Superlux Express Train
Jun 12, 2011 at 12:17 PM Post #151 of 1,352
It is interesting everyone has different ears, or the tilt of their ears pick up more sibilance then i do... nah' i am sure it's cuz iz b standing too long i front of my Marshall and mod'ed fenders that my 4000K is shot to that place you go in a hand basket, and why do they want you to go there in a hand-basket anyway? :~) anywho i get comments from all over the world, a lady in Russia said the HD-668B is awesome but i'm not use to all that bass. 
 interesting i had the privilege of talking to the designer of the Sason speaker just lovely speakers (wish i could afford that hunk of granite for our great room) Steve has a mod'ed pair of HD-668B, (a man that has ears that some of us engineers would die for) and really likes them enough to keep anywho...  i really never liked closed ear cans but in the studio you have to have them so i have tried one after the other, used to use the 660, 669, 7506 K240 & 50$ range AKG, Shenn etc... and they just don't cut it not while the bass player keyboard and drummer are in the same room... the HD-662F rubs weenies with the best of studio cans, they just work... we did some tracking for Jonathan Scales just a super nice guy and awesome steel drum composer, i noticed on one of his uTube vids they were tracking with HD-660 (wonder where in the hand-basket they got those... Next) I will have to send them a couple of pairs of HD-662F...  i post outcome... L8R... 
 I did't realize my frank but sincere comment would get a stir... i came across the 660 330 440 post and it seemed like these were fresh off the press... so i'm hype'd over the 662F not that i dislike the "Tenlux" boxed 660 i gave a pair to a friend of mine that has great ears... 6 mos L8R he said you know them 660 you gave me ... thats all i use now you were right when you said i would thank you L8r... so he invite's the clan over for his wormwood smoked ribs... {to die for trust me} and i have a pair of HD-662F you have to listen to them... he put's them on and said stop smiling you hillbilly whack nut, you know i don't need anymore headphones you jerk why do you bring cans over that sound this good, "Wow Better then my 660's"  I know these freeking cans are amazing...   Sorry i was compelled to post Nick N... and it is not that when (who writes like that anyway?) Ans: A Hillbilly... i first put on the 662F i thinking too much upper mid... and when i first put on a 669 i was like Wow unbelievable... but as time would have it, it is like a tone knob with these lux'omadic cans ~ 669 the tone knob is about 3-1/2, ~ 681 the tone knob has a bass and a treble and they are both on 10 with and mid scoop button pushed in, ~ 668B the tone knob man must be a perfect 7 with single coils, ~ 662F the tone knob is a flat 5 altered dominate minor in odd timing with a beautiful woman whispering in your ear i wanna have your baby, just the way i like tit i mean it. 
another studio can i use in the iso rooms is the HD-681... i think i will have to mod a pair... yea like take the drivers out of a 662F and pop them in very easy to do, BTW and throw my old worn out AKG covers on them they are all cracked and worn but press ever so lightly against my head, (no extra pressure needed) makes me think of my old 504 Peugeot with a 4 speed on the column... duel carbs, you could drive off road and think you were still on the highway...  anywho the 681 are classical heaven like pulling out the old Percy Faith LP's just Strings and laying back in listening heaven and maybe throw on some Doris Day, Julie London or Blossom Dearie May I Come In... her voice is so sexy... i had to take a 2nd listen.. i couldn't believe what i heard the first time. 
Doyen AudioHipstered Keaton

