[REVIEW] Aurisonics ASG-2 & 2.5 (with many comparisons)
Feb 3, 2014 at 7:41 PM Post #4,486 of 7,021
I really dont see where this aggression is coming from or why its necessary. He wrote a review with his honest opinions on it and made the conclusion that the product is not worth the price. I will receive the SEM6 from him in a few days and i could have a different conclusion.
Its like how people say Beats isnt worth the price.
And telling someone to look at graphs is most certainly a dangerous thing. The perception of sound is most DEFINITELY not the same for every single person and the graph does not translate to the same sound for everyone. 
Feb 3, 2014 at 8:07 PM Post #4,487 of 7,021
Quit A/Bing and looking at graphs.

Then you will know.

Or if you are that good go to Earsonics and teach them something. Presume some of them might be reading your things already.

Lol, comparisons are the point of this entire thread - other than the main ASG-2 review. You've yet to give concrete impressions other than "the K3003 and S-EM6 are very different". I've stated my opinions in a detailed fashion. Unless you plan do otherwise, it's up to you to unsubscribe.
Feb 3, 2014 at 8:17 PM Post #4,488 of 7,021
Going by my tone sweeps, 

there's a [COLOR=FFA07A]huge[/COLOR] dip at 4500 Hz, which very slowly rises until it peaks again at 7kHz. This is what I think is responsible for the deadened harmonics in instruments, especially how it makes the snare drum a thud instead of the characteristic snap.

Thanks, and yeah that sounds like a big issue. I wonder if our friend tyojpn hears the same dip?

Tyojpn, can you listen to a tone generator and see if you hear any dips at ~4.5k? If you do hear it, that shows that you prefer a sound sigs that include a dip at 4.5k, and others can use that information to see whether or not the S-EM6 is right for them. If you don't hear a dip there, things could be a little more interesting, as we'd have to determine whether there is an actual difference with Eke's S-EM6, or if the sound of the S-EM6 changes with fit/angle/depth. The more detail from your impressions the better, otherwise the readers here can't really even be sure what you're disagreeing about.
Feb 3, 2014 at 9:02 PM Post #4,489 of 7,021
  God-damn. I think the K3003 might be the most wholesome phone I've heard. I was planning on buying a camera replacement/upgrade, but the K3003 is tempting me otherwise.

I've managed to ignore the K3003 until now. Read the above. Found them online. Love the way they look. Gasped at the price! Why do those and the 1p2's etc have to cost so darned much. Grrrrrrrrrrrr! Very tough for a cheap screw like myself to digest lol.
Feb 3, 2014 at 11:41 PM Post #4,490 of 7,021
You keep repeating this "taste" thing. Please read what I've posted.

Secondly, this thread was made long before I even heard of the EM6. I also didn't say it's a waste of money, rather that it is a very poor value. There are several cheaper phones that are objectively better in terms of SQ refinement, soundstage, clarity, detailing, speed, tightness, etc.

Quit A/Bing and looking at graphs.

Then you will know.

Or if you are that good go to Earsonics and teach them something. Presume some of them might be reading your things already.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say: "Stop reading threads with A/B comparisons." That's exactly what we're here for.

Many of us own the ASG-2. Many want to to hear them. We who own them but just can't get to try the other ones eke has gotten to try, might extrapolate something from his opinions in relation to our own and whether some of these other iems could be interesting.

I doubt one opinion about the S-EM6 being overpriced, bloated and muddy is going to MAKE or BREAK Earsonics. So you need to get your **** together and respect that this is a review, these are personal opinions. We all know that it's subjective. That's how everything needs to be interpreted.

"The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function."

Just keep that in mind and try to engulf the fact thay while some, like eke, may feel that a pair of S-EM6 are overpriced and others may feel like buying a pair was the best thing they've done since buying Apple stocks back in 1999.

And I really hope the people at Earsonics read reviews of their products and are able to hold both the good and the bad reviews in their minds at the same time while trying to improve their products.

