How do you know if an IEM needs amped?
Are there any that even require to be amped?- 7Virtues
- Thread
- teclast-t51
- Replies: 7
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Apple MFI Pricing?
I didn't really know where to put this since it originally related to my search for an iPhone DAC that would allow me to enjoy superior sound with my iPhone and not have a separate gadget for music (I subsequently ended up with a DX90 and love it!). However, I've just noticed that on the...- Tstorey
- Thread
- teclast-t51 beyerdynamic-t50p ibasso-dx90-portable-digital-audio-player
- Replies: 5
- Forum: Portable Headphone Amps
Best Looking Portable
I'm sort of stealing this idea from the Full-size forum. But I think the Beyerdynamic T51p is the best looking portable I've seen so far. On the contrary, Sennheiser Momentums are too leather laden for my tastes, and as I mentioned once already, the stitching in the leather headband reminds me...- dharan
- Thread
- beyerdynamic-t51p teclast-t51
- Replies: 2
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
beyerdynamic T51p & T51i impressions thread
lets enjoy I got mine last week and am really loving the sound. They look very stylish too, sort of video game techy. Here are some reviews: Quote from http://www.headfonia.com/amazing-beyerdynamic-t51p/ Quote from...- navii
- Thread
- beyerdynamic-t51p teclast-t51
- Replies: 190
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Teclast T51 Spare parts?
I'm sorry if this is in the wrong place I'm currently have a Teclast T51, but it suffers form touchscreen failure. Everthing runs fine. It could boot up and the scrren is normal. Just the touchscreen is non functioning. Does anyone has a link to the spare part for it or maybe have a dead T51...- nangryo
- Thread
- teclast-t51
- Replies: 1
- Forum: Portable Source Gear
Which DAP to go with AKG K3003i
I am a new owner of AKG K 3003i amazing iem's. I am currently using it with my old and beloved iRiver iH120 player. I am just wondering if the player might be the best pairing combination for these high end iem's? I could easily spend anothercouple of hundred dollars to improve my setup...- Retfeg
- Thread
- teclast-t51 akg-k3003
- Replies: 0
- Forum: Portable Source Gear
Teclast T51 + MS1i and CMOY Amp?
Hi, I am exploring option whether to add a portable amp just for fun while women buy bags and shoes we need some man toys too sometime :) I have the T51 that uses RK2806 as DAC, Philips UDA1308 for HO and TI Op Amp OPA2604 for LO. I am waiting for my MS1i to come and I heard the Grado RA-1...- whoelse
- Thread
- teclast-t51 alessandro-ms1i
- Replies: 2
- Forum: Portable Headphone Amps
Cowon J3 vs. T51/S:flo2 vs. iPod Classic
Hi guys. Which one of these is the best of SQ, battery life, UI? All of them are long time on a market, so are there any successors?- pcia
- Thread
- teclast-t51 nationite-s-flo2
- Replies: 7
- Forum: Portable Source Gear
Nationite S:Flo2/Teclast T51, Meizu M6 , Cowon J3 Comparison
First time post: I have been looking for a great sounding lossless player for audio only. (Video features are fine but I won’t use them.) After spending a couple hours scrubbing through the reviews and threads here I have narrowed my search to these three players. Here is a rundown of the...- zerodoug
- Thread
- teclast-t51 nationite-s-flo2
- Replies: 0
- Forum: Portable Source Gear
Any great portable digital players?Just got SONY EX1000, but also got frustrated.
