these guidelines but the grey area is "defamatory statements". Is calling something terrible or trash defamatory? Defamatory statements aren't made against people but on audio gear. I get that it's hard not to feel personal about gear that each of us have a high degree of affinity for but it's not against people, they're toys... If someone called my van trash, I'd be like cool, but I don't care because it's perfect for my family and use case. They're still free to make those statements. If they start inviting hateful or defamatory statements to me or my family using the van then the gloves are coming off.
I don't think that's a problem really if it is towards gear. In any case, negative comments won't change how your favourite IEM sounds. If people are that easily affected then they shouldn't be on the internet.

It is just that I don't think anyone here is posting anything to "actively affect purchasing decisions of others". But that has been peacefully resolved already so let's stop here.
Mar 9, 2023 at 7:39 PM Post #51,772 of 90,900
Well, yes. As reviewers, what the manufacturers put inside the box is exactly what we’re supposed to evaluate. If 64A impeded the U18t by giving it a subpar cable, then it’s their responsibility to replace it with a better one.


And if burn-in is that necessary, then burn it in the factory before selling, especially if a product is multi-kilobuck. I mean, a $200 IEM from a small new brand (AFUL) can do that, what stops the big guys?

So boring that it’s one of the most sold IEM new and used even after over 5 years. 🤔

Boring or not, many people likes it. Including myself. I may be a boring person. 🤭

I'm still surprised whenever I hear people saying U12t is boring. To me, it's punchy and vibrant with such a fun soundstage imaging.

The first time I heard that U12T is boring was actually at the local hifi store. A guy auditioned the U12T for hours, and concluded that it was boring. But nothing was better, so he paid to get a pair of custom U12T (talk about jumping right in :dt880smile: )

So wait...Am I the only one who feels dyslexic right now? That guy's name is clearly Aminus, not Animus. What is happening...

Yup! I've always read "Animus hates everything"
Mar 9, 2023 at 7:40 PM Post #51,773 of 90,900
It is just that I don't think anyone here is posting anything to "actively affect purchasing decisions of others". But that has been peacefully resolved already so let's stop here.
I agree. 🛑
Mar 9, 2023 at 7:55 PM Post #51,774 of 90,900
Anyone else find this song hard to listen to? There’s a really high pitched noise on this track. It’s really apparent during the first 40 seconds but it’s throughout the entire track. I’ve tried this across a few IEMs, it’s incredibly annoying. It reminds me of the “mosquito buzz” phone alert that you can no longer hear once you pass a certain age/hearing loss of upper frequencies.

Yeah I hear a high pitched sound on my IEMs with this during the whole song. On APP2, just barely.
Mar 9, 2023 at 8:04 PM Post #51,776 of 90,900

Yup! I've always read "Animus hates everything"

How about this, I had someone ask me, isn't that one of your reviewer friends from Tw6 who hates everything, just to realize later they misread Aminus as Animagus :)
Mar 9, 2023 at 8:05 PM Post #51,777 of 90,900
I hope you aren't somehow implying that my negative reception of whichever favorite IEM of yours happens to stem from some sort of Asian audio reviewer ulterior anti-Western IEM motive.

This is an interesting topic and one I've tried to navigate with varying degrees of success over the years. Firstly I do think there are, broadly speaking, different regional tuning preferences. "Western" companies tend to be more fixated on a foundation of solid bass (Audeze, Fir, Campfire, Empire Ears), European manufacturers tend to be more focused on the midrange (Sennheiser, Custom Art, Vision Ears, Lime Ears etc.) and Asian companies are more likely to fixate on upper mids and air & sparkle in the highs (Hifiman, Elysian etc.). Now this is hardly an absolute, either across companies or across people, however I think there is just enough to it to make it an interesting thing to ponder. In a way it's no different than different geographic/cultural regions having different preferences around food and flavor-- which is certainly non-controversial. And it doesn't really matter where you live-- I live in western Canada, am as white as they come, and yet all my favorite food is Asian. The second part of comment there was simply pointing out that it's perfectly natural for different communities to be more aware or focused on companies that are local to them. Thus in Asian audio communities there may be more of a focus on Asian brands, and in American communities on American brands. I don't think there's anything particularly contentious about this.

Regarding you and Crinacle specifically going out of your way to hype Asian brands and denigrate non-Asian brands-- no I have never made that claim in the past and I would not make it now, however...

I do feel that you have a strong bias against Campfire Audio specifically. The first time I ever heard your name was in Crinacle's Discord sometime in late 2019 or early 2020 and you were being called out by one of the mods (Leneo I think) for, over the course of like a year, obsessively doing everything you could to trash Campfire and damage their reputation as a brand. It had gotten so bad and so obvious that the mods of the server had to step in and warn you about it because, in their eyes, it was having a deleterious effect on the community. It is for this reason that, as much as I have admired and acknowledged your writing and knowledge in the past (notably in this post right above the one you linked to) I have never been able to take much of your commentary (specifcally but not exclusively around CFA stuff) at face value or as much more than an advanced form of trolling.
Mar 9, 2023 at 8:08 PM Post #51,778 of 90,900

upgraded the streamer....previously was using the zen stream
i'm prob one of the few that runs their iems on a desktop system

imaging width and placement of instruments are more pinpoint.
musicality and engagement is better overall, likely due to the better clocking which improves the rhythm.
Mar 9, 2023 at 8:17 PM Post #51,779 of 90,900
misread Aminus as Animagus
I did the same :dt880smile:

I remember reading a review on your site of a kilobuck, maybe something from UM. And I was like: "this guy is pretty nice today, he must really like this IEM"
Mar 9, 2023 at 8:21 PM Post #51,780 of 90,900
I think most adhere to these guidelines but the grey area is "defamatory statements". Is calling something terrible or trash defamatory? Defamatory statements aren't made against people but on audio gear. I get that it's hard not to feel personal about gear that each of us have a high degree of affinity for but it's not against people, they're toys... If someone called my van trash, I'd be like cool, but I don't care because it's perfect for my family and use case. They're still free to make those statements. If they start inviting hateful or defamatory statements to me or my family using the van then the gloves are coming off.

It's funny you can have strong opinion on certain gears and make analogy to help with understand of a strong opinion of said gears and get called out for being a misogynist. Being accused of cat calling. That is a defamatory and low IQ. 😉

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