The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.
Sep 30, 2022 at 1:14 PM Post #36,826 of 91,357
Yes like

Week one; I love it, can’t take it out of my ears, hearing things I never heard before, etc.

Week two; I was listening to X, and I switched to this set, and holly crap is it better.

Week three; nothing no comments.

Week four; nothing again.

Week five; someone else asks, I noticed you listed your set for sale.
I'm not always like that.
Maybe because my music library is big.
And when I get something new, I think, "wow, great, that sounds great. I can hear it really well. I have to listen to this music again. Or this one. Or something else."

And then I just calmly get used to the new IEMs and listen to music somewhere on the road as usual on random, and he throws me something that has been in the music library for a long time, but I forgot about it.
And I'm like - WHAT? Does it really sound like that? And I delve into my music library again.

However, sometimes this is accompanied by the selection of tips or cable.
I rarely buy everything at once, so the selection of the cable continues for some time. And then I can spend a few more months with these IEMs.

Or put them in the closet if they are not comfortable enough or for some other minor reason. And then I get them in a month when remind about them and listen mostly to them again.
Sep 30, 2022 at 1:37 PM Post #36,827 of 91,357
It's also because writing without hyperbole is so difficult. If the previous IEM was incredible and the new one is better then you get to super incredible. But what about next months IEM?

That means all the more praise to the pro reviewers that frequent the watercooler as they get their message across in a way everyone understands and without hyperbole at all. A true art.

I think it takes restraint and experience. In addition to the ability to write.

Experience does not always depend on a large amount of listening, but also the ability to analyze and operate with terms. That is, of course, 3 models are not enough for experience, even if they are the best. More is needed. However, a lot does not mean that a person draws conclusions.
So sometimes I watch people buy and sell things...

You know, once in some TV show I saw a competition where you had to chop a mountain of coconuts. The winner was the one who chopped and found among all of them one with a pink middle. Someone had to crush half of them all, and someone found the right one almost immediately.

The difference is that those who buy audio indiscriminately are like chopping coconuts with their eyes closed.
I have the same impression. A person buys something without any system. And I can't even say what will happen to her, because she doesn't understand her happiness.
So I have a friend (as you can tell I have a lot of friends) who has bought and sold ALO CDM 4 times. Now he has it again and he plans to sell it again.

I do not condemn him, but he writes reviews with bright colors and hyperbole. And you know, I don't believe them at all.

Because when today this thing is the best, and tomorrow it is no longer worth anything compared to something new - well, I don't think that happens. So a person does not really know how to analyze and has no experience. I understand that this is his way of exploring the world (and himself as well), but in my opinion, this is way too long.

Therefore, I value not only emotions, but also facts. And also the ability to tell about them not only informatively, but also interestingly.
Sep 30, 2022 at 3:09 PM Post #36,828 of 91,357
Keep the thoughts flowing, so much fun reading them. I automatically temper the enthusiasm since the initial infatuation phase can be disproportionately strong, not sure when we enter hype land. Probably after a couple thorough positive reviews are done and still more people are jumping in with the best I ever heard type of statements.
Ah, yes. We do love our subjective superlatives in this blessed hobby of ours. 😊
Sep 30, 2022 at 3:27 PM Post #36,829 of 91,357
Ah, yes. We do love our subjective superlatives in this blessed hobby of ours. 😊
If we asked the question what set do you find yourself in a long term relationship with?
Wonder how we would all answer it.

I could say Traillii, though it is a set I rarely listen to these days, I still appreciate and enjoy it when I do, is it that special set still present even though the romance has subsided.

If we define long term as longer than one year.
To be fair to the question I think you must still own the set.
Sep 30, 2022 at 3:57 PM Post #36,830 of 91,357
I have the Mentor demo on me at the moment. I am working on a short write up/impressions, but it’s IEM of the year for me and something I have to own. It’s my favorite UM IEM by far and a joy to listen to. The smooth cohesive sound with top tier technicals is incredible.
Full trust in aaf evo. 💯
Sep 30, 2022 at 4:01 PM Post #36,831 of 91,357
So CanJam was tons of fun, but also dangerous for me. Some new iem developments... despite promising myself I'd be done for a while (we all tell ourselves this lie).

- Had my last listening session last night with Red Halo FE, and it was spectacular. You know that feeling of remorse you get after a sale, well, yeah. That being said, as much of technical marvel as it is, it ultimately does not have an FR that gels with my main preferences. I am an analytical listener, full stop, but my on the go listening habits require a bit more fun and guilty pleasure bass whereas the Red Halo FE is a champion of accuracy and properness. @HiFiHawaii808 I'll probably come to regret this lol

- I'll be getting in the Supermoon hopefully before end of October. @Rockwell75's universal pair left a good impression on me so now I went and paid up for the one on Ebay even if pricy. I expect the bids to escalate and get close to the price anyway. YOLO

- Red Halo FE funds going straight to either Mentor Multiverse or Annihilator but I think it will be the Mentor as it's the best tuned iem I've heard to date - 13 years in this hobby. I think it's the closest to sounding like a X9000/ Susvara in voicing (not just FR, but especially texturally and underlying tonality). It's simply incredible.

