The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.
Nov 10, 2021 at 5:29 AM Post #4,051 of 95,507
Really? I used to love obsessing this, taking my time and getting a mixtape or playlist sequenced just right within the time limit of the cassette. Now it's just find a new song I like and put it on my current "NewStuff{MMYY}" list so I don't forget it later..
Yes, sorry about that was just PITA for me, I do know and love some people that really enjoyed making mix tapes, my sister-in-law used to give her mix tapes for Christmas gifts.
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Nov 10, 2021 at 9:05 AM Post #4,052 of 95,507
Yes, sorry about that was just PITA for me, I do know and love some people that really enjoyed making mix tapes, my sister-in-law used to give her mix tapes for Christmas gifts.

I used to love making mix tapes and later also CDs-- I spent many hours of my teens & 20s doing just that... but I didn't miss it whatsoever when it suddenly became possible to carry everything in my collection around in my pocket with me. What a game changer that was. I still haven't given in to streaming and quite enjoy tracking down the best masters of my favourite recordings.

Thanks for the share! I understand the DD and bassier hybrid models from CFA aren't the most popular with critics but from what I gather, are some of CFA's best selling models. I frequently receive messages requesting these comparisons so I'm glad they're helping out :)

That's why I ignore a good deal of them focus instead on a few that I trust and regular folks from around here whose impressions I relate to even if our tastes don't align. I've always appreciated your balanced, in depth and informative reviews. I also still want to track down a Polaris 2 sometime because it was trashed summarily upon release but I know a good many people who still talk about it. Io too for that matter.

Yeah, SR25 is surprisingly small, especially being used to most smartphones these days. I just love the size of it, fits in a pocket with no fuss at all, and leaves a bit of extra room for a cable connecter sticking out the top.

It is actually just a little larger than SR15, which is a good thing as it's just that little bit easier to navigate the UI, esp the on-screen keyboard.

Lack of 4.5 is the only reason I haven't snapped up an AK player until now...I'm quite excited about this one and it may make an ideal portable solution for me.
Nov 10, 2021 at 9:10 AM Post #4,053 of 95,507
I used to love making mix tapes and later also CDs-- I spent many hours of my teens & 20s doing just that... but I didn't miss it whatsoever when it suddenly became possible to carry everything in my collection around in my pocket with me. What a game changer that was. I still haven't given in to streaming and quite enjoy tracking down the best masters of my favourite recordings.

That's why I ignore a good deal of them focus instead on a few that I trust and regular folks from around here whose impressions I relate to even if our tastes don't align. I've always appreciated your balanced, in depth and informative reviews. I also still want to track down a Polaris 2 sometime because it was trashed summarily upon release but I know a good many people who still talk about it. Io too for that matter.

Lack of 4.5 is the only reason I haven't snapped up an AK player until now...I'm quite excited about this one and it may make an ideal portable solution for me.
I just managed to pick up a Polaris II for a good price! It was an open box deal and I’m pretty surprised by its performance tbh! It’s very much a cheaper Atlas signature and really not that far off In terms of technicalities! Does very well for my use case (out and about, commuting etc). Very much recommended if you can get it at a discount… the original asking price may be a bit of a stretch for me though.
Nov 10, 2021 at 9:11 AM Post #4,054 of 95,507
I just managed to pick up a Polaris II for a good price! It was an open box deal and I’m pretty surprised by its performance tbh! It’s very much a cheaper Atlas signature and really not that far off In terms of technicalities! Does very well for my use case (out and about, commuting etc). Very much recommended if you can get it at a discount… the original asking price may be a bit of a stretch for me though.

Nice! It's a hybrid right and not a single DD?
Nov 10, 2021 at 9:15 AM Post #4,055 of 95,507
Nice! It's a hybrid right and not a single DD?
That’s right, the DD in this one is quite obviously not as capable as the Atlas / Vega / Dorado 2020’s DD but it reaches very deep and is surprisingly very tight! Was expecting an “all bass” flabby signature but it’s very energetic. The inclusion of the BA and TAEC also gives it a surprising amount of air and helps with positional cues… something I’d say that it has over the Atlas from memory.
Nov 10, 2021 at 9:19 AM Post #4,056 of 95,507
That’s right, the DD in this one is quite obviously not as capable as the Atlas / Vega / Dorado 2020’s DD but it reaches very deep and is surprisingly very tight! Was expecting an “all bass” flabby signature but it’s very energetic. The inclusion of the BA and TAEC also gives it a surprising amount of air and helps with positional cues… something I’d say that it has over the Atlas from memory.

