Smyth Research Realiser A16
Sep 9, 2016 at 3:29 AM Post #286 of 16,105
I was told by Stephen that they use the 800 because it is very comfortable and easy to forget that you are wearing.
He said that the system calibrates itself to the headphone used and EQ's for a flat response.
He went on to say that if you were intending using your headphones exclusively with the Realiser there would be little point buying the 800S rather than the 800 as the system would make them sound the same.
So if there was an opportunity to buy a discounted 800 he suggested grabbing it.
From that I assume that you will get similar results whatever headphone of good quality you use.
Sep 9, 2016 at 6:28 AM Post #287 of 16,105
When I play 5.1 movie files on 7.1 system, the sound would automatically reduce to 5 channel on a normal home audio system. If I play the movie from a computer via the A16, would it automatically reduce to 5 channel, given that I only have the measurement made for 7.1 system?
Or I have to measure another 5.1 system?
Sep 9, 2016 at 8:16 AM Post #288 of 16,105
When I play 5.1 movie files on 7.1 system, the sound would automatically reduce to 5 channel on a normal home audio system. If I play the movie from a computer via the A16, would it automatically reduce to 5 channel, given that I only have the measurement made for 7.1 system?
Or I have to measure another 5.1 system?
Whatever you play through whatever PRIR you use, it will sound like it would have sounded like in the room represented by the PRIR measurement.

So if you had played the 5.1 movie in a 7.1 room (thus with no audio being sent to the extra two rear speakers in the actual room situation, and the side speakers directly to the side of you instead of slightly behind you), you'd only have heard sound through 5.1 of the 7.1 speakers in that room and with the side sound somewhat different than expected. That's exactly how it would sound through your headphones and Realiser using that 7.1 PRIR for playback of the 5.1 source program. Whatever you feed to a given PRIR, you are hearing a result which matches how it would have sounded if you'd played the same multi-channel source program in the room corresponding to the PRIR.

In theory the real difference in a 5.1 vs. 7.1 setup is the placement of the side speakers and availability of the extra two rear surround speakers, and the speaker angles relative to where you're seated. Obviously a 5.1 mix audio program is intended to be played back through speakers arranged in a 5.1 angular manner, not where 7.1 speakers would be placed. Is it the end of the world if you use a 7.1 PRIR for playback of 5.1 source? No, of course "it will work" and you'll get sound from 5.1 out of your 7.1 speaker system. But it will in fact sound just like it would have in the room with the real speakers (i.e. not quite "perfect" per the audio program source channel mix)... arranged with speaker position and placement not designed for playback of a 5.1 program but instead arranged expecting a 7.1 source program mix.

That's why, for example, I have two PRIR's created in the AIX room... one for 5.1 source being for their 5.1 speaker arrangement placed around my seat, and a second being for 7.1 source with two more rear surround speakers added (and measured by the PRIR) and the side speakers being moved (from where they were for the 5.1 PRIR) to where they should be for proper 7.1 speaker placement. If you can arrange for both 5.1 and 7.1 measurements in the same room, by all means that's really what you should ideally try for.
Sep 9, 2016 at 7:31 PM Post #289 of 16,105
I was told by Stephen that they use the 800 because it is very comfortable and easy to forget that you are wearing.
He said that the system calibrates itself to the headphone used and EQ's for a flat response.
He went on to say that if you were intending using your headphones exclusively with the Realiser there would be little point buying the 800S rather than the 800 as the system would make them sound the same.
So if there was an opportunity to buy a discounted 800 he suggested grabbing it.
From that I assume that you will get similar results whatever headphone of good quality you use.

Are you saying that the A16 is completely "headphone agnostic"? Or are you solely saying that the difference between the 800 and 800s is negligible through the A16? I would like to believe that, say, an LCD3 or HE1000 might allow you to experience a little more bass than the 800/800s. Of course, what I would like to believe and what is, in fact, the truth may be two different things.
Sep 9, 2016 at 8:17 PM Post #290 of 16,105
Kickstarter just tried charging for the Realiser A16 at a 1.333 USD/GBP rate.
Delivery expected May 2017.
Sep 9, 2016 at 8:40 PM Post #291 of 16,105
Kickstarter just tried charging for the Realiser A16 at a 1.333 USD/GBP rate.
Delivery expected May 2017.


Ah. So the 2nd quarter then, and for those of us who didn't donate maybe even the 3rd? Hmmmm...

