[review/comparison] Beyerdynamic DT1350, T50p, Sennheiser HD25-1-ii, HD25-13-ii, Pioneer HDJ-2000, V-Moda M80, Aiaiai TMA-1
Oct 14, 2011 at 4:46 PM Post #91 of 452

Thanks for the reply. I know what that feels, I paid $414 for a pair HD 650s last year and now they sell on Amazon for $336. 

Hey look, $650 for Canadians... http://www.amazon.ca/Sennheiser-HD-650-Lightweight-Audiophile/dp/B00018MSNI/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1318625096&sr=8-1

Oct 14, 2011 at 6:27 PM Post #93 of 452

That's pretty terrible considering someone from the US can just buy that and ship it to Canada for $375-400...

Oddly enough, that has yet to happen to me...
Oct 15, 2011 at 2:11 AM Post #96 of 452
Partial update. Added stuff to the table, relative rankings and notes, still have to write about general sound and comparisons.
Also pictures added.
Oct 15, 2011 at 4:01 AM Post #97 of 452

Congrats on getting the TMA-1 I'm dying to hear your impressions on what they sound like..

They are the darkest headphone I have ever heard. The mids are muffled, and the highend is nearly non existent. They were very comfortable and the instrument separation is fantastic.
Oct 15, 2011 at 4:03 AM Post #98 of 452
Love this photo:
Originally Posted by Armaegis 


Could you explain this part further please?
Armaegis said:
HD25-1: impactful with just enough rumble to give satisfaction, very strong midbass
HD25-13: just a little bit deeper and cleaner
T50p: it's there; nothing really of note
DT1350: very clean, but no body to it, feels overdamped actually
HDJ-2000: strong presence, pleasing thump, mild rumble, less impact and definition than HD25
HDJ-2000mod: even stronger, much more rumble
M80: strong, clear, decent impact (moreso in upper bass)
TMA-1: very strong, no impact or rumble, sort of a one-note doof for everything but it does it well
HDJ-2000mod > HD25-13 > M80 = HD25-1 > HDJ-2000 > DT1350 > TMA-1 > T50p

specifically the part where "DT1350 > TMA-1" 
 never tried the TMA1 but isnt bass suppose to be its forte?
Oct 15, 2011 at 4:54 AM Post #99 of 452
It is... but quite frankly bass is a strong suit from all the contenders, and they simply do it better. My rankings there are purely subjective and result from a combination of volume, clarity, and whimsy. I'll probably switch it to DT1350 >= TMA-1 now that I reflect on it though. While the DT1350 is much much cleaner, the sheer DOOF of the TMA-1 ought to pull it up a few points. 
Also for anyone interested, a bit of putty and a piece of felt in the M80 will decrease bass, a bit of mids and soundstage, but tightens up the treble clarity and improves sub bass response. 
And Raguvian, I hope you don't mind but I did a couple (totally reversibly) mods to your TMA-1. A thin ring of closed cell foam beneath the pad assembly to improve isolation a smidge and give a bit more kick to the bass, and a wad of open cell foam beneath the back half of each pad to angle the cups towards the ears and give a more natural fit and sound. 
And if anyone happens to have both a TMA-1 and a Beyer DT 7/8/9, could you check to see if the Beyer headband fits the TMA-1?
Oct 15, 2011 at 5:25 AM Post #100 of 452
Oct 15, 2011 at 11:37 AM Post #101 of 452

It is... but quite frankly bass is a strong suit from all the contenders, and they simply do it better. My rankings there are purely subjective and result from a combination of volume, clarity, and whimsy. I'll probably switch it to DT1350 >= TMA-1 now that I reflect on it though. While the DT1350 is much much cleaner, the sheer DOOF of the TMA-1 ought to pull it up a few points. 
Also for anyone interested, a bit of putty and a piece of felt in the M80 will decrease bass, a bit of mids and soundstage, but tightens up the treble clarity and improves sub bass response. 
And Raguvian, I hope you don't mind but I did a couple (totally reversibly) mods to your TMA-1. A thin ring of closed cell foam beneath the pad assembly to improve isolation a smidge and give a bit more kick to the bass, and a wad of open cell foam beneath the back half of each pad to angle the cups towards the ears and give a more natural fit and sound. 
And if anyone happens to have both a TMA-1 and a Beyer DT 7/8/9, could you check to see if the Beyer headband fits the TMA-1?

That's cool, I'd like to try it out that way anyways.
Also, as for the DT 770/880/990 headband:

If anyone's interested, the Beyerdynamic DT770/880/990 headband fits the TMA-1 just fine: http://anythingbutipod.com/forum/showpost.php?p=521853&postcount=172

Oct 15, 2011 at 1:00 PM Post #102 of 452
I want to make sure I'm hearing things right. Am I the only one who feels the mids on the M80s are ever so slightly recessed/V-shaped? Not as recessed as the HD25 but basically on the same page as the HDJ-2000 (smiley-shaped). I've heard more upfront mids with other 'phones (eg. MS400) but I just don't hear that bump in the mids with the M80. The mids are clear and well defined but I perceive them to be just slightly distant especially with the stronger bass. Wondering if anyone hears that.
Anyway, awesome job on the notes/review Armaegis. Much appreciated.
Oct 15, 2011 at 1:37 PM Post #103 of 452
I tend to roughly define mids as the human vocal range, so about 100-1000Hz, which I think is lower than what other people define it as. 
I would agree that the mids on the M80 are roughly on par with the HDJ-2000. The bump up I described is really quite small in magnitude, and less than other headphones typically. 
I just realized I forgot to add the notes for mids/treble for the M80 and TMA-1...oops. I'll get to that maybe tomorrow. I too would describe the highs as slightly distant (which I think is an excellent word for it; I may have to steal that). They have a slight resonance and/or echo to them which helps create a sense of staging but blurs out some definition. Finger snaps and cymbals just don't come out as crisp as others. 

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