The diary entries of a little girl! ~ | ~ Latest memoir: oıpnɐ ןɐuıɟ
Sep 18, 2011 at 6:07 AM Post #152 of 3,746
Ok, nice, hope you like the EX600. It's a very good IEM.
Yes, I'll be picking up an XBA-3 or XBA-4, FO SHO, 4 shure, ad infinitas... etc.
I expected no less, but I'm pretty happy that Sony have developed the balanced armature's themselves, and put several years research into these new IEM's, the fact the drivers are slightly different than usual and made in Japan is very positive.
I love retro Sony gear, nothing Sony has ever broken on me (except a PS2) and their flagship audio products are incredible (they were even on the cover of a sterophile magazine recently) so I'm a bit of a Sony fan, but I never enclose myself to a single brand, and will try any audio product open-mindedly, even Skullcandy or unknown chinese brands that don't exist in english.
I've criticized the Shure SE535, which may have made me seem "anti-Shure" and a brand favoritist, but that's not the case, I thought the Shure SRH-940 sounded like an excellent HP, most likely surpassing the Sony SA-5k.
I don't like Apple but they'll never release a decent audio product at a reasonable price, their earbuds sound pretty decent but that's only because they're made by Fostex.
Ultimately I have to pass on the Fostex HP-P1 portable DAC/Amp because the DAC section seems tailored for Apple products so it's pointless to me, a $700+ portable amp, NICE... I think I'll just uh... check out the desktop units HP-A3/A7 if I ever get the chance to... and look for a different portable amp when I feel like one, I may need one for my new custom IEM's and new headphone... if I can find a portable amp that will do them justice... and not just some off-the-shelf six-fold profit chinese plastic box junk.
Sep 18, 2011 at 6:42 AM Post #153 of 3,746

Ok, nice, hope you like the EX600. It's a very good IEM.
Yes, I'll be picking up an XBA-3 or XBA-4, FO SHO, 4 shure, ad infinitas... etc.
I expected no less, but I'm pretty happy that Sony have developed the balanced armature's themselves, and put several years research into these new IEM's, the fact the drivers are slightly different than usual and made in Japan is very positive.
I love retro Sony gear, nothing Sony has ever broken on me (except a PS2) and their flagship audio products are incredible (they were even on the cover of a sterophile magazine recently) so I'm a bit of a Sony fan, but I never enclose myself to a single brand, and will try any audio product open-mindedly, even Skullcandy or unknown chinese brands that don't exist in english.
I've criticized the Shure SE535, which may have made me seem "anti-Shure" and a brand favoritist, but that's not the case, I thought the Shure SRH-940 sounded like an excellent HP, most likely surpassing the Sony SA-5k.
I don't like Apple but they'll never release a decent audio product at a reasonable price, their earbuds sound pretty decent but that's only because they're made by Fostex.
Ultimately I have to pass on the Fostex HP-P1 portable DAC/Amp because the DAC section seems tailored for Apple products so it's pointless to me, a $700+ portable amp, NICE... I think I'll just uh... check out the desktop units HP-A3/A7 if I ever get the chance to... and look for a different portable amp when I feel like one, I may need one for my new custom IEM's and new headphone... if I can find a portable amp that will do them justice... and not just some off-the-shelf six-fold profit chinese plastic box junk.

I have high hopes for them. You should think about writing more about the EX IEM's in your diary. In my opinion it would make a good entry and fill out the thread nicely. If you're really open minded about trying out new products why don't you try hunting down this and see if it's your cup of tea. Tonight when I ran across the thread the first thing that crossed my mind was I was surprised you had never looked into them.
Sep 18, 2011 at 7:45 AM Post #154 of 3,746
1. I don't own the EX1000 or EX800ST, with those two vital models missing I can't make a solid EX series assessment, it's not like I'm not rich or anything... with the XBA series coming out soon I can't see myself ever listening to the EX800ST.
2. Never looked into whom?
Sep 18, 2011 at 11:33 AM Post #155 of 3,746
1. I don't own the EX1000 or EX800ST, with those two vital models missing I can't make a solid EX series assessment, it's not like I'm not rich or anything... with the XBA series coming out soon I can't see myself ever listening to the EX800ST.
2. Never looked into whom?

I believe our friend DigitalFreak is referring to the JH-3A, which must be purchased with a re-tuned JH16. Not by any means inexpensive. 

Sep 18, 2011 at 1:27 PM Post #156 of 3,746
I should've checked/replied to this earlier - school's been keeping me busy

I believe this place is designed to answer that question
I'm not Chinese, not sure why you thought that, and thanks but I'm only swimming along the shorelines of the ocean of audio.

