The Beyerdynamic DT880 Discussion thread
Dec 14, 2016 at 8:35 PM Post #10,442 of 12,567
Has anyone tried the fiio e18 with the Dr 880 250 ohm? Is it powerful enough, and how does it sound?

It's loud enough for healthy levels (and just a tad more as well).
It sounds very well as long as you like DT880's neutralish and slightly bright sound signature.
Dec 14, 2016 at 9:13 PM Post #10,444 of 12,567
Sonarworks helps these a fair amount.

Yes, sure EQ can help.
Only thing to keep in mind is that you normally lower the level some dBs before EQing when you want to boost certain frequencies.
For instance, if you lower 6dB the whole range then the amplifier will need higher gain to compensate.
For simpler subtractive tweaks, say - 4dB @ 8kHz there's no need to lower the level.
Dec 14, 2016 at 9:54 PM Post #10,445 of 12,567
Yes, sure EQ can help.
Only thing to keep in mind is that you normally lower the level some dBs before EQing when you want to boost certain frequencies.
For instance, if you lower 6dB the whole range then the amplifier will need higher gain to compensate.

For simpler subtractive tweaks, say - 4dB @ 8kHz there's no need to lower the level.

Sonarworks will avoid clipping fir you. However, you may need a powerful amp to compensate for some of the eq if it is significant.
Dec 14, 2016 at 10:35 PM Post #10,446 of 12,567
Sonarworks will avoid clipping fir you. However, you may need a powerful amp to compensate for some of the eq if it is significant.

Yes, that's what I was talking about.
I think you can turn the compensation off when using sonarworks equalizer but it's not advisable to do so.
Dec 15, 2016 at 4:39 PM Post #10,447 of 12,567
I apparently like the beyer house sound... I have always enjoyed my 880's (using a Kenwood KR-V106R from the 80s with them... sometimes using the EQ on it for lower the high end a bit.)   I just got my DV336SE and I really like them with this..
I find I only am bothered w/ the brightness on low quality source material and /or material that is just mastered too bright to start with.
but I do feel (after 5~days or so with it...) the DV336 is really nice with the DT880's (250Ohms premiums is what I own).
Dec 15, 2016 at 10:43 PM Post #10,448 of 12,567
I gravitate more toward classical with my pair these days, with my HD 600 pulling non-classical duty (though the HD 600 handles non-classical just fine as well). The extra treble of the DT880--particularly the upper treble extension--along with the deep bass extension and even midrange, does wonders for massed strings and vocals, especially since a lot of classical recordings tend toward being midrange-heavy. The HD 600 doesn't like too much midrange emphasis in a recording, as it tends to come across as a bit shouty. The DT880 handles this in stride, and as things like sibilance aren't a problem in instrumental or choral music (even with solo vocalists), the treble emphasis doesn't cause any issues.

If anybody remembers one of my previous posts where I mentioned that the pleather coating on my headband had turned into a mass of sticky goo, I managed to get all the gunk off with a bunch of judicious washing. As a consequence, I can enjoy my DT880 again after having shelved it for a while due to the nastiness. Something I've noticed is that after being coiled up for such a long time, the cable quite stubbornly resists any efforts to straighten it out. It has a lot more memory character than I remember it having when the headphone was new, and it's quite stiff. I guess these things happen as materials age. Beyer should really make a version of the DT880 with a detachable cable, so it can be easily replaced or swapped out with a third party equivalent. It'd give them an excuse to offer yet another product variation, and we all know how much they love that.
Dec 18, 2016 at 2:55 AM Post #10,451 of 12,567
Is the bass on this headphone bigger and or better than the HD 600?

The DT880's bass is better extended, with a touch less midbass emphasis. I actually prefer the DT880's bass to the HD 600's, though I like everything above the bass better on the HD 600.
Dec 19, 2016 at 4:05 AM Post #10,452 of 12,567
I have to say that I'm a newbie here. I've been reading threads in the forum for quite some time now, wow... its really like a whole new world for me. 