Maybe you need to just take things a bit less personal. One bad review isn't going to change your listening experience unless you're very easily influenced by the common opinion. Go buy a pair of Bose cans instead and let group psychology do the rest in that case. They're great sounding, the best value you can find and they're also extremely well designed and built to last for years. I heard that they have SCIENTISTS working overtime to achieve THAT LEVEL OF SOUND. Most people I've asked to have a listen to mine say that "These are the best ones I've ever heard. Can't imagining only listening to the ugly world now because these are better than listening to what the real world has to offer."

That's always one way to go.

Ears are different. Bla bla blah. Different fit. Blah. Tips. Blah. Taste blah bla. Subjective opinions. Blah. Too much meta analysis. Bla blah.

I know many of you understand sarcasm. Don't know about the cranky guy. I don't particularly adore Bose FYI.
Feb 4, 2014 at 12:33 AM Post #4,491 of 7,021
"The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function."


Could you please speak to my wife?
Feb 4, 2014 at 12:48 AM Post #4,492 of 7,021
^ LOL!
Feb 4, 2014 at 1:07 AM Post #4,494 of 7,021
Thanks for various comments which I appreciate.

Actually I respect Eke for his talent to write things in rather dramatic way that draws peoples attention.
Generally he is also very confident, yet faithful to his own sense to make strong statements when it comes to expression of likes and dislikes, or good and bad.
It is indeed interesting to read what he writes honestly.

I just hope people take the review as a sample of personal opinion.
This is the only reason I have been speaking up.

I learnt Eke and myself have very different sense of hearing, but my personal experience will never be influenced by what he writes anyway because I actually have K3003 or S-EM6 and I can judge myself.
If I wish I can go out to the store and get ASG-2 tomorrow, so practically no problem.

May be his words are more influential to some other people, but that is their problem and not mine. I know.

I think I have said what I wanted to. Ready to leave.
Feb 4, 2014 at 3:51 AM Post #4,495 of 7,021
  The EX1000 loses composure ... when Regina starts hitting higher notes.

Well, doesn't everyone? You can't hold that against the EX1000! 

  A friend asked me about the bass of the EX1000 compared to the K3003, and the latter is again more superior.

I strongly disagree! 
... wait! So if the K3003 is more superior, the EX1000 would still be superior, no? Well, I could live with that. 
Feb 7, 2014 at 2:41 PM Post #4,498 of 7,021
My Review of the ASG-2's:
Background: When I received my ASG’s, the only headphones I had in my possession were the Audeo PFE 232.  I had had the 232’s for about two months, and had grown used to the neutral sound signature by the time my ASG-2’s arrived. As with all of my reviews, I let my headphones burn in naturally. I don’t use pink noise or white noise – I just use my headphones and after about a hundred hours (five-six weeks) have elapsed, I know the headphones have settled into a more-or-less permanent state.
Source: Macbook Pro / iPhone 5 (no DAC’s)
Initial Notes and First Impressions:
Bass. Bass. Bass. Surprisingly low and impactful bass. I guess I had forgotten what bass had felt like – the PFE’s definitely don’t reach as low as these headphones. I’m not a basshead, and at first the ASG-2’s felt very overwhelming. I’ve since adjusted the bass dial to its smallest setting.
At its lowest setting, the lower-mids die down a bit and trebles shine. The Cello and the Bass feel alive in The Cello Song, by the Piano Guys (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FblHCHOLAcQ&feature=kp) Some have described the ASG-2’s as “mid-colored.” I don’t know whether I necessarily agree with this characterization, but it’s certainly clear that the IEM’s are mid-centric.

At least right now, I feel like the IEM is a little dark. I hope that the mids clear up a little and the treble shines through a little better. We’ll see what a hundred hours of burn-in do to the sound signature.