Oooohhhh okay. So i checked the site, and low and behold its Taiwan. I'll have to ask my friend's opinion (can't seem to find it here in Shenyang).
I apologize for being too forward there. I just assumed you were chinese as Chinese characters (simplified mind you) are generally used by mainlanders, Taiwan, and koreans (though, the younger generations have phased that out), as well as Japan's Kanji system. But I guess ki-te-ki can also be a Jap name so... iono lol. 
edit: actually, the list of chinese using countries keep going. Forgot about singapore and asia's other countries (though, i still think singapore and a few of the other countries that use chinese are chinese lol)

Hey Sushisamurai, I believe I am qualified to answer some of your questions by virtue of actually being from Hong Kong. Great place, biggest selection at their flagship store and you can try almost everything. Among other things I tried EX-1000's and SE535's here. They were broken and I got very nervous they would blame me. Talk about aggressively buying up a domain name, Kingsound is also very cool with a few different stores. I tried the UM3X here. Much smaller, much newer in Hong Kong, but they have a pretty big rep here with many stores across different countries. They were very friendly here, and here was I actually made my purchase - the only place that stocks SM3's.
Now if you go to Mong Kok, there is essentially a trinity of these 3 stores in a very concentrated area (two of them being in this weird computer centre and Mingo being in this slightly scary office building), so I ran around over serveral days comparing a lot of different options before settling on the SM3. It was way way too much fun. I am going to do the same when I go back in Nov.

The first part - yeah, I hate when they think u break products. They're so anal about that stuff.  So Mong Gok / Mong Kok is the place to go huh? Thanks for the help man. I checked out a few high end stores here in Beijing and Shenyang (Sum yueng), and well... they have the products, but nothing really to try and they don't want to open the 'new' packaging for their high end products (very dumb IMO). Also, the guy tried selling me Dr. Dre beats cause... its all about face here.... >_<;  [essentially, it was 'why buy Shure when u can buy these Beats for the same price!' god, kill me now] - Speaking of which, I can find Fiio products here, but can't buy them cause their profit margins for them are too small so they don't carry any of them (aside from Iphone/itouch compatible products only...), same with any headphone amp. Not to rant, but i still don't understand why they'll shelf the products if they're not going to sell them...
Sep 18, 2011 at 9:54 PM Post #158 of 3,746
Is it just me, or does the addition of the word 'girl' to a thread title guarantee responses on Head-Fi ?  I think I'll change my board name to Ivana H ...
(fans of Austin Powers, rejoice !)
Sep 18, 2011 at 10:16 PM Post #161 of 3,746
Koreans don't use Chinese characters, and Japan deviated from them an odd 2700 years ago.
The Japanese name for for Japan (日本) is incorrectly pronounced in Mandarin as "Jih peng" (or something like that) and "Ze peng" in Shanghainese, thus leading to the international word "Ja pan".
My username isn't in "Chinese characters" so I'm not sure what you're talking about... but it never occured to me it could look Chinese... you mean like Qī Tè Qì?  That's sortof interesting... thank you.
Thanks for sharing your story about idiotic salesmen, I used to work in sales so I have met a few of those :)  If someone tries to convince you that "teh beats" are better than Shure, just tell him to shut up or you'll buy the Shures from someone else, that's pretty much what I do. :)
For the "JH-3A", I "have" looked into "them", I've put more research into custom IEM's than anything else audio related.
 I am "not" very fond of the idea of a portable amp in my back pocket that costs as much as a nice car, but if I ever get the chance to listen to it I'll keep an open mind, cancelling out all factors like price, marketing, status and so on and just listen to the sound quality in a serene state of .
Sep 18, 2011 at 10:16 PM Post #162 of 3,746
Is it just me, or does the addition of the word 'girl' to a thread title guarantee responses on Head-Fi ?  I think I'll change my board name to Ivana H ...
(fans of Austin Powers, rejoice !)

(lol, the implications!)
Perhaps I should have gone with Mad Maxine, Mad Mary, or Mad Madeline.  That last one does sound kind of cool.  =p

Sep 18, 2011 at 10:20 PM Post #163 of 3,746
Do you already have the price for XBA-4? I suddenly want to keep my MDR7550 :D

I'm most keen on the XBA-3 myself... is the extra sub-bass in the 4 really necessary? and no, no prices here yet afaik... not really in a rush to get it either... have the ultimate headphone and custom IEM's on the way and everything so...
Sep 18, 2011 at 10:24 PM Post #164 of 3,746
Is it just me, or does the addition of the word 'girl' to a thread title guarantee responses on Head-Fi ?  I think I'll change my board name to Ivana H ...
(fans of Austin Powers, rejoice !)

I believe there is a very good female chess player in the U.S. called "Ivana Krush"... or more appropriately abbreviated as "I. Krush".
Sep 18, 2011 at 10:24 PM Post #165 of 3,746
Koreans don't use Chinese characters, and Japan deviated from them an odd 2700 years ago.
The Japanese name for for Japan (日本) is incorrectly pronounced in Mandarin as "Jih peng" (or something like that) and "Ze peng" in Shanghainese, thus leading to the international word "Ja pan".
My username isn't in "Chinese characters" so I'm not sure what you're talking about... but it never occured to me it could look Chinese... you mean like Qī Tè Qì?  That's sortof interesting... thank you.

Korean characters looks so different from Japanese and Chinese characters.

Well, "kiteki" is very similar to "kiseki", or "miracle" in Japanese; correct me if I'm wrong.

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