The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.
Jan 7, 2023 at 6:54 PM Post #45,736 of 91,349
When the question relative to the one above: how do you guys like your music "consuming": by the single tracks or the whole albums? For me it was always been by the albums only.
Usually whole albums for me as well but I do occasionally like playlists / single tracks when I’m “passively” listening.
Jan 7, 2023 at 6:59 PM Post #45,737 of 91,349
I usually shuffle my library or use my automatically curated playlists from Spotify , stuff like what’s most played or my top tracks from a year, etc.

That’s why I’m also very picky about staying away from IEMs that lean genre specific. I try to find IEMs that are great all rounders but with a different spice.
Jan 7, 2023 at 6:59 PM Post #45,738 of 91,349
Too funny! I wrapped up some work around the house earlier and decided to just sit and listen to two albums straight through. It was pure bliss! Much needed and made me realize how rarely I do that even though I tell myself to do it more often. I’m usually listening to music throughout the workday, when out running errands and so on but when I do have some actual down time I’m usually both listening and scrolling about on my phone, watching TV or some other +1 activity. Sitting and just listening is a different experience indeed.

I used to do it a lot more prior to becoming engrossed in IEMs - mostly when I'd buy a new album on CD or vinyl, and I'd often lie on the floor and listen with my full attention. I do still do it some nights before bed, with the addition of my precious 'shakti mat' as a means to wind down as I often have trouble sleeping... hundreds of spikes pressing into my back, along with a chilled album does wonders for relaxing me! - but that is more with the intention of relaxation in mind, and with very specific ambient music - different to a focus session with whatever genre it might be.
Jan 7, 2023 at 7:14 PM Post #45,740 of 91,349
A random question to the ‘cooler that’s been kicking around my head for a little while now.

When you’ve got free, unencumbered listening time, are you doing just that and only that? Or are you simultaneously scrolling Head-Fi, passively watching TV, working on some menial task, etc.? No right or wrong way to enjoy music and the gear involved of course, but I’m generally curious how folks go about their “listening sessions.”

Personally, I’ve been trying to make an effort to put down the phone and laptop, turn off the TV and just listen when I’ve got some actual (rare) me-time. I admittedly find it hard to fully disconnect and to only listen, but when I do it’s incredibly rewarding and relaxing.
I tried to multi-task while I was on my work and it simply did not work unless my work is some mechanical routines. However, I do most of my music listening while I was jogging/running, which is mechanical enough: you just put one foot in front of the other and keep doing that. Listening music is a wonderful way to do meditation and allow your thought randomly wondering around.

If I were doing anything that needs concentration, listening to music even ambience music would be a distraction.

However, nowadays, I rarely listening to music with full concentration. I used to do that when I was in collenge listening to classical music. But I no longer have the luxury to devote huge chunk of my time for music alone.
Jan 7, 2023 at 7:16 PM Post #45,741 of 91,349
I usually shuffle my library or use my automatically curated playlists from Spotify , stuff like what’s most played or my top tracks from a year, etc.

That’s why I’m also very picky about staying away from IEMs that lean genre specific. I try to find IEMs that are great all rounders but with a different spice.
Me too, only accasionally I will search for music to listen, and even when I was doing that, it would not be an entire album, only one title at time.
Jan 7, 2023 at 7:24 PM Post #45,742 of 91,349
A random question to the ‘cooler that’s been kicking around my head for a little while now.

When you’ve got free, unencumbered listening time, are you doing just that and only that? Or are you simultaneously scrolling Head-Fi, passively watching TV, working on some menial task, etc.? No right or wrong way to enjoy music and the gear involved of course, but I’m generally curious how folks go about their “listening sessions.”

Personally, I’ve been trying to make an effort to put down the phone and laptop, turn off the TV and just listen when I’ve got some actual (rare) me-time. I admittedly find it hard to fully disconnect and to only listen, but when I do it’s incredibly rewarding and relaxing.
Most of the time I'm just watching TV (sports), reading a book or cleaning the house.😅
Jan 7, 2023 at 7:27 PM Post #45,743 of 91,349
Now this is refreshing: a conversation about music instead of gear.

I have a gym playlist I take with me when weightlifting. Originally it started out as a means to block the top radio hits stuff they blast at most commercial gyms, but as I began lifting before the sunrise, I found that, like a warm cup of coffee, it was one of those small comforts on an otherwise dismal cold day.
I move along to music when I'm taking long walks by myself, but that's less frequent with the kiddo in tow. I did it a lot more when I was single. I tend to enjoy high energy, fast tempo stuff when I'm moving in general.
That said, lately Ive enjoyed taking evenings to just digest an album, without distractions. There are very few albums I enjoy from beginning to end--most artists I find nowadays have one really good track followed by a bunch that are at best so-so--but I think that may be part of the age, and the fact that fewer and fewer people buy entire albums anymore. When purchasing a vinyl record or a CD, you really didn't have a choice, so short of a single, albums sort of had to be good from beginning to end or you'd tank sales. The few albums I enjoy beginning to end:
Radiohead's OK Computer
Michael Jackson's Thriller
Queen I

My latest discovery is Lawrence Arms Metropole that my father turned me onto. The music's great; it's just the lyrics that are more than a little depressing:

Jan 7, 2023 at 7:52 PM Post #45,744 of 91,349
A random question to the ‘cooler that’s been kicking around my head for a little while now.

When you’ve got free, unencumbered listening time, are you doing just that and only that? Or are you simultaneously scrolling Head-Fi, passively watching TV, working on some menial task, etc.? No right or wrong way to enjoy music and the gear involved of course, but I’m generally curious how folks go about their “listening sessions.”

