The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.
Jan 7, 2023 at 8:24 PM Post #45,751 of 91,345
What kind of cable is this?

This is the Flagship Copper from @doctorjuggles (Khanyayo Cables)! Highly recommend Justin a lot, he also made the cable for my Phonix, which is still my favorite pairing among all the cables I've tried with it.
Jan 7, 2023 at 8:26 PM Post #45,752 of 91,345
That's such a funny coincidence, I was going to post a very similar question to the group - I was listening earlier, and just sat back and focused completely on the music for about an hour or so... I love fully immersing myself in an album, it becomes like a meditative experience and I've not been doing it enough lately - way too often busy doing something else, I definitely need these more focused sessions during the week too - it is very different in my experience.
I understand what you mean. It's really great to have the opportunity to delve into listening like this.
Jan 7, 2023 at 8:41 PM Post #45,753 of 91,345
Sorry, that's been the case with albums for as long as there have been albums. I used to feel lucky if there were 3 good songs on an album and the rest so-so. Great albums like Boston's 1st album and Bruce Springsteen's Born in the USA are very rare. :L3000::relaxed::relieved:
On the one hand, I agree with you. Not all songs on an album can be good. Sometimes you need to release an album, and only a few good songs are ready, so the rest are done so-and-so and they come out so-so. But no one will say about it. (How can we not mention here the path of some songs that become hits in the third or fourth performance, because the performers who were offered it refused.)

On the other hand, it is a path to superficial consumption without delving into the context. Even when it is provided. So when I have the chance, I check out a new music in complete album. If possible, several times. Far from always, the first listening gives a complete understanding of what is included in the album.
Jan 7, 2023 at 8:42 PM Post #45,754 of 91,345
A random question to the ‘cooler that’s been kicking around my head for a little while now.

When you’ve got free, unencumbered listening time, are you doing just that and only that? Or are you simultaneously scrolling Head-Fi, passively watching TV, working on some menial task, etc.? No right or wrong way to enjoy music and the gear involved of course, but I’m generally curious how folks go about their “listening sessions.”

Personally, I’ve been trying to make an effort to put down the phone and laptop, turn off the TV and just listen when I’ve got some actual (rare) me-time. I admittedly find it hard to fully disconnect and to only listen, but when I do it’s incredibly rewarding and relaxing.
If feels like such a waste putting all that money and effort into getting the gear and not concentrating on it. If I can't fully concentrate on enjoying the music, a consumer mini system or computer speakers is what I'm going to be using.

I only bring out "the gear" when I can sit in a darkened room and focus entirely on the music. Usually before bed time.
When the question relative to the one above: how do you guys like your music "consuming": by the single tracks or the whole albums? For me it was always been by the albums only.
When I had a smaller collection it was random shuffle. With it having expanded in the last few years, I've taken to go album only since its easier.

It is something that I've been thinking too! I have trouble sitting still myself as well, but when I really sit and kick back to listen, I really do get more out of these listening sessions, so I've been trying to get more "quiet" times to myself to sit and listen. It really is quite meditative. 😂

Also, I can't stop admiring how gorgeous the Elysium look with the copper cable. Just really good 👌

Oh there's an Elysium attached? I only noticed the hardware on that cable 🤤
Jan 7, 2023 at 8:44 PM Post #45,755 of 91,345
This is the Flagship Copper from @doctorjuggles (Khanyayo Cables)! Highly recommend Justin a lot, he also made the cable for my Phonix, which is still my favorite pairing among all the cables I've tried with it.
Oh, really. I didn't recognize)
I don't have such cables, but the name is familiar to me and it definitely has a good reputation.
Jan 7, 2023 at 8:44 PM Post #45,756 of 91,345
What kind of cable is this?
Are you serious! :rolling_eyes: :smile::smile::smile:

