Sony's New 2014 flagship IEM - XBA Z5
Sep 9, 2015 at 11:37 AM Post #2,311 of 5,810
I think some people are confused as to where treble actually is in the frequency spectrum (for humans at least!!)

Most would be surprised to find that it is lower down than what they think, which would mean that people can interpret all these graphs in completely different ways yet still come to the same conclusion (or vice versa obviously!!)

I got the A3 becuase my budget and well they say it corrected problems with XBA-H3 (i note warble distrtion on my XBA-H3 in mid-range /lower highs), i actually found also the trebble of H3 was a bit *shy*
Sep 9, 2015 at 11:37 AM Post #2,312 of 5,810
What you cannot say is that the Z5 has more treble extension than A3, it is simply not true, if anything the A3 has more treble extension.

Guess what: I can and I do :). Remember that I've been stressing out that we're are talking here about perceptions, more specifically my perception. Feel free to disregard it but don't try to teach grandma to suck eggs.
Both you and I agree that measurements tell a lot; probably the two of us hate snake oil and big claims not supported by data. The difference is that I've been listening extensively to A3 and Z5. On this note I understand where you are coming from but if anything, you should be a bit more cautious about judging something without having experienced it first. Just my two cents.
I think some people are confused as to where treble actually is in the frequency spectrum (for humans at least!!)

Most would be surprised to find that it is lower down than what they think, which would mean that people can interpret all these graphs in completely different ways yet still come to the same conclusion (or vice versa obviously!!)
Music (and sounds in nature in general) are much more complex that a sine wave, yet I encourage anyone that hasn't tried yet this to play with a sine gen and a good pair of transducers to educate (and test) their hearing.

Sep 9, 2015 at 11:48 AM Post #2,313 of 5,810
  But the graphs do show it, looking at the CSD plot you can see that the A3 treble has longer decay, at 5-10khz treble sticks around a tad longer, looking at FR, A3 has 2.5dB more treble at 10khz, and 2dB less at 7-8khz, which would serve to psychologically further enhance the peak at 10khz. These attributes are what causes people to hear the Z3 treble how they do.

As a side note (promise I'll stop after this, need to.... fight..... procrastination... ) did you notice that the two waterfall graphs have a different timescale

Sep 9, 2015 at 12:41 PM Post #2,316 of 5,810
I have a queston for you owners of A3/Z5 my concern is those sporadic reports that both feature flimsy MMCX mechanism, so the flimsy part is on the cable plug or the headphone socket?
hope the A3/Z5 socket is strong (i don't swap my mmcx from my xba-h3 tought)
Sep 9, 2015 at 12:42 PM Post #2,317 of 5,810
Sep 9, 2015 at 12:48 PM Post #2,318 of 5,810
  one stupid question would the shure 846 cable fit the sony xba z5

If they are mmcx they will but also depends on the plug's size to fit the socket of the Z5, they say in the XBA-H3 the fiio recable for shure RC-SE1 fits the H3 too, but don't count on me as i haven't swapped the cable since day one i got my soon-to-be replaced XBA-H3's
Sep 9, 2015 at 1:00 PM Post #2,319 of 5,810
If they are mmcx they will but also depends on the plug's size to fit the socket of the Z5, they say in the XBA-H3 the fiio recable for shure RC-SE1 fits the H3 too, but don't count on me as i haven't swapped the cable since day one i got my soon-to-be replaced XBA-H3's


anyone, i would have tried it myslef if only my shure 846 is away for a while
Sep 9, 2015 at 2:42 PM Post #2,321 of 5,810
Hoefully :) the geekout stuff is go from what I read so I suspect your going to happy.
Sep 10, 2015 at 10:59 AM Post #2,322 of 5,810
After a @!#$%!!!! week of witing they deicded to cancel my order NEVER USE "JaoaneseLady" on amazon, fortunaely i wasn't charged anyamount at al, simply my bank unlocked te pending 4995 mexcan pesos transaction today
EDIT : things got weird side now, after checking wat i had as pending transaction accidental amazon DEUTSCHLAND prime subscription (1 euro or 19 mxn) and the gift for y bf a denon CD player (2895 mxn) i had pending onl that 2914 mexican pesos and free to use (unlocked amount) nearly 9000 pesos
now amazon has emailed me (Amazon USA) they've shipped my XBA-A3's and the bank either cancelled it (after a week o eing locked or 15 days unless they've midifed the rule if an x amount of money is on hol for a week they cancell it) orb) seller refunded me, but the question is why if i didn't complain at all?
Sep 11, 2015 at 6:32 AM Post #2,323 of 5,810
well the jvc spiral dots ear tips arrived and boooo booo booo they are bad compared to the stock foam filled hybrid ear tips, what a disaster in sound they make, the treble became annyoing and the warmth of the vocals went down hill . not good at all
i do not know why with the z5 only the foam filled ones are the best other silcone ones are just trashing the sound of the z5
i hope my spinfits that will arrive soon will not be like the sprial dots tips
i think sony tested hundreds of tips more than any of us and thats why they made those hybrids as they sound the best
dam a company should come out that makes customs without the hassle of all this audiologist vists and sending molds and stuff like that
anyhow spiral dots in my book is a failure no where near the foam filled hybrids
so conclusion it was a waste of money
Sep 11, 2015 at 11:29 AM Post #2,324 of 5,810
  well the jvc spiral dots ear tips arrived and boooo booo booo they are bad compared to the stock foam filled hybrid ear tips, what a disaster in sound they make, the treble became annyoing and the warmth of the vocals went down hill . not good at all
i do not know why with the z5 only the foam filled ones are the best other silcone ones are just trashing the sound of the z5
i hope my spinfits that will arrive soon will not be like the sprial dots tips
i think sony tested hundreds of tips more than any of us and thats why they made those hybrids as they sound the best
dam a company should come out that makes customs without the hassle of all this audiologist vists and sending molds and stuff like that
anyhow spiral dots in my book is a failure no where near the foam filled hybrids
so conclusion it was a waste of money

Aaah, sorry to read the Spiral Dots didn't work out for you. Obviously there's a big difference in earshape between HF members.
I'm happy that Spiral Dots (M size) work out fine for my own ears. Have them both on my Z5 and 1Plus2 atm and in the past also on my SD-2 and Rti1, great fit/seal/sound on all of these so far...
Hopefully the Spinfits (never tried those myself) will be the perfect tips for you!

Sep 11, 2015 at 11:42 AM Post #2,325 of 5,810
  well the jvc spiral dots ear tips arrived and boooo booo booo they are bad compared to the stock foam filled hybrid ear tips, what a disaster in sound they make, the treble became annyoing and the warmth of the vocals went down hill . not good at all
i do not know why with the z5 only the foam filled ones are the best other silcone ones are just trashing the sound of the z5
i hope my spinfits that will arrive soon will not be like the sprial dots tips
i think sony tested hundreds of tips more than any of us and thats why they made those hybrids as they sound the best
dam a company should come out that makes customs without the hassle of all this audiologist vists and sending molds and stuff like that
anyhow spiral dots in my book is a failure no where near the foam filled hybrids
so conclusion it was a waste of money

Aaah, sorry to read the Spiral Dots didn't work out for you. Obviously there's a big difference in earshape between HF members.
I'm happy that Spiral Dots (M size) work out fine for my own ears. Have them both on my Z5 and 1Plus2 atm and in the past also on my SD-2 and Rti1, great fit/seal/sound on all of these so far...
Hopefully the Spinfits (never tried those myself) will be the perfect tips for you!


I consider complys to be too damn bassy but the sony hybrids itchy, so i may get some spinFits

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