Schiit Mjolnir 2 Listening Impressions
Apr 15, 2020 at 10:13 AM Post #2,971 of 6,973
My 2-1/2-year-old Mjolnir 2 just went dead. It shows no signs of light, warmth, or noise when turned on, even though it was just fine a week ago. Swapping the power cord with one known to be good (that goes to my Gungir!) does not help.

Is there an internal fuse that might have blown?

Or... did one or both of my tubes die? When a tube dies, does it render the Mjolnir 2 lifeless, or just sound-less?

Apr 15, 2020 at 10:25 AM Post #2,972 of 6,973
My 2-1/2-year-old Mjolnir 2 just went dead. It shows no signs of light, warmth, or noise when turned on, even though it was just fine a week ago. Swapping the power cord with one known to be good (that goes to my Gungir!) does not help.

Is there an internal fuse that might have blown?

Or... did one or both of my tubes die? When a tube dies, does it render the Mjolnir 2 lifeless, or just sound-less?


Yes, there is an internal fuse and your problems are unlikely to be caused by the tubes.

Probably better to return the unit to Schiit since it's still under warranty (assuming that it is, of course). Attempts to change the fuse on your own will void your warranty.

Good luck,
Apr 16, 2020 at 9:58 AM Post #2,974 of 6,973
Thanks, all... I have contacted Schikt, tjey got back to me promptly, and my MJ2 is now on its way to them.

Meanwhile, in its absence, my wife must endure my self-made music of singing and piano playing. She's finding that my headphones make good noise abatement devices!
Apr 16, 2020 at 1:33 PM Post #2,975 of 6,973
Too bad these fuses are not "user friendly" replaceable. If living on the east coast and having to ship the amp to Cali is costly and time consuming. Hope Schiit can make future products easier to replace the fuses.
May 11, 2020 at 8:09 PM Post #2,976 of 6,973
Well I'll be getting a used mj2 here shortly and finally making the jump to fully balanced from my yggy2. My question is:
after reading here a bit it seems low gain is preferred so you can go higher up on the volume knob unless you need to drive something extremely hard to drive. But from what I remember reading and from my experience the lyr 3 on high gain sound just a bit better and more engaging. What is the concensus with the mj2 at this point?
May 12, 2020 at 3:55 AM Post #2,977 of 6,973
Well I'll be getting a used mj2 here shortly and finally making the jump to fully balanced from my yggy2. My question is:
after reading here a bit it seems low gain is preferred so you can go higher up on the volume knob unless you need to drive something extremely hard to drive. But from what I remember reading and from my experience the lyr 3 on high gain sound just a bit better and more engaging. What is the concensus with the mj2 at this point?

I always use my Mjolnir 2 and Lyr 3 on low gain but I can't say I have extensively tested the difference as volume matching between the two to give a proper comparison is a pain in the ass. I just use the setting that gives me the most flexibility in the volume control.
May 12, 2020 at 4:46 AM Post #2,978 of 6,973
Well I'll be getting a used mj2 here shortly and finally making the jump to fully balanced from my yggy2. My question is:
after reading here a bit it seems low gain is preferred so you can go higher up on the volume knob unless you need to drive something extremely hard to drive. But from what I remember reading and from my experience the lyr 3 on high gain sound just a bit better and more engaging. What is the concensus with the mj2 at this point?
I am really wondering this as well.
However I can imagine that only few tested it since Level matching is pain and the differences if any will be very small
May 12, 2020 at 12:06 PM Post #2,979 of 6,973
I think there is no easy answer for that question. It's depends form every piece of equipment and preferences.
From my experience on balanced input I prefer low gain head soundstage has better dimensions and more detail.
On high gain is over expanded on sides first impression is wow! but after more listening you feel that something is not right and sound is a lite bit fuzzy. And I feel some how opposite with RCA input with same headphones on low gain headstage is smaller more distant. I changed recently RCA cable and get some improvement on low gain with bass but still there is no deep and engagement, which arrive on high gain. Over all Your preference is the answer :)

For rough level matching you can use even an app for phone and REW for generating signal.
May 14, 2020 at 10:35 PM Post #2,980 of 6,973
Well after some heavy listening on my speakers using the mj2 as a preamp and then a short listening session this morning with my auteurs I have come to realize that the high gain is a bit too much in the wrong areas or something like that. Low gain I feel a much fuller presentation.

