The Beyerdynamic DT880 Discussion thread
Jun 14, 2009 at 3:43 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 12,558


Headphoneus Supremus
Feb 29, 2008
Well, since every other high/highish mid-fi headphone has it's own thread of sorts, I don't know why this rather underappriciated headphone is not talked about more. Better than my DT880 '03's and really, the most balanced and best sounding SQ wise of all the DT880's. Have I found an end to my audio journey in terms of full-size cans? Yeah maybe, as it suits all my needs.
Only real flaw I can see is the sibilance issue that's apparent with all DT880's.

The DT880/600 has over the DT880 '03 in:

(My gear is two warm sources, an Asus Essence STX [with default opamps for now], and a Rockhopper M^3 SS amp [Yes, it's a warm sounding SS amp])

* Bass Response: This is the most noticeable improvement over the DT880 '03. It keeps all the tightness, depth and bass detail of the DT880 signature but it just has more of it, making it a much more balanced headphone over the DT880 '03.

* Mids: The mids are less sterile sounding than the DT880 '03 I did find.

* Highs: Depending on how you like your sound, this is either a good or a bad thing. The highs don't fatigue you as much as in the DT880 '03. The DT880/600 is much less bright sounding than the DT880 '03. It maysound 'rolled off' to people, but really, the highs sound much more natural. Combine this with the less recessed mids and better bass response, this is a very well balanced sounding headphone. It keeps the other aspects of the DT880 sound signature like the nice detail, soundstage, and as well, the biggest flaw as well found in the DT880: sibilance. Also since it also inherits the DT880's signature in slow speed, thus these aren't the most ideal for electronic heavy music but still does it very well but with faster speed, could be better of course.

EDIT: After pairing up the DT880/600 with a few sources, I feel the sibilance issue is much more due to other factors, such as 'synergy' than the actual headphone itself. This also doesn't discount the fact of inherit sibilance in recordings to start off with.

Remember, the DT880/600 is only $319 from Moon-Audio and Earphone Solutions, both Head-fi sponsors = much cheaper than going though Beyer themselves and only $20 more than a new '05 DT880 250ohm!
Jun 14, 2009 at 5:16 AM Post #2 of 12,558
I love both the 250Ohm and 600Ohm versions, but I strongly prefer the 600Ohm Manufaktur.

I like it's resolution/transparency as well as it's deeper bass (along with slightly more impact). Treble is smoothed out and the mids make a big appearance.

I hope everyone joins the club.
Jun 14, 2009 at 8:33 AM Post #3 of 12,558
These cans are on my list to purchase even though I have the HD800. I really like the DT880/600 and think they are much better than the other renditions of the DT880. A very well balanced headphone that fits between the K702 and the D7000/D5000. And with regards to your comments about sibilance, there is none when paired with a DNA Sonett tube amp. These cans need tubes.

The DT990 doesn't do much of anything for me as everything sounds like it's so compressed and spread out at the same time. Probably good for movies though.
Jun 14, 2009 at 12:56 PM Post #5 of 12,558

Originally Posted by IPodPJ /img/forum/go_quote.gif
And with regards to your comments about sibilance, there is none when paired with a DNA Sonett tube amp. These cans need tubes.

DNA Sonett: $1200
Rockhopper M^3: Got mine for $268.

mmmmmmm :p

That said, you must compare the HD800 to the DT880/600
Jun 30, 2009 at 11:38 AM Post #6 of 12,558
A nicely balanced headphone with good extension on both ends, high levels of detail and good sound stage. The highs are definitely less fatiguing than the 250 ohm version. Regarding sibilence, I don't detect any when driven by the Raptor. At 600 ohms these cans cry out for a good OTL tube amp.
Jun 30, 2009 at 8:56 PM Post #8 of 12,558
I'm a big fan of the DT880/600! Here are mine:


Really wonderful sounding headphones - great detail, but still smooth enough to relax with
Jul 1, 2009 at 7:47 AM Post #9 of 12,558

Originally Posted by Skylab /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I'm a big fan of the DT880/600! Here are mine:


Really wonderful sounding headphones - great detail, but still smooth enough to relax with

Skylab, I couldnt order mine with leather pads
, how do you like them? Is it worth ordering them? I really like the leather pads in my dt770's....

the dt880 600 manufaktur are my favorite cans in their range, incredible sound, non-pretentious, ultra comfortable, etc... as a matter fact, I think this cans are overall, beyond their competition (hd600, 650, k701/2, SR-325, ATH-AD900.... and the list goes on)
Jul 1, 2009 at 12:33 PM Post #10 of 12,558

Originally Posted by CDBacklash /img/forum/go_quote.gif
chinesekiwi: did moon audio ship down to NZ for you? How much was the shipping?

US$40. US$50 for fast ship.
Email Drew and he'll give you a definitive answer.
Jul 1, 2009 at 12:48 PM Post #11 of 12,558
Actually I don;t use those pads anymore, as they did not sound good - I am using the JMoneyAudio leather pads, and they sound GREAT!
Jul 1, 2009 at 12:50 PM Post #12 of 12,558

Originally Posted by Skylab /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Actually I don;t use those pads anymore, as they did not sound good - I am using the JMoneyAudio leather pads, and they sound GREAT!

Difference in sound?
You got the original DT880 pads to compare with?
Eartips are known to make a significant differences in sound in IEMs so pads should do the same with full-size headphones.
Jul 1, 2009 at 1:13 PM Post #13 of 12,558
Jul 1, 2009 at 1:37 PM Post #14 of 12,558
Since these are 600 ohm headphones, can you guys suggest a list of amps that have enough juice to synergize well with them? I'm considering these as my first can (along with K701/2 and Grado HF2). Figure it would be good info for the thread too.


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