I wish some cats from Smyth would come up in here and talk to us.
Sep 9, 2016 at 8:43 PM Post #292 of 16,105
My estimated delivery is June 2017.
Sep 9, 2016 at 8:44 PM Post #293 of 16,105
Sep 9, 2016 at 8:47 PM Post #294 of 16,105
My credit card has just been maxed out!! They stabbed me in the back 
Sep 9, 2016 at 9:17 PM Post #295 of 16,105
  My credit card has just been maxed out!! They stabbed me in the back 

Got an email from KS showing that the transaction was declined by my credit card company. It is probably because the charge exceeds 1KUSD now with the current exchange rate.
Does any one know if the US bank will charge the foreign transaction fee for the payment to KS projects with pledges in foreign currency?
Sep 9, 2016 at 10:21 PM Post #296 of 16,105
June 2017? That's what, 9 months from now? That's the human gestation period, for chrissake!

So, this basically tells me that if you didn't put in money now, you might get one in 2018?
Sep 10, 2016 at 1:00 AM Post #297 of 16,105
Are you saying that the A16 is completely "headphone agnostic"? Or are you solely saying that the difference between the 800 and 800s is negligible through the A16? I would like to believe that, say, an LCD3 or HE1000 might allow you to experience a little more bass than the 800/800s. Of course, what I would like to believe and what is, in fact, the truth may be two different things.


Not really headphone agnostic... Just like virtual surround works better with fast and detailed headphones, the Realiser will work best with headphones that are very transparent and respond well to EQ, as well as transfer as many little nuances as possible and perform at or close to the performance of the speakers being emulated.
Sep 10, 2016 at 3:24 AM Post #298 of 16,105
Are you saying that the A16 is completely "headphone agnostic"? Or are you solely saying that the difference between the 800 and 800s is negligible through the A16? I would like to believe that, say, an LCD3 or HE1000 might allow you to experience a little more bass than the 800/800s. Of course, what I would like to believe and what is, in fact, the truth may be two different things.


I would imagine that the Realiser can only feed the headphone a signal. It is then dependent on the capabilities of the headphone to reproduce that frequency. So to that extent different headphones would give different results. That is only my guess though.
Sep 10, 2016 at 4:18 AM Post #299 of 16,105
On Kickstarter the first 200 Realiser A16s had an estimated delivery date of May 2017, the next 100 an estimated delivery date of June 2017, and the final backed batch an estimate of July 2017.

Smyth research have launched a preorder opportunity and price for up to 100 more Realisers. I would expect that the estimated delivery will be after the Kickstarter backers but also in July 2017, as very few people backed that batch. The preorder offer states:

Pre-sale Offer: US$1450 + shipping + taxes

This represents a 25% discount on the estimated online retail price of US$1950 + taxes + shipping. A maximum of 100 Realiser A16s are available under this special time-limited offer. This offer will close when either 100 deposits have been submitted or on the 31 December 2016, whichever is soonest. Please read our Terms and Conditions before you apply to our pre-sales deposit scheme.​

The offer can be found at

(Please note that I am not a representative of Smyth Research and have no connection with them, other than having backed them for a Realiser A16 on Kickstarter and being really impressed during their demonstration at CanJam London 2016.)
Sep 10, 2016 at 4:23 AM Post #300 of 16,105
On Kickstarter the first 200 Realiser A16s had an estimated delivery date of May 2017, the next 100 an estimated delivery date of June 2017, and the final backed batch an estimate of July 2017.

Smyth research have launched a preorder opportunity and price for up to 100 more Realisers. I would expect that the estimated delivery will be after the Kickstarter backers but also in July 2017, as very few people backed that batch. The preorder offer states:
  Pre-sale Offer: US$1450 + shipping + taxes

This represents a 25% discount on the estimated online retail price of US$1950 + taxes + shipping. A maximum of 100 Realiser A16s are available under this special time-limited offer. This offer will close when either 100 deposits have been submitted or on the 31 December 2016, whichever is soonest. Please read our Terms and Conditions before you apply to our pre-sales deposit scheme.

The offer can be found at

(Please note that I am not a representative of Smyth Research and have no connection with them, other than having backed them for a Realiser A16 on Kickstarter and being really impressed during their demonstration at CanJam London 2016.)

Did the estimated retail price increase? I could have sworn it was around 1500 USD the last I saw it. Or I might be mistaken.

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