Personally, I’ve been trying to make an effort to put down the phone and laptop, turn off the TV and just listen when I’ve got some actual (rare) me-time. I admittedly find it hard to fully disconnect and to only listen, but when I do it’s incredibly rewarding and relaxing.
Well, listening attentively and listening in the background are different.
When I work or write, I can listen to music, in which case I can use simpler IEMs. This is usually oBravo Cupid.
Jan 7, 2023 at 7:59 PM Post #45,745 of 91,349
A random question to the ‘cooler that’s been kicking around my head for a little while now.

When you’ve got free, unencumbered listening time, are you doing just that and only that? Or are you simultaneously scrolling Head-Fi, passively watching TV, working on some menial task, etc.? No right or wrong way to enjoy music and the gear involved of course, but I’m generally curious how folks go about their “listening sessions.”

Personally, I’ve been trying to make an effort to put down the phone and laptop, turn off the TV and just listen when I’ve got some actual (rare) me-time. I admittedly find it hard to fully disconnect and to only listen, but when I do it’s incredibly rewarding and relaxing.

It is something that I've been thinking too! I have trouble sitting still myself as well, but when I really sit and kick back to listen, I really do get more out of these listening sessions, so I've been trying to get more "quiet" times to myself to sit and listen. It really is quite meditative. 😂

Also, I can't stop admiring how gorgeous the Elysium look with the copper cable. Just really good 👌

WhatsApp Image 2023-01-07 at 1.20.27 AM.jpeg
Jan 7, 2023 at 8:02 PM Post #45,746 of 91,349
Can you please recommend an ear tips storage box?
I use AliExpress box for pills when I need several.

And also great Acoustune box.

He have a holder on which you can put on several pairs. They hold 6 pairs, snap securely, and have a compact, flat size.
Jan 7, 2023 at 8:04 PM Post #45,747 of 91,349
Now this is refreshing: a conversation about music instead of gear.

I have a gym playlist I take with me when weightlifting. Originally it started out as a means to block the top radio hits stuff they blast at most commercial gyms, but as I began lifting before the sunrise, I found that, like a warm cup of coffee, it was one of those small comforts on an otherwise dismal cold day.
I move along to music when I'm taking long walks by myself, but that's less frequent with the kiddo in tow. I did it a lot more when I was single. I tend to enjoy high energy, fast tempo stuff when I'm moving in general.
That said, lately Ive enjoyed taking evenings to just digest an album, without distractions. There are very few albums I enjoy from beginning to end--most artists I find nowadays have one really good track followed by a bunch that are at best so-so--but I think that may be part of the age, and the fact that fewer and fewer people buy entire albums anymore. When purchasing a vinyl record or a CD, you really didn't have a choice, so short of a single, albums sort of had to be good from beginning to end or you'd tank sales. The few albums I enjoy beginning to end:
Radiohead's OK Computer
Michael Jackson's Thriller
Queen I

My latest discovery is Lawrence Arms Metropole that my father turned me onto. The music's great; it's just the lyrics that are more than a little depressing:

Sorry, that's been the case with albums for as long as there have been albums. I used to feel lucky if there were 3 good songs on an album and the rest so-so. Great albums like Boston's 1st album and Bruce Springsteen's Born in the USA are very rare. :L3000::relaxed::relieved:
Jan 7, 2023 at 8:07 PM Post #45,748 of 91,349
It is something that I've been thinking too! I have trouble sitting still myself as well, but when I really sit and kick back to listen, I really do get more out of these listening sessions, so I've been trying to get more "quiet" times to myself to sit and listen. It really is quite meditative. 😂

Also, I can't stop admiring how gorgeous the Elysium look with the copper cable. Just really good 👌

WhatsApp Image 2023-01-07 at 1.20.27 AM.jpeg
What kind of cable is this?
Jan 7, 2023 at 8:19 PM Post #45,749 of 91,349
A random question to the ‘cooler that’s been kicking around my head for a little while now.

When you’ve got free, unencumbered listening time, are you doing just that and only that? Or are you simultaneously scrolling Head-Fi, passively watching TV, working on some menial task, etc.? No right or wrong way to enjoy music and the gear involved of course, but I’m generally curious how folks go about their “listening sessions.”

Personally, I’ve been trying to make an effort to put down the phone and laptop, turn off the TV and just listen when I’ve got some actual (rare) me-time. I admittedly find it hard to fully disconnect and to only listen, but when I do it’s incredibly rewarding and relaxing.
I do that every morning with my tea after I catch up on emails the threads the chats. Just an hour or two in the morning. Great way to start the day. Sometimes before sleep I will in bed get another 1/2 hour to hour of music.

The second question I do both whole album and box of chocolates listening. When I get some new albums I binge them for a while.

It is true that older classic rock albums often only had a few good tracks for me, jazz and other genres most albums are amazing straight through them.
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Jan 7, 2023 at 8:22 PM Post #45,750 of 91,349
When the question relative to the one above: how do you guys like your music "consuming": by the single tracks or the whole albums? For me it was always been by the albums only.
Differently. As a rule, I listen in random mode through the entire music library. This means individual tracks.
I don't always have about an hour to listen to the whole album. Often albums are made with a certain sequence of songs for a reason, but this is not always the case. I don't want to say that I choose exactly those - it's mostly a matter of my choice of listening mode.

On the other hand, it happens that I listen to some albums or playlists in their entirety. And for me, some sequences of tracks are so successful that I can't listen to something that is not a whole album (or EP), or I make a combination of 2 or 3 tracks into one, so that even when it happens on rantom, the sequence is preserved.

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