I recently got HD598 CS + Fiio e18 during black Friday and really like them a lot, currently using them in the office. So now I'm looking for another pair of headphones that are open-back to use at home. So just wondering for DT880 currently on sale at $ 149 and T90 at $259 on ebay which are really great deals!!
I want to ask is it worth it for a new guy like me who barely know much about headphones to go for T90 with an extra 100+ usd. T90 is no doubt a better cans compare to DT880 from what I read.  The question is can my ears hear the difference between these two cans since both are really good already? And are there that much different? (I mainly listen to classical music/ some pop + movies)   

Should I get T90 which consider one of the best cans and don't have to look for another pair again or get DT 880 and use for a while (couple of years) and get a different sound signature cans instead? Which one would be a better choice?  

Thank you in advance. 
Dec 19, 2016 at 10:30 AM Post #10,453 of 12,567
  I have to say that I'm a newbie here. I've been reading threads in the forum for quite some time now, wow... its really like a whole new world for me. 

I recently got HD598 CS + Fiio e18 during black Friday and really like them a lot, currently using them in the office. So now I'm looking for another pair of headphones that are open-back to use at home. So just wondering for DT880 currently on sale at $ 149 and T90 at $259 on ebay which are really great deals!!
I want to ask is it worth it for a new guy like me who barely know much about headphones to go for T90 with an extra 100+ usd. T90 is no doubt a better cans compare to DT880 from what I read.  The question is can my ears hear the difference between these two cans since both are really good already? And are there that much different? (I mainly listen to classical music/ some pop + movies)   

Should I get T90 which consider one of the best cans and don't have to look to another pair again or get DT 880 and use for a while (couple of years) and get a different sound signature cans instead? Which one would be a better choice?  

Thank you in advance. 

T90 has just a tad more bass and treble than DT880.
Some people prefer DT880 because it has a more neutral tuning and some people prefer T90 because it's more lively/punchy.
T90 is too bright for certain people, while DT880 is boring for certain people.
Both are very good headphones and both need quality recordings to sound their best.
Not always the most expensive is the one you'll enjoy the most.
I have the Tesla T1, along with the Sennheiser HD800 and other quality headphones and you can still find me using my DT880 from time to time.
Dec 19, 2016 at 10:47 AM Post #10,454 of 12,567
T90 has just a tad more bass and treble than DT880.
Some people prefer DT880 because it has a more neutral tuning and some people prefer T90 because it's more lively/punchy.
T90 is too bright for certain people, while DT880 is boring for certain people.
Both are very good headphones and both need quality recordings to sound their best.

Not always the most expensive is the one you'll enjoy the most.
I have the Tesla T1, along with the Sennheiser HD800 and other quality headphones and you can still find me using my DT880 from time to time.

This. I enjoy my DT880s along with other flagship headphones. To be honest, headphones approaching higher price tag usually brings you lesser "upgrade room" and more of side-grades. What you get is difference of sound signature rather than a distinction of better or worse.
Dec 19, 2016 at 12:31 PM Post #10,455 of 12,567
I have to say that I'm a newbie here. I've been reading threads in the forum for quite some time now, wow... its really like a whole new world for me. 

I recently got HD598 CS + Fiio e18 during black Friday and really like them a lot, currently using them in the office. So now I'm looking for another pair of headphones that are open-back to use at home. So just wondering for DT880 currently on sale at $ 149 and T90 at $259 on ebay which are really great deals!!

I want to ask is it worth it for a new guy like me who barely know much about headphones to go for T90 with an extra 100+ usd. T90 is no doubt a better cans compare to DT880 from what I read.  The question is can my ears hear the difference between these two cans since both are really good already? And are there that much different? (I mainly listen to classical music/ some pop + movies)   

Should I get T90 which consider one of the best cans and don't have to look to another pair again or get DT 880 and use for a while (couple of years) and get a different sound signature cans instead? Which one would be a better choice?  

Thank you in advance. 

I would get whatever sounds better to you, many people think the t90 has too much emphasis in the highs. I would try them out if I were you before purchasing one.

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