- Annihilator is incredible as a technical champion, but the tuning may be tough for long term listening and enjoyment. I've been down that road far too often with things like LCD5, CRBN, SR-009, Utopia, ADX5000 & HD800 - though a lot of these still exist in my collection, they get seldom used unless for an occasional/ special listening session.

I absolutely love this album and a lot of other music from The Flashbulb!
Supermoon on eBay?? , Have not seen any posting on eBay
Sep 30, 2022 at 4:08 PM Post #36,832 of 91,357
So I think our hobby is still more psychology than anything else)

That’s an interesting observation— and as someone who champions the idea that this hobby is inherently subjective it’s fascinating to contemplate. It’s amazing how our moods, preconceptions and biases can often colour our perceptions. Research has shown that a significant number of people would rather not do the work of thinking for themselves and would rather rely on others to tell them what to do or like. Not saying this applies as much to this rarefied group but it’s interesting on a larger scale, especially with respect to the curious autosuggestion that I’ve long felt permeates this hobby to some degree. Sometimes I wonder if it’s really possible to get a full perspective of where a particular IEM stands in the scheme of things until it’s been out for at least a year. Traillii’s greatest accomplishment so far is its longevity imho
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Sep 30, 2022 at 4:08 PM Post #36,833 of 91,357
Approximately 3 people sharing their enthusiasm for an IEM I don't think is fair to label as 'hype'. This thread is a great place to discuss a shared passion, and 99% of the time, in good spirits. I'm not claiming any 'miracle', simply articulating my appreciation and love for sets I explore.
Hype is slang so maybe we have different definitions of it. Hype can be justified or not, not saying it isn’t. I think there’s enough chatter about the Turii’s to say there’s some hype about them right now.

I appreciate your enthusiasm for these sets and it helps bring awareness for all of us to learn about. As with all things, I take all impressions with a grain of salt. While it’s a great thing you’re so ecstatic with each of your purchases, it’s sometimes hard for us to discern what’s truly great or just the flavor of the month since you rave about each one.

Either way, I really do appreciate your impressions of these IEMs and don’t want this discussion to take away from that.
Sep 30, 2022 at 4:37 PM Post #36,834 of 91,357
So CanJam was tons of fun, but also dangerous for me. Some new iem developments... despite promising myself I'd be done for a while (we all tell ourselves this lie).

- Had my last listening session last night with Red Halo FE, and it was spectacular. You know that feeling of remorse you get after a sale, well, yeah. That being said, as much of technical marvel as it is, it ultimately does not have an FR that gels with my main preferences. I am an analytical listener, full stop, but my on the go listening habits require a bit more fun and guilty pleasure bass whereas the Red Halo FE is a champion of accuracy and properness. @HiFiHawaii808 I'll probably come to regret this lol

- I'll be getting in the Supermoon hopefully before end of October. @Rockwell75's universal pair left a good impression on me so now I went and paid up for the one on Ebay even if pricy. I expect the bids to escalate and get close to the price anyway. YOLO

- Red Halo FE funds going straight to either Mentor Multiverse or Annihilator but I think it will be the Mentor as it's the best tuned iem I've heard to date - 13 years in this hobby. I think it's the closest to sounding like a X9000/ Susvara in voicing (not just FR, but especially texturally and underlying tonality). It's simply incredible.

- Annihilator is incredible as a technical champion, but the tuning may be tough for long term listening and enjoyment. I've been down that road far too often with things like LCD5, CRBN, SR-009, Utopia, ADX5000 & HD800 - though a lot of these still exist in my collection, they get seldom used unless for an occasional/ special listening session.

I absolutely love this album and a lot of other music from The Flashbulb!

I spent a lot of time with Ragnar and Supermoon in the past week. I was wondering where these 2 IEMs fit into my rankings. Several times during my listening sessions I wondered if either could be my favorite. Ragnar as favorite overall. Supermoon as favorite bass. Then, I put Red Halo into my ears and once again affirmed that it is my favorite. I have duels all the time and every time I do it, Red Halo wins. Against Ragnar and Supermoon it was no exception. There is something special about the mids that really captivates me. I realize that only a small number of us even like the signature that Red Halo possesses. But for me, it is the one I love most.

