The Sennheiser HD 800: The First Listen, The First Review
Jan 13, 2009 at 12:32 PM Post #1,006 of 5,928
Hmmm. I don't understand business, or marketing, or new product introductions. Not just with the Senn HD800, but with anything - cars, cameras.

What is the psychology here?

What is the best business practice, re: hype, word-of-mouth, teasing the consumer, making us hungry and anxious and wanting and desiring, the logistics of stocking, and so on?

I mean this as a serious question.

If I ran Sennheiser, I'd give Tyll and Jude and Stereophile free headphones, beg them to do reviews, and have the distributors and dealers stocked worldwide - Norway! - from Day One. I'd think that the goal would be to have the HD800 stocked at HeadRoom and J & R and Amazon and TTVJ the day BEFORE the CES. And so on.

But I'm far from being a businessperson. Perhaps somebody can explain the logic of the 800 not being in our hands until March..............and the psychology of it.

Or is there none?
Jan 13, 2009 at 12:50 PM Post #1,007 of 5,928

Originally Posted by greggf /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hmmm. I don't understand business, or marketing, or new product introductions. Not just with the Senn HD800, but with anything - cars, cameras.

What is the psychology here?

What is the best business practice, re: hype, word-of-mouth, teasing the consumer, making us hungry and anxious and wanting and desiring, the logistics of stocking, and so on?

I mean this as a serious question.

If I ran Sennheiser, I'd give Tyll and Jude and Stereophile free headphones, beg them to do reviews, and have the distributors and dealers stocked worldwide - Norway! - from Day One. I'd think that the goal would be to have the HD800 stocked at HeadRoom and J & R and Amazon and TTVJ the day BEFORE the CES. And so on.

But I'm far from being a businessperson. Perhaps somebody can explain the logic of the 800 not being in our hands until March..............and the psychology of it.

Or is there none?

There is none, just happens that the stock is not ready in time for CES. If it were then the announcement and sales would coincide. If it is intentional then you are correct, it is stupid. Personally I would wait a couple of years as we all know they will not be replaced for quite some time and the price will come down. May even have a true successor for the 650 in the mean time as well. I cant imagine Sennheiser would put all of there eggs in the HD800 basket since we all know sales of the HD800 will be limited and the 650 has saturated the market and is selling at low prices. They need a new bread and butter model and the HD800 isnt it.
Jan 13, 2009 at 12:58 PM Post #1,008 of 5,928

Originally Posted by olblueyez /img/forum/go_quote.gif
They need a new bread and butter model and the HD800 isnt it.

HD680 FTW!
The HD800 driver in a simpler casing and cable perhaps?

Edit: Thanks nor_spoon for the detective work on Norwegian pricing and planned distribution date.
Jan 13, 2009 at 1:38 PM Post #1,009 of 5,928


Originally Posted by greggf /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hmmm. I don't understand business, or marketing, or new product introductions. Not just with the Senn HD800, but with anything - cars, cameras.

What is the psychology here?

What is the best business practice, re: hype, word-of-mouth, teasing the consumer, making us hungry and anxious and wanting and desiring, the logistics of stocking, and so on?

I mean this as a serious question.

If I ran Sennheiser, I'd give Tyll and Jude and Stereophile free headphones, beg them to do reviews, and have the distributors and dealers stocked worldwide - Norway! - from Day One. I'd think that the goal would be to have the HD800 stocked at HeadRoom and J & R and Amazon and TTVJ the day BEFORE the CES. And so on.

But I'm far from being a businessperson. Perhaps somebody can explain the logic of the 800 not being in our hands until March..............and the psychology of it.

Or is there none?

One word: exclusivity.

Marketing is not about products, it's about feeling. If you create a shortage, people feel that it must be very special. Remember Gmail giving out "exclusive invitations"? That way people felt special.
Jan 13, 2009 at 1:54 PM Post #1,010 of 5,928

Originally Posted by greggf /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hmmm. I don't understand business, or marketing, or new product introductions. Not just with the Senn HD800, but with anything - cars, cameras.

What is the psychology here?

What is the best business practice, re: hype, word-of-mouth, teasing the consumer, making us hungry and anxious and wanting and desiring, the logistics of stocking, and so on?

I mean this as a serious question.

If I ran Sennheiser, I'd give Tyll and Jude and Stereophile free headphones, beg them to do reviews, and have the distributors and dealers stocked worldwide - Norway! - from Day One. I'd think that the goal would be to have the HD800 stocked at HeadRoom and J & R and Amazon and TTVJ the day BEFORE the CES. And so on.

