Takstar Pro 82/GM200 Review, impressions and discussion thread

Which headphones do you want Pro 82 to be compared with?

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May 20, 2017 at 8:31 AM Post #61 of 4,599
I enjoy all soundsignatures except extremely bassy/bass light. I'm not looking for new headphones but once in a while I buy one when something interesting and affordable is released. Eventually when I have more time for listening and money to spend I'll get something that reminds me of jvc dx1000 or Sony cd3000. Two most addicting headphones I have owned. Musical instead of clinical but not too extreme on bass/highs either.

if that's the case, then Pro 82 at 70$ (minus 2$ store discount) has a good chance to be one of your go-to headphones.
It's very addictive, especially when listening to electronic music (Emancipator, Deadly Avenger, liquid dubstep, chillstep etc).
I don't know if I'm more impressed by its bass response, or by the fact that it doesn't overshadow everything else.
May 20, 2017 at 2:17 PM Post #62 of 4,599

Unsurprisingly, Pro 82 prefers clear, detailed amps.

Amps only:
(1.0x/3.3x) sounds best (in high gain) , it has the largest soundstage among all amps when used with Pro 82
Oppo HA-2 as an amp is second best, sounds almost the same as O2, except smaller soundstage.
Little Dot MkIII and Nobsound NS-02E take away too much of Pro 82's clarity (although some may find the coloration pleasurable)
Oppo HA-2SE as an amp sounds veiled (DAC is as great as HA-2)
FIIO E12/E12A sounds very good too, just introduces a little bit of warmth.
FIIO E6 sounds good too, even though it's far from being Hi-Fi - especially with ELE EL-D01 DAC
Little Bear P10 Excellent hybrid amp, has the same great synergy with ELE EL-D01 DAC as FIIO E6

Oppo HA-2
as a DAC/AMP sounds very good to me.
Oppo HA-2SE has a more transparent DAC than HA-2, but the amp is a bit veiled.
NFB-11.32 sounds too colored from the headphone out, much better through the variable out - but still not as clear as HA-2.
GeekOut V2 sounds similar to NFB-11.32's variable out.
SMSL Idea sounds a bit too dry as a DAC/Amp, but when used as a DAC with O2 amp (1.0x/3.3x, in high gain) , it becomes very musical - best combination for Pro 82 so far.
SABAJ DA3 sounds better than Idea as a standalone DAC/Amp, but lacks the synergy with O2
SMSL IQ sounds better than Idea or DA3 as a standalone DAC/Amp, but lacks the synergy with O2
xDuoo XQ-23 sounds excellent with Pro 82, but is ruined by it's firmware/usability issues
D1-Mini is a good option for bassheads, turns Pro 82 into a bass cannon, upgrade over most laptop outputs
Lusya "SA9023A + ES9018K2M" provides high quality warm sound at ~20$, as long as you keep the volume under 75%
Hilidac Audirect Beam 2 is overpriced for its sound quality, but offers MQA rendering and a balanced output
Sabaj DA2 sounds exactly like SMSL Idea and retains its synergy
Lusya ES9038Q2M sounds very good standalone, but lacks synergy with Pro 82 and under-performs other DACs based on the same chip.
FIIO BTR3K sounds extremely well standalone, borderline synergy with Pro 82.
Hidizs S9 sounds quite colored, better when paired with O2.

LG V30 sounds very good in high gain mode

HTC 10 sounds very similar to V30 in low gain mode - not too good.

Ahmadfaizadnan's impressions of Pro 82 with iDSD Micro BL
Ahmadfaizadnan's impressions of Pro 82 with iDSD Nano BL
Bankbail's impressions of SMSL Idea and O2
Miguelbazil's impressions of SMSL Idea and O2
About synergy
Of course, this is all highly subjective, YMMV
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May 22, 2017 at 7:15 AM Post #64 of 4,599
I've ordered a pair of black Pro 82's (here in Spain it's at 79€), with the intention to hook it to a Mojo. Will post some impressions in a few days. :wink:
It's already available in stores locally? Which ones? Fnac only shows Takstar HD2000.
Does 79 Euro include the case?
May 22, 2017 at 11:53 AM Post #66 of 4,599
May 22, 2017 at 12:33 PM Post #67 of 4,599
It's already available in stores locally? Which ones?
I bought it from Headphoniaks (online).
Does 79 Euro include the case?
I think so. The full description on https://headphoniaks.com/tienda/takstar-pro82/ literally says: "Viene presentado con la archiconocida caja de transporte de metal que en su día ya incluía el Tasktar PRO80", i.e. "It is presented in the well-known metal transport box already included with the Takstar PRO80 in the past".
But I will confirm tomorrow after arrival.
Headphoniaks had Pro 82 listed for months now.
Apparently, they received the first batch of Pro 82's just a few days ago (May 15):
May 22, 2017 at 2:31 PM Post #69 of 4,599
Why they went to 40mm from 50mm though? And how come the 40mm produces better bass?

Pro 80 had a very large driver - 53mm, that was pumping out sound through a small opening (due to small pads).
This was causing sound to appear compressed.

Pro 82 has a "normal" size driver - 40mm, and it's pumping out sound through a larger opening (due to large pads).
Now the sound can reach your ears without bouncing around first.
That's why SQ has improved all over FR - whether we are talking bass, mids or treble.
Well, it's one of the reasons.

Another reason why bass has improved - better seal from the new pads.

Pro 82 is not a small step forward compared to Pro 80, it's a giant leap.
If it wasn't called "Pro 82" and had a different brand name on it, don't know if I would even think about Pro 80 for a comparison.
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May 22, 2017 at 8:25 PM Post #70 of 4,599
I bought it from Headphoniaks (online).

I think so. The full description on https://headphoniaks.com/tienda/takstar-pro82/ literally says: "Viene presentado con la archiconocida caja de transporte de metal que en su día ya incluía el Tasktar PRO80", i.e. "It is presented in the well-known metal transport box already included with the Takstar PRO80 in the past".
But I will confirm tomorrow after arrival.

Apparently, they received the first batch of Pro 82's just a few days ago (May 15):

Nice to see some competition to FNAC and Mediamarkt.
Looks like a really good online shop with reasonable prices.
Nice selection of chi-fi.
May 23, 2017 at 4:25 AM Post #71 of 4,599
Nice to see some competition to FNAC and Mediamarkt.
Personally, I never bought audio equipment at FNAC or Mediamarkt, except for some basic AKGs for my girlfriend once.
Headphoniaks' selection is usually sublime and their customer service is superb. Some other good Spanish actors in the online shopping scene are Zococity and Supersonido. In Madrid we have Studio 22, a fantastic local store with lots of testing units, in case you ever visit Spain. :wink:
May 23, 2017 at 8:46 AM Post #72 of 4,599
Intermediate poll results are:

Note: ISK HD9999 has 3 votes.

18 people casted 33 votes (36 including HD9999) - so on average, only 2 out of 3 available votes are used.

I'm surprised by the popularity of B&O H6 - didn't think that B&O and Takstar customers mix much :)
All the leading candidates are now at my burn-in station, comparisons will start soon.
May 23, 2017 at 4:30 PM Post #74 of 4,599
I ordered the B&O H6 (2nd gen) from Amazon a few weeks back and didn't like it much, so I returned it. And I ended up buying these Takstar. So there must be some "mystical" connection there... :wink:
I have B&O H6 v1 - don't like it much.
Second generation is supposed to have boosted bass over the first one, which probably makes it sound even muddier.

H7 is much better, even over Bluetooth.
Needs to be burned in though, sounds like crap OOTB.

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