I just got EX1000 by SONY. It seems the majority that owns EX1000 doesn't use Ipod Classic to pair them. Ipod Classic really can't drive EX1000 very well, maybe only up to 50%? But this pair sounds no good. Singers' voice is awkward in some points; sounds go very awkward when i play some...- Alias Gu
- Thread
- sony-mdr-ex1000 sandisk-sansa-clip-4-gb-mp3-player apple-iphone-4-white-16gb hifiman-602 hm-601-music-players teclast-t51 nationite-s-flo2 digital-audio-flac-mp3-players hisoundaudio-studio-v sony-mdr-ex-1000
- Replies: 8
- Forum: Portable Source Gear
Need an MP3 replacement :'(
Anyone have any good suggestions for Mp3 player for under £100 ? I think I will change onto something DAC when I head back to Hong Kong this xmas. I lost my good old reliable Telecast T51 so I will need a replacement for it, atm on my list are Sansa Clip Zip 4gb £25.61 +...- @@anderson@@
- Thread
- colorfly-ck4 sandisk-sansa-clip-8-gb-mp3-player-black teclast-t51 sandisk-sdmx22-004g-a57k-sansa-clip-zip-4-gb-black digital-audio-flac-mp3-players colorfly-c3
- Replies: 5
- Forum: Portable Source Gear
sfl:o2/ Teclast t51
Does any1 know where I can buy the Teclast t51/sfl:o2? been searching everywhere and i also read that it was discontinued...- Poetic
- Thread
- teclast-t51 nationite-s-flo2 digital-audio-flac-mp3-players
- Replies: 24
- Forum: Portable Source Gear
Teclast T51: super sound but high and disturbing background noise
I'm using my Teclast T51 with UE Triple.Fi 10. I'm very pleased with the sound but what really disturbs me is the high background noise ( it gets sometimes critical at higher volume levels ). Before I bought this Player I read in a review that it nearly doesn't have background noise at all. Did...- Nathanael
- Thread
- teclast-t51 portable-source-components digital-audio-flac-mp3-players
- Replies: 1
- Forum: Portable Source Gear
Any direct update from Teclast for model T51?
Hi, I haven't been surfing HF for quite sometime, I have been using T51 for more than 2yrs IIRC. I am so out date not updating myself or surfing HF... did Teclast came out a direct replacement for it? Cheers.- whoelse
- Thread
- teclast-t51 portable-source-components digital-audio-flac-mp3-players
- Replies: 3
- Forum: Portable Source Gear
RoCoo P DAP - Full Review
I was looking for a new DAP a few months ago when my Cowon S9's power slider stopped working properly. I was considering the HiFiMan 601, HiFiMan 802, S:Flo2, and a few other DAPs. After fixing the power slider problem myself, I stopped looking for a DAP because I was content with my Cowon...- SolidVictory
- Thread
- hisoundaudio-rocoo-p teclast-t51 portable-source-components nationite-s-flo2 digital-audio-flac-mp3-players hisoundaudio-studio-v
- Replies: 504
- Forum: Portable Source Gear
Calling All Etymotic Experts
Preface: Looking for a reference type IEM. Previous Ety ownership has been 95% unamped. Interested in P or S discusion with use 100% of time with amp. (Ibasso T3). Interested in actual discussion, not "just get adapter and have both." My understanding is while the P has a bit more...- Spyro
- Thread
- hm-601-music-players etymotic-er-4p-portable-in-ear-earphones teclast-t51 etymotic in-ear
- Replies: 6
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Help selecting a new set of headphones 100-300$ price range
I currently own a pair of Sennheiser HD-280 pro headphones. I don't feel like I'm getting everything out of my music with them that I can (the source I'm using is a Teclast T-51). I've basically narrowed down my choices to 1 of 3 things. Fischer Audio FA-003 Denon AH-D2000 Keep the...- Flippant
- Thread
- denon-ahd2000-high-performance-over-ear-headphones fischer-audio-fa-003 headphones over-ear sennheiser-hd-280-headphones teclast-t51
- Replies: 15
- Forum: Headphones (full-size)
tf10 vs sm3...head to head direct comparison
Used teclast t51>headstage arrow 3g>sony hybrid tips first thing is first.....tf10 or sm3....I think both are amazing product.....if you think sm3 is an upgrade from tf10....you are wrong.....it is a matter of taste when you get to this point. The first time I listened to tf10 I was...- odiofile
- Thread
- teclast-t51 in-ear earsonics-sm3-universal-fit-iem custom-in-ear-monitors shure-se535-cl-triple-high-definition-microdriver-earphone-with-detachable-cable-clear
- Replies: 5
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Teclast T56?