If you like an analytical listen, I would highly recommend Ragnar. I have had a lot of time listening to it and after vetting it with some of my watercooler friends, I feel like I have a really good handle on it. The Ragnar is my most technically proficient IEM. It is the most analytical in that when I a/b test it with Traillii and Jewel, they both sound muddy or veiled in comparison. It is marked by clarity, detail and nuance. When I listen to certain Jazz tracks, I hear detail I have never heard before. Whether it be the exactly positioning of the brushes on snare drums in a Jazz track, the plucking of the strings on an upright bass or the movement of a mute on a trombone solo, it wins the competition in my collection for the most analytical monitor that allows me to peer deeply into the details of the music. But, after getting an education from @Deezel177 on what I was hearing, I learned how the Ragnar achieves its clarity. It is doing it at the expense of tonality. So, when I compare Ragnar to Jewel, for instance, the first thing that I notice is that Jewel sounds relatively veiled. But, after a few minutes of listening, what becomes obvious is that the Jewel has far superior tonality. Jewel still remains my reference monitor and is the best balance of technical features and tonality in my collection. Red Halo remains the tonality that I prefer because of the emotional connection I have to the music when it I listen to music with it.

One last note regarding Ragnar. I saw an FR chart yesterday and it has a massive peak in the 6-8k range. This may be a problem for some. I am older, so I do not hear any harshness or sibilance. But, a younger fellow might have an issue with it.
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Sep 30, 2022 at 4:45 PM Post #36,835 of 91,357
I spent a lot of time with Ragnar and Supermoon in the past week. I was wondering where these 2 IEMs fit into my rankings. Several times during my listening sessions I wondered if either could be my favorite. Ragnar as favorite overall. Supermoon as favorite bass. Then, I put Red Halo into my ears and once again affirmed that it is my favorite. I have duels all the time and every time I do it, Red Halo wins. Against Ragnar and Supermoon it was no exception. There is something special about the mids that really captivates me. I realize that only a small number of us even like the signature that Red Halo possesses. But for me, it is the one I love most.

If you like an analytical listen, I would highly recommend Ragnar. I have had a lot of time listening to it and after vetting it with some of my watercooler friends, I feel like I have a really good handle on it. The Ragnar is my most technically proficient IEM. It is the most analytical in that when I a/b test it with Traillii and Jewel, they both sound muddy or veiled in comparison. It is marked by clarity, detail and nuance. When I listen to certain Jazz tracks, I hear detail I have never heard before. Whether it be the exactly positioning of the brushes on snare drums in a Jazz track, the plucking of the strings on an upright bass or the movement of a mute on a trombone solo, it wins the competition in my collection for the most analytical monitor that allows me to peer deeply into the details of the music. But, after getting an education from @Deezel177 on what I was hearing, I learned how the Ragnar achieves its clarity. It is doing it at the expense of tonality. So, when I compare Ragnar to Jewel, for instance, the first thing that I notice is that Jewel sounds relatively veiled. But, after a few minutes of listening, what becomes obvious is that the Jewel has far superior tonality. Jewel still remains my reference monitor and is the best balance of technical features and tonality in my collection. Red Halo remains the tonality that I prefer because of the emotional connection I have to the music when it I listen to music with it.
Agreed on the jewel. It's why I love it and would purchase around it instead of against it at least currently...(I fell for the rs8 pairing with my brise cable Yatono ultimate + jewel) I wish I could of auditioned a pair of red halos. What did you think of the mentor ?
Sep 30, 2022 at 4:50 PM Post #36,836 of 91,357
Agreed on the jewel. It's why I love it and would purchase around it instead of against it at least currently...(I fell for the rs8 pairing with my brise cable Yatono ultimate + jewel) I wish I could of auditioned a pair of red halos. What did you think of the mentor ?
I loved it. Will likely pick it up at some point. But, at this time, I really have too many IEMs. I need to clear some out before I add many more.

You should ask @aaf evo, he has fallen in love with it and I hear it the way he does. He has fallen for Mentor the way I have for Red Halo.
Sep 30, 2022 at 4:54 PM Post #36,837 of 91,357
Wow!! Scubi Devils sure made the Turii TI a hot item. Andrew @ MT is sold out. Luckily, he is loaning me his demo. I want to see/hear what the h...p is all about. I am a fool for a DD IEM, especially featherweight titanium .
Sep 30, 2022 at 5:09 PM Post #36,838 of 91,357
I loved it. Will likely pick it up at some point. But, at this time, I really have too many IEMs. I need to clear some out before I add many more.

You should ask @aaf evo, he has fallen in love with it and I hear it the way he does. He has fallen for Mentor the way I have for Red Halo.

Which Mentor? The Mentor V3+, or the Multiverse Mentor?
Sep 30, 2022 at 5:10 PM Post #36,839 of 91,357
Sep 30, 2022 at 5:16 PM Post #36,840 of 91,357
Which Mentor? The Mentor V3+, or the Multiverse Mentor?
Multiverse. It is spectacular. It has the best BA bass I have ever heard. It has the best bass and treble extension I can recall. Great tuning. Great coherency. It has elevated bass, so it is off reference which is great for many people's preferences.

For a bassy set, I preferred the Odyssey due to its outstanding DD bass timbre from its W9+ woofers. But, it is worth getting.

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