Jun 12, 2011 at 6:37 PM Post #152 of 1,352
EXCELLENT POST!  Thanks for that.
" Sorry i was compelled to post Nick N... "
I'm glad you did.
I like the mod idea as well with the 662 in the 681. I am sure that will peak other's interest as well.
I especially like the comparison to the tone dial thing it gives things a little bit more descriptrion to understand for those who haven't gotten any yet. I am going to go through this post a few more times until I GROK it.
Jun 13, 2011 at 1:07 PM Post #153 of 1,352
I received my HD 668B headphones from Green Fly Music Supply on Saturday. Price was $39.99 and I didn't see the free shipping option for orders over $49 and paid $15 for FedEx (oh-my-god-this-is-so-slow-and-painful) Ground shipping.
My rig: iPhone 4 --> Superlux HD 668B
The short review: they sound great. Plenty of bass without being muddy or flabby, clear but not harsh highs, decently loud and dynamic straight from the iPhone 4. They also sounded great plugged in to my unibody MacBook.
I listened to a lot of different kinds of music, the new Beastie Boys Hot Sauce Committee Part Two, Death Cab for Cutie's Codes and Keys, Eddie Vedder's Ukulele Songs, Freddie Hubbard's Open Sesame, EPMD's Strictly Business, Happy Mondays' Loads, some Chemical Brothers, Steve Earle, Gorillaz, Wilco, Rogue Wave, Sigur Ros, Ry Cooder, and a sampling of baroque classical, and they all sounded good to my ears. (I mostly used MOG on high quality and Pandora One.)
The physical quality, feel, and construction of these headphones is OK. I really like the detachable cable. They're a little on the sweaty side, but not as bad at the el-cheapo (sounding and feeling) AT K44s I bought for a recording project. I wore them for quite a few hours straight on Sunday and they seemed quite comfortable. You can't really put them around your neck comfortably if you need to take them off for a moment as they're pretty bulky and don't rotate to lie flat.
My other headphones are pretty mediocre-sounding to me: Apple In-Ear Headphones (thin) and Sennheiser PX 100 (boomy mids without much high-end sparkle). The 668B's blow them all away.
(My loudspeakers fare better -- Snell Acoustics Type K/II matched to an Adcom GFA-535. I still enjoy this setup years on.)
These headphones have completely revitalized my listening experience and are a great purchase. Now I need some headphones for the commute... Hard to go back to the Apple units. I highly recommend the 668Bs if you could use a pair of full-size headphones for general listening or home studio projects. Great value.
Jun 14, 2011 at 1:47 AM Post #154 of 1,352
ALL ABOARD !!!!!!!! I'm on the train now. YEEEEEEEUUUHHHHH!
HD662F's heading my way as I type. I emailed another Canadian store in here that sells them to just ask if they had a drop-by purchase in person option,  and have yet to get a response back either way over a week later. I would have bought from them online but too bad. Nice service hey...Doyen got back to me within about 15 minutes. Now that's service.
I can't wait to hear these things. After coming to own 10 cans these past 4 months, these will be my first actual brand new purchase, so
I'm excited.  This is the 3rd " last purchase ", or is that " last last purchase ".  Looking forward to the 4th...

Pretty sure I'll end up trying out the other models and the IEM's if I keep reading this thread.
Jun 14, 2011 at 5:22 AM Post #155 of 1,352

[size=large]It is interesting everyone has different ears, or the tilt of their ears pick up more sibilance then i do... nah' i am sure it's cuz iz b standing too long i front of my Marshall and mod'ed fenders that my 4000K is shot to that place you go in a hand basket, and why do they want you to go ...[/size]

I have absolutely no idea what you are saying. You lost me in the indecipherable layout of your font-size-nightmare and puns-without-punctuation. I guess it took you 1000 words to say you don't like hand bags, ate some wormwood ribs and love titties? Oh, and give out free headphones to your friends like a dealer lures in potential addicts with free cocaïne. 

Thanks for sharing your impressions on the HD662f, again. Your web-wide, omnipresent fetish for these cans actually made me buy my own pair of HD662's. From another seller though.
I quite like mine. Best $35 I have spent on a closed headphone really. I don't make sweet love to them though. Yet. 

Jun 15, 2011 at 11:06 AM Post #156 of 1,352

I have absolutely no idea what you are saying. You lost me in the indecipherable layout of your font-size-nightmare and puns-without-punctuation. I guess it took you 1000 words to say you don't like hand bags, ate some wormwood ribs and love titties? Oh, and give out free headphones to your friends like a dealer lures in potential addicts with free cocaïne. 

