Schiit Bifrost Uber Analog Upgrade
Nov 2, 2014 at 11:29 PM Post #1,187 of 1,448
  Perhaps this is a bit off-topic, but has Schiit decided to fix the super high brightness levels with the LED on the front of the Bifrost yet? It is especially annoying when you have your gear in the same room you sleep in 

I'm going to consolidate this post with the next one by replying to both below.
  I will when I buy my Bifrost if they still havnt fixed the problem. Having a customer "fix" a problem is not the way to stay in business. People have complained about this particular issue. It is just not right for us to have to do certain things to cut the brightness down. They need to dial back their voltage a bit. I suppose I could add a resistor, but this is something I feel the company should be doing 

You are correct; to displace responsibility on the consumer is poor business. Schiit, however, is renowned for outstanding, indeed superb customer service. The problem with your post is that you've assumed that the light is actually considered a "problem," as if it were not 1) intentionally designed that way by Schiit and 2) others would not appreciate its brightness. I love the light as it is, bright and authoritative, Schiit style.
  Once again, if there is a problem with a product, the developers/manufactures need to solve the problem at the source. Things like this should not fall on us, the consumers, to fix ourselves. I have seen so many reviews, threads, and posts as well as my own experience all critical of the LED brightness. I am surprised Schiit has not solved this at the source 

Slow down. Schiit hasn't caught up to you that this is even a problem at all. They don't consider it a problem, so it's logical it wouldn't be addressed.
  This makes me wonder if their newer ones have dimmer LEDs

My final comment is related to your situation of sleeping in the same room as the Schiit products. There is no disadvantage to turning the amp/dac off before you go to sleep. These pieces of gear do not come automatically turned on, nor do they stay on all the time outside of human control; it is possible to turn them off. If you turn the DAC and the amp off while they are in the same bedroom as you, from what I can gather the lights, which I consider beautiful and you consider atrocious, will turn off. Or maybe your Schiit gear has some sort of demonic possession in them, perhaps a ghost, that renders them incapable of schitting off their lights when you turn them off. If that is the case, pm me, and I'll take them back to China with me and sell them for hundreds of thousands of yuan...
Nov 3, 2014 at 8:18 AM Post #1,191 of 1,448
  I must have had my eyes shut. Hmm, I thought that I was doing something wrong.


Nov 3, 2014 at 12:04 PM Post #1,193 of 1,448
When I had all my gear in my bedroom I just got a roll of orange price tag stickers and stuck them over all the LED's.  It had the added advantage of turning the lights red which is the least distracting in low light conditions.  The light on my bifrost and other gear paled in comparison to the annoyingness of the super bright LED 'ring' on the volume control of my cheap topping amp.  No way to put a sticker over that annoying thing.  
Nov 3, 2014 at 6:23 PM Post #1,197 of 1,448
  Well this just shows how picky some people can be 
 I love Schiit products and I am glad they are constantly evolving. Does the Schiit Bifrost come with the USB board by default, or only for upgrade?

Amazon some times have B-stock or bifrost used cheap if your in the usa.
Nov 4, 2014 at 11:32 AM Post #1,198 of 1,448
Amazon some times have B-stock or bifrost used cheap if your in the usa.

I have been checking around for used gear and I read that Audiogon had good **** but I never can find anything on there. It seems that that website is not used by many people due to the lack of items for sale on it. Other than here and there, what other forums or websites are recommended for used audio gear?
Nov 4, 2014 at 12:07 PM Post #1,199 of 1,448
  I have been checking around for used gear and I read that Audiogon had good **** but I never can find anything on there. It seems that that website is not used by many people due to the lack of items for sale on it. Other than here and there, what other forums or websites are recommended for used audio gear?

some times ebay.
Nov 5, 2014 at 11:41 AM Post #1,200 of 1,448
Random update from me.  I have been running the Bifrost Uber via USB from my XBMC powered media box.  I also got a new TV on which I run netflix, since full on netflix/linux compatibility is not quite here yet.  Analog out from the TV to my preamp is not so good so I ordered an S/PDIF cable to hook the TV to the Bifrost.  Has anyone noticed a difference in quality between the SPDIF and USB inputs on the Bifrost?  Would I be better to run my media box audio through HDMI to the TV and then via SPDIF to the bifrost?  Not really a huge deal it would just save me from having to get up and walk across the room to switch between audio inputs.  

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