The Fiio X3 Thread.
Jan 9, 2014 at 12:03 PM Post #7,741 of 17,507
Yeah I think DAP + intergrated amp is the way forward! I know people moan about firmware bugs and whatnot but to be honest FiiO has done an incredible job getting this product designed and released. Especially considering its at a much better price than the competitors, like the iBasso DX50 for example.
I was going to buy it at launch but didin't really have enough cash to spend on a new player but now I have its my DAP of choice!

Agreed and as you've said, who apart from Fiio offers a HiREZ DAP with a beefy amp and LO in this price range. Lets not forget this is Fiio's first foray into this territory and once the FW issues have been rectified and additonal features added this truly will be a huge step up from what has been available until now for a reasonable amount of money.
I've never been a fanboy of any particular manufacturer/brand up to now but must admit to be duly impressed by Fiio's approach.
If only Cowon could be smart like this they might still produce audio products that people would actually want to buy...they totally missed that train.
Jan 9, 2014 at 12:55 PM Post #7,742 of 17,507
Hey, X3 lovers and owners...I've been using mine for a few months, but all of a sudden it will stop playing tracks in folders!  I know that some of these folders have been on the internal drive since the day I loaded songs into it...but now it will just stop playing a song (not in the middle of the song, it just won't play any part of the song).  If you forward to the next song, no problem!  Anyway, I'm thinking about just wiping the whole internal drive, and trying all over again.  Does the new firmware have all the info needed to start over, Or should I download/install something else?  All comments, tips, suggestions, insults are welcome. 
Jan 9, 2014 at 2:03 PM Post #7,743 of 17,507
Hey, X3 lovers and owners...I've been using mine for a few months, but all of a sudden it will stop playing tracks in folders!  I know that some of these folders have been on the internal drive since the day I loaded songs into it...but now it will just stop playing a song (not in the middle of the song, it just won't play any part of the song).  If you forward to the next song, no problem!  Anyway, I'm thinking about just wiping the whole internal drive, and trying all over again.  Does the new firmware have all the info needed to start over, Or should I download/install something else?  All comments, tips, suggestions, insults are welcome. 

Been following this thread since I got my X3 in August and have been reading owners of X3 having problem with trying to load songs, updating library manually or auto, certain songs don't play or frequent freezing problem and deleting database library because songs are in the folder but just won't play.Certain micro SD cannot be recognised and 64gb card having access to it.

Currently have Sandisk C10 32gb in my X3 and the only problems I am having are...

1) occasional freeze when searching or fast forward or press next song when in the middle of playing. Basically from my own usage... Messing about with song selection or browsing thru the folder will cause the freeze.

2) certain songs can't display art cover. Okay some of my art cover are big ass size... So I have change some of the album that don't display cover to the smallest available art cover I can find and now most of it are 240*240 but it still does not solve my problem... Like my Led Zeppelin Box Set is one that does not display album cover which I have change the original art cover to smallest size not more than 240*240 and now some songs have art cover and some don't (50%). So I don't know what's wrong. All my songs have art cover and it displayed properly in my smartphone and my Samsung Tab but it just doesn't work very well before and after downsizing my art cover size.

3) Charging issue...using my iPad charger and the USB cable provided by Fiio.. .upon plug in.... Screen display charging and it will go on and on with the screen showing the battery is being charged but it won't stop where it show the indicator is green. Most of the time I will unplug and plug in again... Then only the green light will lit up ...This has been since the first day I got it till now.

I truly sympathise with other owners of X3 who had numerous problems to the point of wanting to give up on the X3. This is my two cent worth of analysis.. goes and it is just my opinion.

1) It could be a bad batch of X3 maybe due to rushing out the products to consumer who have been waiting for it.

2) Which in my humble opinion... If that is the case... That is why some owners are enjoying it and some are cursing why did they buy it and felt they have fed a beta model with lots of bugs that should have been an easy products to use with ease.

3) Fiio need to determine thru this thread who are the users that are facing much difficulty and those who have returned their X3 or those who have sent it back to Fiio for problem solving.
My heart goes to those send their X3 back to Fiio for problem solving and left with alternative but to wait another time around for Fiio to ship it back to them.

4) it should not be that difficult to use X3 but evidently some users are banging their heads with songs missing.. .songs not playing.... Updating taking more than 30 minute... during updating library will freeze.... Frequent freezing the point of deleting database.. .press pin for hard reset.... Set to auto for library.... Disabling gap less......when all this should not be much of a hassle to overcome.

As for me... I have listed my problem and compared to some... Mine are in anyway near those faced by frustrated owners and also would be buyer would also be doing a double take on making the leap to buy X3. I just wanna say I am a complete idiot and would not have the knowledge or the time to tag properly or delete library database or rebuild the library and copy and drag over and over again but the songs are just not playing .