Thanks for sharing your impressions on the HD662f, again. Your web-wide, omnipresent fetish for these cans actually made me buy my own pair of HD662's. From another seller though.
I quite like mine. Best $35 I have spent on a closed headphone really. I don't make sweet love to them though. Yet. 


Sorry about the fonzy Font ... was wondering why it was like that myself... fixed it..  i was hoping for a laugh... guess i try harder :~( ... It is funny when you say (Best $ 662) ??? but when i (as a starving studio owner just wanting to keep 2 inch tape rolling in the studio and the doors open)  "say it" or give it away..  somehow you view me as some kind of sicko that uses his friends for gain... and wants to poison them with pharmaceutical death pills. i do no't hide what i do...  or do not do... I have never used cocaine, (if it wasn't aged in new white oak barrels or grown in the Daniel Boone National Forest.. i would give em the california howdy (middle finger.) {wish it was still like that today... no chance with abomination care coming... i like hand bags on a woman, "to hell in a handbasket"  and JAH made tits for man to be happy,  i have screwed one girl out of wedlock and have never cheated on any of my wife's... and if you need references from my friends please let me know i would be glad to provide them.  so before you smear the aUdiOhiPsteR all over this post as having evil intent, why don't you stop by the studio, we'll pull the cork out of a cold aged Urthel and compare headphones...   crap i feel like i just had to climb the Olive Hill KY water tower to defend my sister honer with a can of black spray paint. 
Now on to Chapter 2:  the hillbilly hipsters web-wide, omnipresent fetish for an affordable studio monitor headphone...    K 171 ~ DT 770 Man no problem tracking with these fine cans in the studio, but as hard times have fallen on the US due to a long line of the beloved fascist leaders, we as studio owners find ourselves digging deep in our pockets when we need 6 or more quality headphones to track that rock band this weekend...  most of us can't afford 200 a pop I know i can't... but don't want to settle for cheep glued noise resonating lifeless harsh bass/less sound like crap and the cord just falls out of the ear piece at whim... don't know how the cumglomerated store owner bypassing distributors on his quest to put all mum and pop corner shops out of business can sleep at night... while he guides the young unexpected kid over to the overpriced skull candy polished turd (and sound worse) " come here my darling you could moove up to this model only $130."  
 Unbelievable... I am still laughing... but felt bad Ratsack kid spent that kind of money for udder garbage. so i said here take these HD-668B and sell that dung on eBay. 
 Chapter 3: so now at this time there was still only Superlux semi-open cans available to the US market... due to the fact the distributor stopped importing the OLDER HD-660 .... so my fetish to find this affordable Studio Monitor where the Bass player can rock right alone the drummer in the drum room and still here his bass... all the while i bug & bug & BUG them for a Closed Ear version of these Superlux cans...  (that may change we we will see)  so as a broke spent Analog Tape Pusher...just wanting to thread my next reel of tape and record music was just tired of asking... so i look north to Canada, man in a Heartbeat this nice man ships me a box of HD-662F and we start tracking the New Yonrico Scott Band my first impression was man these are mid-rangey... but clear and tight bass, and at this point we were still tracking with 7506 & 660 and the Bass player yells out man i cant here the bass, and i see the bass meter pegging on the DMR 12 so can't add more bass with out blowing ear drums... so i walk in to the drum room and say let me check your cans... and hand him the newly opened HD-662F try these... wow i can hear the bass now...  so at that point i replace all the closed ear headphones in the studio with the HD-662F and at 1/4 the cost... or less then comparable cans. Why am i excited about this headphone you ask?  because i am some kind of evil bas/turd that wants everyone to hear their music the way God intended... and save money doing it or else... not really it is because, They Work in the studio and sound fantastic with a flat response where nothing is hype'd clear as a bell and the musicians can hear all their parts with out swimming in a muddle or the highs punching holes in their 4 to 8 K. 
In closing as a studio engineer it is important to hear detail and at times loud and in a loud environment. The Superlux HD-662F cut to the chase without breaking the bank. 
 cUz iF it dOn'T soUnD riGhT... it'S nOt rIGhT. 
sorry about the sarcasm ... and as for the hillbilly typing and since of humor ... well can't do much about that..  