Idk it could just be placebo but I swear I prefer low gain now. Note: I am using balanced input to the mj2 and se output to my receiver powering my speakers. My headphones are balanced the whole way.
Would it be any better to go se in to the mj2 and then to the reciever since the reciever is not balanced? or does the mj2 do this process appropriately?
after a little more listening I think it does sound better going balanced from the ygyy a2 to the mj2 even though I'm using the mj2"s SE preout to my receiver

but as said probably depends upon anyone's preference and setup. Low gain with balanced input from the DAC is mine(for the meantime at least). Also my gold lion tubes are brand new and just started using them so they're not fully broken in yet.

Anyway I like the sound of the gold lions a lot but have only compared to one other pair. Any recommendations?

I'm liking using the mj2 as a preamp for my speakers/reciever. I have the bose 901's (i know, don't hate, they were given to me) and a low end marantz receiver to power them. But I really want to get more out of the bose than what the marrantz can do with them. Do you think it would be an upgrade to get a vidar(vs the marantz receiver) with the mj2 as a preamp? looking to later upgrade to better speakers and hoping the mj2 will serve as a good preamp and headphone amp all in one.
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May 17, 2020 at 12:39 AM Post #2,981 of 6,973
Sorry if that was too much at once. Here's a simple one:
If running a 12 ft rca from the preout of the mj2 to a receiver/power amp, would there be any loss of quality or any extra interference vs an RCA of a foot or less?
In other words how long is too long?
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May 24, 2020 at 8:29 PM Post #2,983 of 6,973
Anyone know what's the latest revision of the Mjolnir 2, or is it still at 1.0 ?
May 27, 2020 at 2:24 AM Post #2,984 of 6,973
Very strange, I started using the high gain again on the mj2 today and right away noticed a huge channel offset (I think that's what it is called). Or at least for some reason the left channel is extremely higher almost like it is only boosting the left channel. I don't know what's going on here so any explanation would be nice. I'll try some other tubes and see what happens for now.

edit: ok switched the tubes to the schiit tubes and it went back to normal. Does this mean that the tubes that didn't work correctly are not compatible with high gain?
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Jun 9, 2020 at 5:54 PM Post #2,985 of 6,973
excuse me for not reading the entire 199 pages of this thread. But i used the search function and couldn't seem to find what i am looking for.

i think i might be in the market for a Mjolnir 2. i say "might" because long story short. after 5 years, my HD800s cable has started falling apart. the rubber above the splitter end started falling off. apparently this is an old Sennheiser problem that they never wanted to fix. (don't get me started). when i found out that the cable replacement is $218 before tax, i nearly fell off the chair. that got me thinking. the headphone came with an XLR balance cable which i never used. my setup consist of Schiit Bifrost (non uber non multibit) to Bottlehead Crack (non speedball). i thought that with the ridiculous amount of money that Sennheiser would love to bend you over with. this money could very well just go to an upgraded amp with balanced output, that way i can just ditch the single ended cable and use the balanced instead.

now. i can't seem to find anyone who have both experienced the Crack and the Mjolnir 2 to compare. it'll be great if that somebody also has the HD800s but i am not holding my breath.

thing is i like the warm and spacious feeling of Crack, and i just don't want and hope that Mjolnir isn't short on soundstage and hope it's not too cold and bright.

can someone shed some light on this? thanks so much in advance.

EDIT: the only thing i was able to find in this thread regarding Crack vs Mjolnir 2 comparison is that the M2 isn't loud enough, but i am not sure if that's just a one-off issue.
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