The Sennheiser HD 800: The First Listen, The First Review
Jan 13, 2009 at 3:50 PM Post #1,021 of 5,928

I cant wait to see and talk to you again at the next national...

but i have one question before then....

when are you coming out with the HD-850?

just getting in early..
Jan 13, 2009 at 4:13 PM Post #1,023 of 5,928

Originally Posted by subtle /img/forum/go_quote.gif
LOL. You should sit back and read that again and see just how ridiculous you sound.

REAL reviews? Seriously? What would make these real reviews that have been provided more REAL for you?

All of the below:
1. A review that is written by a respected member who owns or is closely familiar with other high end cans such as R10, L3000, and/or electrostats.
2. A review that A/B's HD-800 against said headphones.
3. A review that is done in a quiet environment with low or no ambient noise.
4. A review where reviewer had a chance to listen to the headphones for several days at least.
5. I know it's hard, but prefferably a review from someone who does not believe wrapping power cord in a tin foil significantly improves sound quality. Yes this is real, and this person is a member of head-fi.


Originally Posted by subtle /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Create a lot of hype before anyone has had a chance to do a critical review? Exactly how did Sennheiser's master marketing deception team figure out a way to control the brains of Tyll, Jude, Voltron, BostonEars, jp#'s, etc. etc. and force them to "create a lot of hype".

You're missing the fact that all those people have not had a chance to really listen to HD-800.


Originally Posted by subtle /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Keep reaching man and make up some more absurd stuff like this. It's hilarious to read.

So is your flameboyant excitement. I don't know if you've been here long enough, but there have been so many "flavor of the month" headphones and amps, that taking anything for a granted, especially based on a few early reviews is really really stupid.
Jan 13, 2009 at 4:30 PM Post #1,024 of 5,928

Originally Posted by wnmnkh /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I just hope there would not be another "HD580 driver inside of HD650" incident again with this product, and hopefully you guys would response better if similar things happen again.

At that time, your responses were just terrible, and was about to become serious mess, only to be prevented by Tyll (he did not have to volunteer what your company should had done.)

I keep my fingers crossed.

While I frequent the forums, I also maintain a heavy travel schedule and other work duties that prevent me from going to Head-Fi as often as I would like, and for contractual reasons cannot always comment on every topic. I will try to be more helpful in the future, but now I always try to think of how out-of-context something will be taken before posting

Thanks for you feedback and hopefully we'll see you at CanJam '09
Jan 13, 2009 at 4:50 PM Post #1,025 of 5,928

Originally Posted by JazzJackRabbit /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I don't know if you've been here long enough, but there have been so many "flavor of the month" headphones and amps, that taking anything for a granted, especially based on a few early reviews is really really stupid.

With such high expectations for the HD800, there's no doubt some people will be disappointed, even if it IS as good as people say. The only obvious difference I'll accept right now is the larger soundstage; otherwise, the other qualities described are questionable until someone actually owns it for a couple of weeks.

I'm part of "Team Not Much Difference"
Jan 13, 2009 at 4:53 PM Post #1,026 of 5,928

Originally Posted by JazzJackRabbit /img/forum/go_quote.gif
All of the below:
1. A review that is written by a respected member who owns or is closely familiar with other high end cans such as R10, L3000, and/or electrostats.
2. A review that A/B's HD-800 against said headphones.
3. A review that is done in a quiet environment with low or no ambient noise.
4. A review where reviewer had a chance to listen to the headphones for several days at least.
5. I know it's hard, but prefferably a review from someone who does not believe wrapping power cord in a tin foil significantly improves sound quality. Yes this is real, and this person is a member of head-fi.

1. Everyone that has heard it so far already meets this criteria.
2. Those that have heard it are very familiar with the other high end cans, have heard them, owned them, or currently own them, yet still they had such high praise for the HD800 even after hearing it in less than ideal conditions. To me, and obviously many, many others, that means quite a bit.
3. See #2
4. Depending on your point of view that would have very little effect on the impressions. If you're a believer of burn-in then the HD800 traits can only improve. Never have I read or heard of a headphone that got worse with burn-in.
5. Why would that be hard? You're talking about one person and that individual isn't even guaranteed to buy one.


Originally Posted by JazzJackRabbit /img/forum/go_quote.gif
You're missing the fact that all those people have not had a chance to really listen to HD-800.

You're missing the fact that each and everyone of those that have heard it and provided outstanding initial praise are some of the most experienced head-fier's on the entire forum. That's good enough for me. As I alluded to earlier, how can the impressions get worse when they finally get the chance to "really" listen to it?


Originally Posted by JazzJackRabbit /img/forum/go_quote.gif
So is your flameboyant excitement. I don't know if you've been here long enough, but there have been so many "flavor of the month" headphones and amps, that taking anything for a granted, especially based on a few early reviews is really really stupid.

Flamboyant excitement? Where exactly? Please quote where I've been flamboyantly excited about the HD800. I'm not even one of those that has pre-ordered yet.

I've been here long enough to be fully aware of FOTM status. I've also been here long enough to notice that no other headphone has been this hyped based on initial impressions from some of our most experienced members.
Jan 13, 2009 at 4:54 PM Post #1,027 of 5,928

Originally Posted by HeadphoneAddict /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Does anyone suppose they will as demanding on the amp as the HD600/650, and will end up needing to be balanced to get the most out of them?

Just about my second thought after "oh!" was "another money-eating Sennheiser?"