Isolation: 10/10 – not much to say here, other than that isolation on the ASG-2’s is very good. I’m currently using comply tips.
Build quality: 9/10 – These feel really solid. The cables fit comfortably into the earbuds, and the headphones themselves feel extremely well engineered. The earphones themselves don’t feel as well designed as my Tzar 90’s, but I’m partial to wooden creations.
Fit and Comfort: 7/10 – Some people love the fit of the ASG-2’s. I don’t. The headphones are notdistinctly uncomfortable. But in general, I’ve never forgotten about them while plugged in. I do feel the presence of the headphones in my ears – they don’t sit completely flush to the skin, so moving my head around rattles the headphones just a little bit. It’s nothing major, but rather something I notice every once in a while. That said, I’ve worn the ASG-2’s for several hours at a time without any issue – so they do rest fairly comfortable within my ear canals.
The Meat:
Might be placebo, might be that I’m hearing what I want to hear, but after about a few weeks of listening ASG-2’s have in large part filled in the areas I was unhappy with. We’ll go through the Lows, Mids, and Highs separately, and do some comparisons to the Tzar 90 and the PFE 232’s.
Lows: As expected, the bass evolved to be better controller over burn-in. The (very) slight bloatiness I initially experienced has faded. I might be a little weird, but I enjoy testing the bass control by listening to rap music.
In rap, there’s a fair amount of amorphous, deep-reaching bass in the background of vocals and lyrics. I listened to Headlights (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dWKNEJ5QNuU&feature=kp)  by Eminem and Nate Ruess (from Fun., who is one of my favorite vocalists). The ASG-2’s did a phenomenal job at controlling the bloaty bass which is characteristic of rap songs. There was still plenty of punch and impact, and the bass did feel fairly well controlled. Nevertheless, on certain notes and verses, the lows reached into the mids and colored some of the vocals.
In general, it seems my observations with Headlights doesn’t apply to the ASG-2’s as a whole. I listened to the lows across all of Fun.’s Some Nights and Aim and Ignite albums,  and in general the lows are very controlled. Bass is deep and impactful, particularly in We are Young(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQLGhPHzxjc) and Light a Roman Candle With Me(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKoBTEcq8Ck&feature=kp). I was especially impressed with the latter song, which boasts an impressive vocal range accompanied by deep low notes.
I believe it’s a general consensus that lows is something the ASG-2’s do incredibly well. The headphones really come alive with the Cello/Bass and the drums. But at times the bass bleeds into low-toned vocals. This is a sword that cuts both ways -- with very low-centric songs the vocals might be a little obscured by the bass. On the flip side, singers with deep voices really come alive.
Mids/Highs: Vocals and mids sound clear and resonate. They feel sweet, certainly sweeter than the PFE232’s. I wouldn’t necessarily characterize these headphones as mid-colored. They are certainly mid-centric, but I don’t necessarily agree with the statements made regarding the mids bleeding into the treble and the bass.
Typically I like to test Mids by listening to folk-ey music. In this particular case, I used Beirut’s The Rip Tide album to test the integrity of mids.
I really, really enjoyed this part.
In my opinion, the ASG-2’s have mids and highs that carry significant weight. Because the ASG-2’s are a mid-centric, vocals really have presence. Beirut’s Vagabond (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpN2XAg2bQs) and Santa Fe (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iN-5XUqe1PQ ) both really come alive. The trumpet shines through like hope. Even accordions sound powerful.
Who still uses the accordion these days?
Next up was Melanie Laurent, otherwise known as Shosanna in Inglorious Bastards. Melanie and Damien Rice authored a few songs together on Laurent’s En t’attendant. These guys sound great together, and they sound phenomenal on the ASG-2’s. Laurent’s voice sounds sweet, particularly against Damien Rice’s deeper voice. There’s quite a bit going on towards the end of their song  (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jBRvDxgkBCM). At the very, very end of the song you can feel the extent of the ASG-2’s soundstage. The violin moves around the audio screen, and eventually fades off.
In general, I’m very much a mids-centric guy; I look for sweet, substantive vocals and instruments, which is something the ASG-2’s do really well. But even after burn-in, I do feel like the mids aren’t as sweet as they could be. This just might be the bass bleeding into the very bottom end of the mids… In general, though, the ASG-2’s do mostly everything incredibly well, particularly with solo instruments like the trumpet, violin, and piano.
Feb 7, 2014 at 3:30 PM Post #4,499 of 7,021

I have the ER4S and SEM6 that was in Eke's possession thanks to the generosity of Eke and other headfiers and their willingness to tour their iems :)
Will be doing some listening and hopefully posting my thoughts next weekend after my exams (dat stress...)
Sadly currently only able to test things out single ended with the Duet.

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