But I'm far from being a businessperson. Perhaps somebody can explain the logic of the 800 not being in our hands until March..............and the psychology of it.

Or is there none?

I'd say so far sennheiser marketing has been pretty effective. Only half-a-dozen people have had a chance to listen to these headphones for half an hour under less than ideal conditions with lots of ambient noise, nevermind doing critical listening A/B'ing them with other high quality cans. And yet, despite that, and despite the price, people are preordering them in droves (well for a $1400 headphone anyway).

It's brilliant really. Create a lot of hype before anyone has had a chance to do a critical review, create an impression of a limited run by imprinting serial number on the headband, and get as many headphones out of the door before any REAL reviews start popping up. By then it will be too late, the HD-800 cult will have been established. Even if HD-800 turns out not all that has been promised, they are still going to be very good, too many people will own them by then, and sheer peer pressure, popularity, and usual excuses about diminishing returns will keep the momentum going.

As for myself I'll wait for proper reviews. It's easy to get yourself hyped, I'm feeling it myself. However, these headphones are not limited edition, and $1400 is a lot of money to plunk down on a cat in a bag.
Jan 13, 2009 at 2:58 PM Post #1,012 of 5,928
Hello and thanks for all of the great feedback. This has certainly been an exciting launch and we're thrilled that the community has been abuzz with, well, buzz

Thank you all for being great Sennheiser customers, and if you are not a Sennheiser fan, thanks for reading anyways and contributing to this great community!

A few quick notes before I answer some voicemails and emails:

1) The HD 800 looks a lot different in person. Whether you like it or do not, seeing it in any other fashion than static is a treat, and may change your opinion on our flagships' new 'du. Either way, we feel good about this one-- the acoustics are incredible and the look is a radical departure from the HD 600/HD 650 that we have gotten so comfortable with. Change is great for discussion.

2) The HD 680 does not exist (it really really doesn't), nor does an HD 700, HD 750, etc etc etc. The HD 800 is what we've been wanting to announce for so long but couldn't until CES 2009.

3) It would be advantageous to get in line to order one from one of our select dealers (HeadRoom, TTVJ are currently servicing customers). This is not a sales pitch/trick, but a simple recommendation, as the phones have been ringing off the hook with questions ("where can I place an order?"), and Tyll and Todd will certainly tell you that they're getting a lot of questions as well...simply put, initial supply is certain to be limited with all of this demand. We want you to have one, though, and will bend over backwards to get what we "can" into your hands. (couldn't resist the cheezy pun). (did I spell "cheezy" right?)

4) We plan on having the HD 800 at CanJam '09 as well as our other offerings, so please show some support to this excellent hobby and come to the show! We'd love to give you a tour of the HD 800 and we'd love to answer any questions you have. This will be a great time to compare with HD 650, etc etc and share your opinions, as well as check out your own material with our new baby.

5) Staying silent about this headphone was difficult!!!! (but well worth my employment
)...rumors of the HD 700 (and various other models) started at the first International Head-Fi Meet in Queens a few years ago. Since then I have been beaten mercilessly by droves of devoted audiophiles who demanded more. We have been hard at work in the interim, and I think it shows with our new HD 800. Your beatings have paid off, and we were proud to break the news of the HD 800 here at Head-Fi....we wouldn't have it any other way.

I look forward to seeing you all at CJ'09 and thanks for a great launch-- it couldn't have happened without you.
Jan 13, 2009 at 3:00 PM Post #1,013 of 5,928
Yes I think we need a proper professional review of these. But time will tell it all. ANd time will bring us a proper street price too.
Jan 13, 2009 at 3:10 PM Post #1,014 of 5,928

Originally Posted by JazzJackRabbit /img/forum/go_quote.gif
[About the hyping]

I still count on the possibility to sell it again if it's not worth it.
But my "simple math" is: Sennheiser made an awesome headphone (HD 650) for ~250€ atm. If those people make one for 1000€ it'll probably blow my mind

Which leads me to:

Originally Posted by TheDeliveryMan /img/forum/go_quote.gif
3) It would be advantageous to get in line to order one from one of our select dealers (HeadRoom, TTVJ are currently servicing customers). This is not a sales pitch/trick, but a simple recommendation, as the phones have been ringing off the hook with questions ("where can I place an order?"), and Tyll and Todd will certainly tell you that they're getting a lot of questions as well...simply put, initial supply is certain to be limited with all of this demand. We want you to have one, though, and will bend over backwards to get what we "can" into your hands. (couldn't resist the cheezy pun). (did I spell "cheezy" right?)