I have heard positive things about the T51's sound quality, however it has me wondering how the higher model in the line compares in sound. It has a different screen size and interface but i cant seem to find any information on its technical specs in my language :( I am hoping that it also...- Vonx
- Thread
- headphones teclast-t51
- Replies: 10
- Forum: Dedicated Source Components
The diary entries of a little girl! ~ | ~ Latest memoir: oıpnɐ ןɐuıɟ
Dear Diary! ~ kiteki's adventures in audioland ~ __________________________________________________ ~ puɐןoıpnɐ uı sǝɹnʇuǝʌpɐ s,ıʞǝʇıʞ ~ ¡ʎɹɐıp ɹɐǝp This thread is my diary, I'm just here to write whatever I want. Post #1 - This Post #2 -...- kiteki
- Thread
- unique-melody headphone-amplifiers teclast-t51 violectric-hpa-v200 fostex-hp-p1 custom-in-ear-monitors
- Replies: 3,745
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Sennheiser HD25-1 II vs Audio Technica ATH-M50 for Trance/Electronic Music
Hi my dear friends; I'm looking for a new portable headphone. I usually listen trance and electonic music but now I'm in dilemma with these two headphones. If you help me choosing best one for electronic music, I'll be grateful. I almost forget I'm using sansa clip v1 and teclast t51. Thank you...- xPro_MetheuSx
- Thread
- audio-technica-ath-m50-studio-monitor-headphones audio-technica-ath-m50s headphones over-ear sennheiser-adidas-hd-25-1-ii-orginals-headphones-black-blue sennheiser-hd-25-1-ii-professional-headphone shure-srh750-dj-headphones-black spider-realvoice-vertical-in-the-ear-headphone teclast-t51
- Replies: 16
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Birthday portable DAP recommendation
My b-day is coming up and I'm looking to get a portable DAP. I was thinking Fuze+ but it has no rockbox support and I'm looking for 32gig minimum (since I've been redoing my entire library in flac). Another really nice feature would be digital audio output via USB or some such. I dont need all...- shrimants
- Thread
- shure-srh-940 sandisk-sansa-fuze-2-gb-video-mp3-player-black teclast-t51 portable-source-components nationite-s-flo2
- Replies: 24
- Forum: Portable Source Gear
Teclast TL-T51 Line out + Sennheiser MX580 volume control = Good combo :)
Yesterday I pick up a pair of MX580 and I love the sound. Even without proper burn in, it became my instant favourite. It's detail, warm and sweet. I have a few IMEs but I prefer normal earphone, more comfortable for me. The UF10 is great, very clean, detail and fast sounding but the wire and...- whoelse
- Thread
- spider-realvoice-vertical-in-the-ear-headphone teclast-t51 sennheiser-mx-580-stereo-headphones-with-intergrated-volume-control in-ear
- Replies: 3
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Cowon D3, Colorfly ck4, Sony NW-A846, T51- Best SQ
wish one of the player in the title would provide the best sound quality?- Juiced
- Thread
- colorfly-ck4 sony-a846 ibasso-d3-python teclast-t51 portable-source-components
- Replies: 7
- Forum: Portable Source Gear
Best ear tip for Sennheiser IE-8: HOD's Teclast-T51 R8 IEM
With my HOD Teclast T-51 DAP came a "free" IEM (model R8): http://www.houseofdap.com/teclast-t51-hi-fi-quality-3-5-inch-mp4-player-8gb.html They come with an extra set of (white) silicone (??) flange tips that I found to be (overall) the BEST tip I've used for my IE-8. I've used several...- alphaman
- Thread
- teclast-t51 in-ear sennheiser-ie-8i-ear-canal-headset
- Replies: 0
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors