Teclast T56?
Sep 16, 2011 at 5:47 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 11


100+ Head-Fier
Jul 7, 2011
I have heard positive things about the T51's sound quality, however it has me wondering how the higher model in the line compares in sound. It has a different screen size and interface but i cant seem to find any information on its technical specs in my language :frowning2:
I am hoping that it also has a larger storage capacity; there is no way in neptunes fury that I'll be able to store all my FLAC on an 8GB hard drive, and I have no motivation to start flash modding all my DAP's. 
Anybody have any information on this device?
*twiddles thumbs*
here is some information from the Teclast site itself, but its embedded text on a picture so it cant be translated with google: http://www.teclast.com/zhuanti/t56/
and regardless of specs and terms, has anyone actually heard or owned this device?
id really like to hear how these compare to the cowons
Sep 17, 2011 at 3:53 AM Post #5 of 11

Show us pics and specs of the T56.
On the T51 I use a 16GB Kingston MicroSD for my FLAC, and the internal 8GB for my MP3, pretty simple.
Teclast make a LOT of products, why are you curious about the T56, in particular?

Mostly interested since the t51 seemed to be more audio focused whereas some of the other products are not as audio focused. 
I could be wrong, just its very hard to see the specs when its not my language :D
i linked a post in the OP to the T56 spec straight from Teclast, it has pictures and such, just none of it legible for me :frowning2:
Sep 18, 2011 at 3:59 PM Post #7 of 11


This place is rather audio focused, y'alll.

Haha, it very well could be. It just seemed that they were advertising the T51 solely for its audio performance while other products were more recognized by their own company as having other strengths. Either way, most of it wasn't in my language, so I wouldn't know.
EDIT: By the way, why are you selling your 2000's? I thought you loved those.
Sep 18, 2011 at 5:51 PM Post #8 of 11
Haha, it very well could be. It just seemed that they were advertising the T51 solely for its audio performance while other products were more recognized by their own company as having other strengths. Either way, most of it wasn't in my language, so I wouldn't know.
EDIT: By the way, why are you selling your 2000's? I thought you loved those.

T51 is designed for audio, the others are designed more for video.
Selling the 2000's because in my review where it says I loved those, I also wrote I loved the Tesla T5p's.
Sep 21, 2011 at 8:58 AM Post #11 of 11
Interesting, subscribed

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