I thank my lucky stars that my X3 don't have such problem and don't intend to do anything drastic... Current 32gb and 8gb memory filled to the max... Working well except for occasional freeze and art cover not displaying for 50% of my music...... Other than that Fiio X3 is EXCELLENT FOR ITS SOUND QUALITY FOR THE PRICE and not gonna do anything like getting a new 64gb or taking out my micro SD card.. .just gonna use keep on enjoying it until this thread are only filled with admiration of X3 and not users having difficulty in using this player... Which should be easy to use.

Last but not least... This is just my opinion and by no means an expert in techno stuff or audiophile but someone who just enjoy music (btw got mine from MP4 Nation)
Jan 9, 2014 at 8:03 PM Post #7,744 of 17,507
There's a review at
if anyone is interested in a HiFi mainstream view.
Jan 9, 2014 at 8:51 PM Post #7,745 of 17,507
Fiona Fiio did really well on her first trip out; portable, easy to use and the sounds being produced are exciting without being tiring or brash or muddy or bloated - a pleasing neutral yet detailed sound that also allows for dynamism, and that is all straight out the box without changing any bass or treble settings. It doesn''t force the music onto allows me to explore the music at my own pace..very nice, very subtle.
I gave Fiona a little firmware bath on our return to Yeknod Villas...easy peasy lemon squeezy.
Jan 9, 2014 at 8:57 PM Post #7,746 of 17,507
  Fiona Fiio did really well on her first trip out; portable, easy to use and the sounds being produced are exciting without being tiring or brash or muddy or bloated - a pleasing neutral yet detailed sound that also allows for dynamism, and that is all straight out the box without changing any bass or treble settings. It doesn''t force the music onto allows me to explore the music at my own pace..very nice, very subtle.
I gave Fiona a little firmware bath on our return to Yeknod Villas...easy peasy lemon squeezy.

 easy peasy lemon squeezy.

Said Fiona FiiO as she is being drowned by the 'little firmware bath'. 

Some X3's don't survive a firmware bath. Mine didn't survive the bath from 1.x to 2.x. Lots of immediate concern that sent her to Panda E.R. I had to do an immediate gastro-memory-bypass on my own Fanda FiiO so that I may ressucitate it. 
Jan 9, 2014 at 9:35 PM Post #7,747 of 17,507
Made an icon up for Windows 7 Playback Devices for the X3 as a DAC just like I did for the E17 and Burson Conductor SL.

Save this X3 Icon file in your Docs or Pics, if you set the icon then move the file you will have to set it again.
Here is the E17/E09K Icon as well for anyone that wants it as well.
Right Click the volume control in the notification area and select Playback Devices.
You can also rename the Speaker to FiiO X3 or whatever you choose.
Click on the Speaker Interface (FiiO X3) and select Properties.
On the properties dialog screen click the Change Icon Button.
Select the saved Icon file below and hit OK.
Much nicer IMHO.


Jan 9, 2014 at 11:31 PM Post #7,751 of 17,507
I've odserved an odd issue with my X3.  At times it skippd the first few seconds of the next track. I use the back button and it plays just fine the secound time around.  My X3 has the latest 2.1 fw. Anyone experience anything similar?
Jan 9, 2014 at 11:54 PM Post #7,752 of 17,507
  Fiona Fiio did really well on her first trip out; portable, easy to use and the sounds being produced are exciting without being tiring or brash or muddy or bloated - a pleasing neutral yet detailed sound that also allows for dynamism, and that is all straight out the box without changing any bass or treble settings. It doesn''t force the music onto allows me to explore the music at my own pace..very nice, very subtle.
I gave Fiona a little firmware bath on our return to Yeknod Villas...easy peasy lemon squeezy.

My experience with my X3 was that it didn't sound very good at all for the first 20 hours or so, but steadily improved with use. It keeps getting better the more I use it. (or the brain damage takes hold)
Jan 10, 2014 at 12:20 AM Post #7,753 of 17,507
Hello all, I am looking for a portable DAC/amp for my X3 with 24/192 resolution and a low noise floor.
I am using Alpha Dogs and want a bit more volume and clarity.
I am sure that many options have been mentioned in this thread but there are SO many pages!
Can I please get a few recommendations?
Jan 10, 2014 at 12:42 AM Post #7,754 of 17,507
  Said Fiona FiiO as she is being drowned by the 'little firmware bath'. 

Some X3's don't survive a firmware bath. Mine didn't survive the bath from 1.x to 2.x. Lots of immediate concern that sent her to Panda E.R. I had to do an immediate gastro-memory-bypass on my own Fanda FiiO so that I may ressucitate it. 

That would be alarming and I daresay would cause not a little panic. A casual pass through these pages does suggest that a lobotomy procedure with the odd suppository where needed does restore the X3 to expected behaviour.
Jan 10, 2014 at 12:42 AM Post #7,755 of 17,507
  Hello all, I am looking for a portable DAC/amp for my X3 with 24/192 resolution and a low noise floor.
I am using Alpha Dogs and want a bit more volume and clarity.
I am sure that many options have been mentioned in this thread but there are SO many pages!
Can I please get a few recommendations?

Why not use the X3 as it is given that the X3 already has what you needed?

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