I can't say that I am impressed with the design. At least it is a change from the drab big-Senn shape of old. But will these be as sturdy? I am looking forward to comparing reviews from the big Staxen farmers.
Jan 13, 2009 at 4:58 PM Post #1,028 of 5,928

Originally Posted by TheDeliveryMan /img/forum/go_quote.gif
It would be advantageous to get in line to order one from one of our select dealers ...simply put, initial supply is certain to be limited with all of this demand.

Can you give us an idea on the manufacturing plans for the 800 (e.g. are they going to be churned out of the Sennheiser factory on a continual basis, will they be made only in batches, etc.)? If they are going to be made in batches, do you know how much time there will be in between?

Also, it's assumed that these are not a limited edition and will be in production for the forseebale future. As a Sennheiser rep, can you confirm this?

A lot of people (like me) don't want to push the button just yet so having this info would be helpful. Thanks.
Jan 13, 2009 at 5:29 PM Post #1,029 of 5,928
You're missing the point. It is simply impossible to form a coherent opinion about a headphone after listening to it for half an hour with lots of noise coming from next booth. The reviews so far are just that - initial impressions. Those people have not had time or opportunity to really get down and familiarize themselves with the sound of new headphones. Yes, many of those people have listened to R10 before, but trying to compare new cans to something you have heard before is completely different to A/B'ing. If HD-800 are really that good, than chances are they will offer similar sound quality to other flagships, so any differences in sound quality will be relatively minor and you would need extended sessions with each headphone before you can put it down in words on paper. I'm saying it's impossible to do in 30 minutes in a CES booth.
Jan 13, 2009 at 5:51 PM Post #1,030 of 5,928
nor_spoon. The price seems right!
Not too pleased about the late availability though, which seems two (2) months later than ex. the US.

No wonder we import headphones on our own..
Jan 13, 2009 at 6:00 PM Post #1,031 of 5,928

Originally Posted by JazzJackRabbit /img/forum/go_quote.gif
You're missing the point. It is simply impossible to form a coherent opinion about a headphone after listening to it for half an hour with lots of noise coming from next booth. The reviews so far are just that - initial impressions. Those people have not had time or opportunity to really get down and familiarize themselves with the sound of new headphones. Yes, many of those people have listened to R10 before, but trying to compare new cans to something you have heard before is completely different to A/B'ing. If HD-800 are really that good, than chances are they will offer similar sound quality to other flagships, so any differences in sound quality will be relatively minor and you would need extended sessions with each headphone before you can put it down in words on paper. I'm saying it's impossible to do in 30 minutes in a CES booth.

I'll just agree to disagree with you so as to not derail this thread any further.
Jan 13, 2009 at 6:01 PM Post #1,032 of 5,928

Originally Posted by JazzJackRabbit /img/forum/go_quote.gif
You're missing the point. It is simply impossible to form a coherent opinion <snip>. I'm saying it's impossible to do in 30 minutes in a CES booth.

So be it. Why not just say you'll wait for the opinions from the more seasoned listeners once we have them, and then you'll decide? Save the bandwidth.

That Senn has a track record for delivering cans that we like, and have bested what we like (HD600 / HD650 / HE60) seems VERY unlikely for be FOTM. All they had to do for me was fix what they fouled on the 650, and I was in. Just like I asked them to, and, I have paid for that pleasure accordingly.
Jan 13, 2009 at 6:01 PM Post #1,033 of 5,928

Originally Posted by JazzJackRabbit /img/forum/go_quote.gif
You're missing the point. It is simply impossible to form a coherent opinion about a headphone after listening to it for half an hour with lots of noise coming from next booth. The reviews so far are just that - initial impressions. Those people have not had time or opportunity to really get down and familiarize themselves with the sound of new headphones. Yes, many of those people have listened to R10 before, but trying to compare new cans to something you have heard before is completely different to A/B'ing. If HD-800 are really that good, than chances are they will offer similar sound quality to other flagships, so any differences in sound quality will be relatively minor and you would need extended sessions with each headphone before you can put it down in words on paper. I'm saying it's impossible to do in 30 minutes in a CES booth.

I have to agree with most of this based on what I saw happen with the GS-1000. Some respected head-fiers fell for it hard during initial listening sessions. Over time, the "one Grado to bind them all" did not hold up to be true for most folks.
Jan 13, 2009 at 6:05 PM Post #1,034 of 5,928

Originally Posted by Wmcmanus /img/forum/go_quote.gif
See the HD800 piece here: Stereophile: CES 2009 Show Report

I love this quote:

"When I left, the young owner of a new headphone site who had shared the demo with me was so blown away that he wrote down the name of the recording so he would be sure to get a copy."

Jude is not young, nor is Head-Fi new!

That is funny. A bit condescending. But I work in publishing and bet you any money Head-fi will be around when Stereophile sees a final exit from the shelves - probably very soon.
Jan 13, 2009 at 6:07 PM Post #1,035 of 5,928
Subtle, go back and look at the praise and excitement over the K-701 and GS-1000. Everyone was caught up in them for the first few months, then reality set in. Not to say either of those are bad - I own the K-701 and am looking for a used GS-1000. There's initial excitement over everything, not just headphones, but new cars, girlfriends, and much else. You have to live with something for awhile before the rose colored glasses come off. That is not to say the HD-800 is bad or won't pan out in the end, but people have to get over the initial rush and live with it for awhile.

As tempting as it is to call Tyll and throw down the Amex (I've had the phone in hand twice), I'm making mysel hold off until CanJam '09. I'm bringing pretty much my entire rig, so I'll demo it with my gear and A/B it with my favorite headphones. If it's stunning, I'll buy it. If not, I'll probably drop that cash on a pair of ESL-63s, LaScalas or a set of Orion drivers.

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