The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.
Jan 7, 2023 at 11:34 PM Post #45,766 of 91,345
one of my favourite song is: I See a Darkness it was written by Bonnie “Prince” Billy.

I didn’t know Johnny Cash covered it a few years later.

This is a beautiful song about depression and resilience. I definitely recommend exploring the catalogue of Bonnie “Prince” Billy.

Another great song by Bonnie Prince Billy (Will Oldham). I've listened to this at least 100 bazillion times.

Jan 7, 2023 at 11:39 PM Post #45,767 of 91,345
When the question relative to the one above: how do you guys like your music "consuming": by the single tracks or the whole albums? For me it was always been by the albums only.
I like listening to my whole collection on shuffle. I have a pretty large collection with an extremely broad range. Sometimes there is nothing better than surprise. I used to do this exclusively almost until I hit a certain level of gear quality recently, and if I have time and inclination I can listen to whole albums, especially older ones or ones that are more or less cohesive where it seems more like a story. Right now I am having a chill evening with A 30 min longform dark ambient piece by Mystified called Cavern of Tile which popped up on random.
Jan 7, 2023 at 11:40 PM Post #45,768 of 91,345
I usually shuffle my library or use my automatically curated playlists from Spotify , stuff like what’s most played or my top tracks from a year, etc.

That’s why I’m also very picky about staying away from IEMs that lean genre specific. I try to find IEMs that are great all rounders but with a different spice.
I'm exactly that way for the same reason
Jan 8, 2023 at 12:02 AM Post #45,769 of 91,345
Jan 8, 2023 at 12:26 AM Post #45,770 of 91,345
I don't know if it's the same cable but I've got a doctorjuggles copper graphene that was made for VE-EXT. Tried it on my Elysium after seeing yours. Found the bass to be great but the rest of the sound signature was too rich and syrupy and kind of lost the detail edge. What source are you using, I've got M8 & M7. :thinking::smile::thermometer_face:
I am currently using the AK2000T. I think it is probably the same one if it looks the same. I did want to add more warmth to the Elysium, so that makes sense!

I think when comparing it to the stock cable. I feel it is indeed warmer but didn't seem to lose many details. I'd say it sounds less airy though!
How much is that cable?
It was quoted £389 with my choice of connectors.
Jan 8, 2023 at 12:42 AM Post #45,771 of 91,345
A random question to the ‘cooler that’s been kicking around my head for a little while now.

When you’ve got free, unencumbered listening time, are you doing just that and only that? Or are you simultaneously scrolling Head-Fi, passively watching TV, working on some menial task, etc.? No right or wrong way to enjoy music and the gear involved of course, but I’m generally curious how folks go about their “listening sessions.”

Personally, I’ve been trying to make an effort to put down the phone and laptop, turn off the TV and just listen when I’ve got some actual (rare) me-time. I admittedly find it hard to fully disconnect and to only listen, but when I do it’s incredibly rewarding and relaxing.
This is a fantastic question, one that we tend to revisit once in a while, and one that really defines the use case for most people.

Personally I split my listening into 3 types:

1. Focused - absolute immersion, no distractions, usually eyes closed, usually full albums.

2. Reviewing - this has been my mainstay lately. Sometimes involves new music but more often regular playlists while taking notes, and listening to parts of tracks while comparing IEMs and sources.

3. Casual - this is how I mostly listen while doing other stuff, be it work or chores or traveling, or discovering new music to listen to properly after.

Focused is really the only way for me to truly get into the music and give it the mindspace it deserves. It's also the only thing that justifies me spending so much time and money on expensive gear.

Sadly I end up casual listening more often than not. It's why I use my TWS IEMs more often than the expensive stuff, because I feel the great IEMs are wasted when I'm distracted, and too often distract me themselves when I need to do other stuff.

Part of the joy of listening to music is 'stealing' the time to focus listen for myself, blocking out the world, and really appreciating both the immersion of the music and the quality of the gear. For everything else, almost any gear and music will do.
Jan 8, 2023 at 12:46 AM Post #45,772 of 91,345
I always listen to whole albums, been doing that for at least the last 12 years or so:)

Often I listen to music while I do other things, it helps me concentrate and makes me less anxious/bored. But I also lay in bed sometimes before going to sleep and I just listen to a whole album in the darkness.

A while back I did "Album days" with friends, where we each brought one album to the table and listened through it whole, after we were allowed to talk about it, but during the play time we had to shut up, so were the rules:D those were really fun times

Nobody has the time anymore for that, sadly.
Jan 8, 2023 at 1:11 AM Post #45,773 of 91,345
I am either:

“Pick and Choose” - just selecting tracks and browsing and playing what strikes me. Never shuffle or playlists that is too uncertain and disjointed for me.

I will often listen to the same track twice.


One album at a time.
Jan 8, 2023 at 1:31 AM Post #45,774 of 91,345
A random question to the ‘cooler that’s been kicking around my head for a little while now.

When you’ve got free, unencumbered listening time, are you doing just that and only that? Or are you simultaneously scrolling Head-Fi, passively watching TV, working on some menial task, etc.? No right or wrong way to enjoy music and the gear involved of course, but I’m generally curious how folks go about their “listening sessions.”

Personally, I’ve been trying to make an effort to put down the phone and laptop, turn off the TV and just listen when I’ve got some actual (rare) me-time. I admittedly find it hard to fully disconnect and to only listen, but when I do it’s incredibly rewarding and relaxing.
When I’m discovering a new track or album, I’ll always listen either sitting down or pacing around, focused solely on the music. Otherwise, I consume 90% of my music nowadays in the car, in the gym or my drum room, whilst doing the things you’d expect to do in those settings. :D

I tend to listen to albums as a whole, especially when they’re fresh. Then, I’ll usually pare down to a few fave tracks, bar the rare album that I’d consider unskippable.
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Jan 8, 2023 at 2:21 AM Post #45,775 of 91,345
I am currently using the AK2000T. I think it is probably the same one if it looks the same. I did want to add more warmth to the Elysium, so that makes sense!

I think when comparing it to the stock cable. I feel it is indeed warmer but didn't seem to lose many details. I'd say it sounds less airy though!

It was quoted £389 with my choice of connectors.
I think the big difference here is the source M8 is bassy & very warm and from what I gather AK2000t is very good technically. So I'm just getting too much-added warmth.
Jan 8, 2023 at 2:42 AM Post #45,776 of 91,345
This hobby just cannot end. 3 more cables to get. 2023 is just starting only..... 😂😂😂

Jan 8, 2023 at 3:07 AM Post #45,778 of 91,345
PW Saladin + - maximum dryness, very dense and collected transparent sound.

DD Air Nyx - slightly more organic, but still quite dry sound.

DHC Symbiote Elite 19 - not dry, but more neutral sound, which significantly improves density and control, detail and articulation, transfer of details. Clarifies the sound, removing the veil from it. But it does not break the macro, preserving the beautiful naturalness and realism of the sound.
Better than both previous ones combined (although this is not surprising).
Is this cable still sold/distributed ? Can you give me a link where I can request it or write? Thank you.
Jan 8, 2023 at 3:22 AM Post #45,779 of 91,345
Can you please recommend an ear tips storage box?
This one is perfect for this purpose... or any other similar box available on Amazon.
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Jan 8, 2023 at 5:03 AM Post #45,780 of 91,345
A random question to the ‘cooler that’s been kicking around my head for a little while now.

When you’ve got free, unencumbered listening time, are you doing just that and only that? Or are you simultaneously scrolling Head-Fi, passively watching TV, working on some menial task, etc.? No right or wrong way to enjoy music and the gear involved of course, but I’m generally curious how folks go about their “listening sessions.”

Personally, I’ve been trying to make an effort to put down the phone and laptop, turn off the TV and just listen when I’ve got some actual (rare) me-time. I admittedly find it hard to fully disconnect and to only listen, but when I do it’s incredibly rewarding and relaxing.
My Nr1 reason why I bought a DAP. I would have been fine with my L&P W2 adapter but wanted to avoid the distraction coming from all the iPhone apps. As soon as I launch head-fi/email/twitter/websites/... music starts to become just more or less background noise and thus much less enjoyable. Focussing is gold for me.

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