Aweome...there aren't any Polaris II available here anymore and they very seldomly appear on the used market....but I'll definitely be tempted if one ever does pop up. Have you ever heard the OG Vega? There is a one available at a very low price and I've always wanted to hear one....curious if it's still relevant or sufficiently different from the Atlas to be worth it at this point. I was actually contemplating an Onyx before I got carried away with the Duo (which I'll get to hear later today...can't wait for that)..but if reports of the Onyx are positive I may still jump one as quite reasonably priced.
Nov 10, 2021 at 9:58 AM Post #4,057 of 95,507
Aweome...there aren't any Polaris II available here anymore and they very seldomly appear on the used market....but I'll definitely be tempted if one ever does pop up. Have you ever heard the OG Vega? There is a one available at a very low price and I've always wanted to hear one....curious if it's still relevant or sufficiently different from the Atlas to be worth it at this point. I was actually contemplating an Onyx before I got carried away with the Duo (which I'll get to hear later today...can't wait for that)..but if reports of the Onyx are positive I may still jump one as quite reasonably priced.
Please don't forget to drop some impressions of the Duo when you get them! I have been very tempted by them given how they graph and the open back design but like you, I've failed to connect to a 64 product so far.

I owned the original Vega extensively yeah! It was back in the golden era when I first got into high end IEM's. From memory, the Vega was actually very capable for a DD but I felt that the Atlas was almost a wholesale upgrade. The original Vega had a weird spike in the treble that sometimes came across as glare in certain songs and sounded a lot more L shaped in comparison to the Atlas. This led to it sounding slightly veiled in the treble when comparing directly back and forth. I did however find that the bass had more textural nuance than the Atlas! Albeit sounding less 'big' overall. It's difficult to explain but I hope that makes sense.
Nov 10, 2021 at 10:07 AM Post #4,058 of 95,507
Do you think single driver setups create problems in the time domain causing that colouration? I mean, all frequencies are fired at the exact same time, but your ear won't register them at the same time as different frequencies literally arrive at different times. So they would NEED to be corrected to sound in tune, right?

Hmm, this is a good point.

I have had conversations about how I could possibly hear a single dd iem as lacking cohesion…I think this is quite possibly the reason.
Nov 10, 2021 at 11:50 AM Post #4,060 of 95,507
That gets me nearer as I was thinking "but because of the lower frequency it needs a bigger amplitude (is that the word I'm looking for?) and that should cost time as physics are physics".

Perhaps you think that because the amplitude is greater at lower frequencies there is some sort of delay associated with it causing some timing issue. If so, it doesn't make any sense. There are less cycles per seconds at lower frequencies and therefore, the speed being constant, there are greater amplitudes, that's all. Physics are physics indeed. :wink:
Nov 10, 2021 at 12:00 PM Post #4,061 of 95,507
Perhaps you think that because the amplitude is greater at lower frequencies there is some sort of delay associated with it causing some timing issue. If so, it doesn't make any sense. There are less cycles per seconds at lower frequencies and therefore, the speed being constant, there are greater amplitudes, that's all. Physics are physics indeed. :wink:
I get that and got that earlier as well, but the part I seem to be struggling is that your comparisons are per second instead while I am thinking per cycle. As in:

If there's only 1 cycle for a 30 Hz tone and only 1 cycle for a 10,000 Hz tone, should the first one last 1/30th of a second and the second one 1/10,000th of a second? If that is the case, how can they be in tune? And if it's not the case, does it mean both are reproduced equally fast?

Nov 10, 2021 at 12:49 PM Post #4,062 of 95,507
I get that and got that earlier as well, but the part I seem to be struggling is that your comparisons are per second instead while I am thinking per cycle. As in:

If there's only 1 cycle for a 30 Hz tone and only 1 cycle for a 10,000 Hz tone, should the first one last 1/30th of a second and the second one 1/10,000th of a second? If that is the case, how can they be in tune? And if it's not the case, does it mean both are reproduced equally fast?


Yes, obviously, cycles aren't equal in duration at different frequencies but this doesn't cause any timing issue or delay or anything of the sort. If they start at the same time they arrive at the same time because the speed is constant regardless of the frequency. It's not like a cycle is first generated and then sent which would cause a delay. Plus if there was any issue here it would affect everything you hear not only the sounds generated by an earphone.
Nov 10, 2021 at 1:04 PM Post #4,063 of 95,507
Yes, obviously, cycles aren't equal in duration at different frequencies but this doesn't cause any timing issue or delay or anything of the sort. If they start at the same time they arrive at the same time because the speed is constant regardless of the frequency. It's not like a cycle is first generated and then sent which would cause a delay. Plus if there was any issue here it would affect everything you hear not only the sounds generated by an earphone.

Nov 10, 2021 at 1:30 PM Post #4,064 of 95,507

I just want to add that a high frequency signal generated at the same time as a low frequency one should be perceived ahead of the latter due to the fact it will have completed multiple cycles before the latter completes one but that's just how things are in general and why bass has slower attack than treble.

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