Jun 18, 2011 at 3:28 AM Post #159 of 1,352
I'm considering getting the HD668B headphones. Sound pretty good. However, it seems that these may not be so great for immersive gaming or movies, but rather, appeals more to classical or jazzy music. Is this true? I would be using it more for gaming and movies...

How do these stack up compared to the ATH-AD700 and the Fischer Audio FA-011? I'm talking about bass and soundstage mostly.
Jun 18, 2011 at 4:20 PM Post #160 of 1,352
my order of 4 Superluxens is scheduled to arrive tomorrow, man am I excited. Can't believe I got 4 headphones for half the price of the Ultrasone Pro750. Well, they are china-crackers, but let's see how good they are.
Will report back one at a time....
Jun 18, 2011 at 6:37 PM Post #161 of 1,352

my order of 4 Superluxens is scheduled to arrive tomorrow, man am I excited. Can't believe I got 4 headphones for half the price of the Ultrasone Pro750. Well, they are china-crackers, but let's see how good they are.
Will report back one at a time....

If nothing else, China seems to be becoming a very prominent rising star in the hi-fi world. (we've got this, but also some very strong AND affordable products in supraural, earbuds, and IEM categories that came out in the last 2 years)
Times are a-changing.
Jun 19, 2011 at 1:47 AM Post #162 of 1,352
I'm considering getting the HD668B headphones. Sound pretty good. However, it seems that these may not be so great for immersive gaming or movies, but rather, appeals more to classical or jazzy music. Is this true? I would be using it more for gaming and movies...

How do these stack up compared to the ATH-AD700 and the Fischer Audio FA-011? I'm talking about bass and soundstage mostly.

There is a review of HD668B in comparison direct with AD700 in I had a short time audition AD700 and the soundstage is AD700 is larger but not much, bass quantity is less than HD668B and seem to roll-off, 668B extend deeper.
Jun 20, 2011 at 9:00 AM Post #163 of 1,352 Europe retailers have caught on to the superlux train too.
Instead of Superlux offering customers great value.....retailers have abused the pricing.
Now retailers are only offering the 668B for £40 exc shipping ....same price as dedicated gaming headsets
Jun 20, 2011 at 9:15 AM Post #164 of 1,352
I am hearing the first of the 4 for 20 minutes now. By chance I picked the Superlux HD 681B first.
First impressions while using the E7 as DAC and Amp in the office:
They look ok, all black, but cheap when you look closer, they feel cheap and the ear cushions are a plasticcy nightmare as is the pure plastic headband.
They sound amazing...
Highs: superb, detailed and crisp, maybe a bit too much though, I hope they reduce that over time (they played their first tone on my head, zero burn in)
Mids: vocals are a bit on the thinner side, as well might change a bit
Bass: very nice, full and absolutely more than you might expect from semi-open headphones. 
Soundstage is wider than closed headphones but not great.
So a tiny bit harsh for my taste, at least for the first 20 minutes. But in general, detailed and clean
I will continue testing them tonight with my home setup. 
So far, am thrilled by this headphone, great sound does not have to be expensive. I guess that comfort and luxury materials don't come cheap, in that regards you get what you pay for. I can only compare the build quality of my Sennheiser HD598 and Ultrasone Pro750 and they are lightyears ahead. But soundwise, the Superluxi are dangerously close in many aspects.
So in short: 
You get what you pay for in terms of appearance and quality to the touch, but you get easily 3 times of what you pay for in sound quality. 
This headphone for EUR 23.80 (21 GBP, 34 USD) including taxes. It's a steal for this price. Am deeply impressed that it is possible to create this good sounding headphones for this price.
So far so good, tomorrow I will try another Superlux,
Jun 24, 2011 at 1:23 AM Post #165 of 1,352
Koolpep what exact models did you get?

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