My day is full of interruptions, so I must make do with random playlists.
I find my iPods Pro and my Apple Watch impossible to beat in terms of convenience
At home, I may listen inattentively while browsing the net.
But when I have my chores done, kids fed, cleaned up ... me time, quite often mediative & relaxing sessions to wipe away the stress of the day.
That can be through Head-Fi or HiFi, depending on the time of the evening.
Jan 7, 2023 at 8:47 PM Post #45,757 of 91,345
Jan 7, 2023 at 8:53 PM Post #45,758 of 91,345
Jan 7, 2023 at 9:14 PM Post #45,759 of 91,345
Dish on collection sizes. I'm at about a full terabyte here. Archiving this stuff in part with the intention of passing stuff onwards to my daughter when she's old enough.
Jan 7, 2023 at 9:17 PM Post #45,760 of 91,345
Well, listening attentively and listening in the background are different.
When I work or write, I can listen to music, in which case I can use simpler IEMs. This is usually oBravo Cupid.
For sure. At work it’s absolutely background music, even if it’s an album I love and know well. My mind focuses more on my tasks at hand than the music. I’ve made a point to not listen to any new-to-me albums at work for this very reason. I was bringing my IEMs and DAP to the office for a while but now just exclusively use AirPod Pros and they fit the bill just fine.
It is something that I've been thinking too! I have trouble sitting still myself as well, but when I really sit and kick back to listen, I really do get more out of these listening sessions, so I've been trying to get more "quiet" times to myself to sit and listen. It really is quite meditative. 😂

Also, I can't stop admiring how gorgeous the Elysium look with the copper cable. Just really good 👌

The Doctor sure knows how to make ‘em. Beautiful cable. That hardware… :astonished:
If feels like such a waste putting all that money and effort into getting the gear and not concentrating on it. If I can't fully concentrate on enjoying the music, a consumer mini system or computer speakers is what I'm going to be using.

I only bring out "the gear" when I can sit in a darkened room and focus entirely on the music. Usually before bed time.
Completely agree. Yet another reason why I’ve been trying to make a conscientious effort to actually find time to “just listen” to my more expensive gear rather than use it to pipe background music into my ears while I focus elsewhere.
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Jan 7, 2023 at 9:37 PM Post #45,761 of 91,345
A random question to the ‘cooler that’s been kicking around my head for a little while now.

When you’ve got free, unencumbered listening time, are you doing just that and only that? Or are you simultaneously scrolling Head-Fi, passively watching TV, working on some menial task, etc.? No right or wrong way to enjoy music and the gear involved of course, but I’m generally curious how folks go about their “listening sessions.”

Personally, I’ve been trying to make an effort to put down the phone and laptop, turn off the TV and just listen when I’ve got some actual (rare) me-time. I admittedly find it hard to fully disconnect and to only listen, but when I do it’s incredibly rewarding and relaxing.
I like putting in earphones when watching sports these days. Easy to get lost in the music but also some accompanying visual stimulation.
Jan 7, 2023 at 9:53 PM Post #45,762 of 91,345
Have anyone tried the toxic cable phoenix V2 ? I have had a chance to buy them recently, but don't have a chance to try them before I buy them, really want to know if anyone owns them and can give me a brief impression about them! :)
Jan 7, 2023 at 10:10 PM Post #45,763 of 91,345
This is the Flagship Copper from @doctorjuggles (Khanyayo Cables)! Highly recommend Justin a lot, he also made the cable for my Phonix, which is still my favorite pairing among all the cables I've tried with it.
I don't know if it's the same cable but I've got a doctorjuggles copper graphene that was made for VE-EXT. Tried it on my Elysium after seeing yours. Found the bass to be great but the rest of the sound signature was too rich and syrupy and kind of lost the detail edge. What source are you using, I've got M8 & M7. :thinking::smile::thermometer_face:
Jan 7, 2023 at 10:35 PM Post #45,764 of 91,345
one of my favourite song is: I See a Darkness it was written by Bonnie “Prince” Billy.

I didn’t know Johnny Cash covered it a few years later.

This is a beautiful song about depression and resilience. I definitely recommend exploring the catalogue of Bonnie “Prince” Billy.
Jan 7, 2023 at 10:51 PM Post #45,765 of 91,345
It is something that I've been thinking too! I have trouble sitting still myself as well, but when I really sit and kick back to listen, I really do get more out of these listening sessions, so I've been trying to get more "quiet" times to myself to sit and listen. It really is quite meditative. 😂

Also, I can't stop admiring how gorgeous the Elysium look with the copper cable. Just really good 👌

WhatsApp Image 2023-01-07 at 1.20.27 AM.jpeg
How much is that cable?

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