Show us your Head-Fi station at it's current state. No old pictures please...
Dec 23, 2013 at 7:02 PM Post #16,306 of 41,888
  New headphone stands arrived, so I cleared my desk and took a couple of shots. I ended up installing a bunch of larger hanger-knobs under my desk to make better use of the space too. Even still I had to use spare hooks to hold everything.

I think you need a bigger room. 

I need a bigger apartment, or a house, or to get rid of a lot of stuff. Maybe a combination of all that!
Dec 23, 2013 at 11:23 PM Post #16,310 of 41,888
Picture please once you get it setup.  Nice setup BTW.. will look awesome in a new rack.
  Should be getting one tomorrow, from a man in a red suit :)

Dec 23, 2013 at 11:35 PM Post #16,311 of 41,888

Rega Apollo-R CD player (used as transport)
Sennheiser HDVD 800

Sennheiser HD 800 plugged in ( not shown)
Note Sennheiser CH 800 S cable

bedside rig
Dec 24, 2013 at 12:06 AM Post #16,312 of 41,888
Sweet.. I've spent the last coupe of days looking for transports.. had the original Rega Apollo at one point and just purchased the Rega DAC form my main AV system so looking at the new Rega Apollo just as a transport  (for my HeadFi sys) or if I can get one used, the Bel Canto CD3t.
Nice setup & running balanced.. Sweet!.. would love to try the HDVA 600 version someday as I already have an amazing DAC.

Rega Apollo CD player (used as transport)

Dec 24, 2013 at 12:55 AM Post #16,314 of 41,888
  New headphone stands arrived, so I cleared my desk and took a couple of shots. I ended up installing a bunch of larger hanger-knobs under my desk to make better use of the space too. Even still I had to use spare hooks to hold everything.

me likes!! What are those headphone stands? Never seen those
Dec 24, 2013 at 1:10 AM Post #16,315 of 41,888
  New headphone stands arrived, so I cleared my desk and took a couple of shots. I ended up installing a bunch of larger hanger-knobs under my desk to make better use of the space too. Even still I had to use spare hooks to hold everything.

me likes!! What are those headphone stands? Never seen those

Codia. Someone on the forums discovered the maker, who is in Korea. After some email back-and-forth they are now listed on eBay. Since my local hardware store has the handy multiple-length shelving system which I'm using, the $6 Koss hangers work perfectly, with enough depth for the cables. These are the first headphones stands I've had other than Stax ones and the Sennheiser and AT plastic clamp ones.
Dec 24, 2013 at 1:28 AM Post #16,316 of 41,888
Codia. Someone on the forums discovered the maker, who is in Korea. After some email back-and-forth they are now listed on eBay. Since my local hardware store has the handy multiple-length shelving system which I'm using, the $6 Koss hangers work perfectly, with enough depth for the cables. These are the first headphones stands I've had other than Stax ones and the Sennheiser and AT plastic clamp ones.

Thanks for the head ups, I just found them on eBay, a little pricey but I like them. I think the Koss hangers offer a proper solution specially for cables. 
Dec 24, 2013 at 8:59 AM Post #16,317 of 41,888
It's not that long ago, (around 80 pages? :D), since I posted pics of my system which I at that time considered final. But I could not resist and was still upgrading some parts (unfortunately my X-Sabre had to be replaced with DA8).


As I mentioned I swapped Matrix X-Sabre with Yulong DA8 (black version). I don't consider that to be a real upgrade, it was just a necessary change (they are on the same performance level - but I liked X-Sabre a tiny bit more). In addition to that change, I upgraded my power cables - I only kept my Siltech SPX-300, the rest were upgraded (now I use XLO Signature 3-10 for amp and Shunyata Venom 3 to connect my mains filter).
I also went higher in power filtration - got brand new Shunyata Hydra Model-6. At first I wanted to get IsoTek Sigmas, my dealer had a 30% sale on it, but by the time I decided to finally get it, all of them were gone :frowning2: However, he recommended Model-6 over Sigmas even when Sigmas was on sale (normally Sigmas goes for 500€ more than Model-6) and he even offered me small (but not insignificant) discount for Model-6 + Venom 3 cable combo which I could not refuse. Only if it was available in black... :wink:
And at last but not least, I made a cosmetic change - Rooms Audio Line FS Mahogany headphone stand - it is so freakishly beautiful. It is not cheapest, but it is worth every cent.
I really hope I am done with upgrades for quite some time, my bank account certainly does not need to get any slimmer :D But as I know myself, I will be scouting for new upgrades/additions in some (not so distant) time.
P.S.: Merry Christmas to all fellow head-fiers :wink:
Dec 24, 2013 at 9:06 AM Post #16,318 of 41,888

I had the Resonessence Labs Concero HD DSD DAC hooked up to my bedside rig for a while. It sounded so good that I moved it to my main rig in the media room to use alongside my Bryston BDA-1. I use it mainly to play DSD files but all file types (eg., FLAC) sound really good. Recommend it highly.

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