Oh, wait, you're a Sennheiser USA represantative. Guess you won't be able to tell me..

Any recommended place to order from in Germany yet? (As soon as ordering in Europe is possible, of course)
Jan 13, 2009 at 3:12 PM Post #1,015 of 5,928

Originally Posted by JazzJackRabbit /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I'd say so far sennheiser marketing has been pretty effective. Only half-a-dozen people have had a chance to listen to these headphones for half an hour under less than ideal conditions with lots of ambient noise, nevermind doing critical listening A/B'ing them with other high quality cans. And yet, despite that, and despite the price, people are preordering them in droves (well for a $1400 headphone anyway).

It's brilliant really. Create a lot of hype before anyone has had a chance to do a critical review, create an impression of a limited run by imprinting serial number on the headband, and get as many headphones out of the door before any REAL reviews start popping up. By then it will be too late, the HD-800 cult will have been established. Even if HD-800 turns out not all that has been promised, they are still going to be very good, too many people will own them by then, and sheer peer pressure, popularity, and usual excuses about diminishing returns will keep the momentum going.

As for myself I'll wait for proper reviews. It's easy to get yourself hyped, I'm feeling it myself. However, these headphones are not limited edition, and $1400 is a lot of money to plunk down on a cat in a bag.

LOL. You should sit back and read that again and see just how ridiculous you sound.

REAL reviews? Seriously? What would make these real reviews that have been provided more REAL for you?

Create a lot of hype before anyone has had a chance to do a critical review? Exactly how did Sennheiser's master marketing deception team figure out a way to control the brains of Tyll, Jude, Voltron, BostonEars, jp#'s, etc. etc. and force them to "create a lot of hype".

Keep reaching man and make up some more absurd stuff like this. It's hilarious to read.
Jan 13, 2009 at 3:17 PM Post #1,016 of 5,928

Originally Posted by TheDeliveryMan /img/forum/go_quote.gif
5) Staying silent about this headphone was difficult!!!! (but well worth my employment
)...rumors of the HD 700 (and various other models) started at the first International Head-Fi Meet in Queens a few years ago.

But, but, but...your brilliant deceptive marketing team has obviously figured out a why to generate telepathic hype.
Jan 13, 2009 at 3:31 PM Post #1,017 of 5,928

Originally Posted by TheDeliveryMan /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I look forward to seeing you all at CJ'09 and thanks for a great launch-- it couldn't have happened without you.

And thanks to Senn for dedicating the thought and resources to delivering what appears to be a great product. Frankly, even if disappointed, it is still encouraging to see you guys push the envelope.

A question, which you may or may not be able to answer. Is the HD 800 a concerted attempt by Senn's engineers to meld the best of electrostatic phones with the best of dynamics?
Jan 13, 2009 at 3:35 PM Post #1,018 of 5,928

Originally Posted by Edwood /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Any word from Sennheiser when they'll start selling replacement parts, namely stock replacement cables?


someone know the HD800 have the same connector of HD650 ? I guess not to avoid us to test our existing replacement cable on the HD800. ;-(

SAA Voice seem interesting but we see the "trick" miles around ... the same price of the headphone ... they take the boat and they know peaple will buy that for sure.

But other compagnies will have room to make theirs own version at better price.

I hope the stock cable is good quality and "better cable" will be more "different" than "hand down better in every way".
Jan 13, 2009 at 3:35 PM Post #1,019 of 5,928

I just hope there would not be another "HD580 driver inside of HD650" incident again with this product, and hopefully you guys would response better if similar things happen again.

At that time, your responses were just terrible, and was about to become serious mess, only to be prevented by Tyll (he did not have to volunteer what your company should had done.)

I keep my fingers crossed.
Jan 13, 2009 at 3:38 PM Post #1,020 of 5,928

Originally Posted by xz123 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Any recommended place to order from in Germany yet? (As soon as ordering in Europe is possible, of course)

The HD800 will be available in Germany starting Q2/2009. Looks like the american market will be served firsr. Pricing is set around 1,000 Euros, and I am afraid street prices will not be much lower while initial demand is high.

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