Show us your Head-Fi station at it's current state. No old pictures please...
Mar 23, 2012 at 6:20 PM Post #5,059 of 42,435
Austin if you were wondering I used an iPhone 4.....with flash on :D

Ha ha ha. That is funny.

But what did you use for post processing and what phone cover were you using at the time?
Mar 23, 2012 at 6:21 PM Post #5,060 of 42,435

What is that Audio GD stuff you have there?  It looks like you've cannibalized a Phoenix.
Here's what I'll be sticking with for a while.

The cable is OCC silver made by Toxic Cables.  Workmanship is absolutely stellar.

Mar 23, 2012 at 6:26 PM Post #5,061 of 42,435
Austin if you were wondering I used an iPhone 4.....with flash on 

Ha ha ha. That is funny.
But what did you use for post processing and what phone cover were you using at the time?

LOL. Smart alecks. 
 Austin asked, and I just pasted an answer I gave to Sennheiser's Eric Palonen on Facebook, when he asked me what my camera settings for that photo were. Yes, it does probably answer Austin's question too much, though.
EDIT: I shortened it. A lot.
Mar 23, 2012 at 6:27 PM Post #5,062 of 42,435

Now that is a nice looking cable!

Frank at Toxic Cables did an amazing job.  The iPad 2's camera is awful but in person, you can actually see the individual strands of silver within the cable.  

What is that Audio GD stuff you have there?  It looks like you've cannibalized a Phoenix.


Yep that's a Phoenix.
Mar 23, 2012 at 6:31 PM Post #5,063 of 42,435
LOL. Smart alecks. :p Austin asked, and I just pasted an answer I gave to Sennheiser's Eric Palonen on Facebook, when he asked me what my camera settings for that photo were. Yes, it does probably answer Austin's question too much, though.

Sorry Jude. That wasn't aimed at you. I am a keen photographer too. I laughed because Daily implied that it was only a matter of times until Austin asked about his 'high quality' photo too. At least that is how I interpreted it.

Your photo was great and hearing of your settings and post processing just showed the efforts you went to and hence why it was a good photo.

I will be forever grateful for your efforts in establishing such a fine place as Headfi which has contributed greatly to my love of music and the lean-ness of my wallet. :)

Mar 23, 2012 at 6:34 PM Post #5,064 of 42,435
Is that the UK toxic cables? Do they do other cables besides the HD800,LCD2/3 and HE6?
Mar 23, 2012 at 6:58 PM Post #5,066 of 42,435
Sorry Jude. That wasn't aimed at you. I am a keen photographer too. I laughed because Daily implied that it was only a matter of times until Austin asked about his 'high quality' photo too. At least that is how I interpreted it.
Your photo was great and hearing of your settings and post processing just showed the efforts you went to and hence why it was a good photo.
I will be forever grateful for your efforts in establishing such a fine place as Headfi which has contributed greatly to my love of music and the lean-ness of my wallet. :)

I was just poking fun at Jude's very thorough reply. That stuff is totally Greek to me but if you get it your probably a good photographer too.

Saintly nice setup, very clean.
Mar 23, 2012 at 7:04 PM Post #5,067 of 42,435

Yep that's a Phoenix.

For some reason it didn't look like it at first.  How's it sound with the HD800's?  I've heard tell it's a bit dark of an amp.
Mar 23, 2012 at 7:22 PM Post #5,068 of 42,435

For some reason it didn't look like it at first.  How's it sound with the HD800's?  I've heard tell it's a bit dark of an amp.

Yeah, sorry my iPad 2 camera is awful.
It sounds great with the HD800.  I wouldn't call it dark by any means but the treble is tamed a bit.  However, it doesn't give up any technicalities such as detail, separation, and soundstage to achieve the slight touch of warmth like the V200 did.
Mar 23, 2012 at 7:24 PM Post #5,069 of 42,435

Here's what I'll be sticking with for a while.
The cable is OCC silver made by Toxic Cables.  Workmanship is absolutely stellar.

Saintly, that is a very awesome setup. I must ask though, it looks as if though you aren't using the DAC1 anymore, why keep it on top of your stack?

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