Oppo HA-1 Impressions Thread
Sep 8, 2014 at 1:28 PM Post #1,651 of 5,414
Ok so it seems we might be uncovering a true fault with our beloved ha-1? It seems now this is the 4th case of this I have heard of now ! I contacted oppo but haven't heard back yet. I hope to hear from them today? Thanks all for your support but I can't help but to say this does worry me if it happens once handed are it will happen again. The question is will it still be under warranty when it happens?

If this turns out to be static discharge related, I would strongly urge people to use a powered USB hub like the compatible one I provided a link to in my original post which should be good for at least 2kV of isolation (some industrial hubs offer 4kV - 15kV of isolation but cost hundreds of dollars).
For more information about ESD (Electrostatic Discharge) levels, see the table at the bottom of: http://www.edn.com/design/consumer/4413332/Circuit-protection--Understanding-differences-in-the-Human-Body-Model-and-IEC-61000-4-2-standards
Sep 8, 2014 at 2:36 PM Post #1,652 of 5,414
Are you kidding? Oppo all the way. Unless you want more portability. The Hugo is a toy compared the fully fleged HA-1.

The issue here is a portable unit being pushed should be compared to portable units..

Amos has briefly compared HA-1 & Chord Hugo on his PM-1 review http://www.head-fi.org/products/oppo-pm-1/reviews/11180

I have to take this with half a grain of salt because I owned the pm1 and what he perceived as more detail I noticed myself that the truth is the pm1 sounds sweeter out of portable units as the trebles seem more tingling but this percieved detailing is not necessarily treble accuracy..
It's more that the signature of the pm1 unit is brighter on portables..

For a proper showcase of true accuracy,
For a comparison you would have to play the HA-1 at its full potential on high gain and out of the balanced 4pin xlr,
which the pm1 does not even have a jack for(!),
and it is obvious that the sheer clarity and power the HA-1 has on balanced out to drive them would easily win..
This is why they should not be using & putting down the HA1 as a comparison to that little hugo, as it is misleading.
I can't understand why anyone would compare a desk/home unit to a portable unit.

Just because it costs twice more money
Sep 8, 2014 at 2:51 PM Post #1,653 of 5,414
The price is the same in the UK for both the HA-1 and Hugo. I really wish I could demo as I've heard so many conflicting opinions. IF it helps, I won't be using the PM-1 as a portable. I'd hate to take that much worth of gear out and about.
I have to say, I like the idea of a desktop sized amp and having both Oppo products. But... I heard the Hugo at a show last year and it sounded incredible with the Audeze LCD3.
No idea what to do!
Sep 8, 2014 at 2:54 PM Post #1,654 of 5,414
Hey Hastur!!!!!
I just did the deed - ordered a silver one - Spoke to Derek...
Methinks you and Derek might be one and the same person...
Y'all might want to get some therapy for that bipolar Schiit...

NeWayz just give it the white glove treatment i.e. No Blemishes!!!!!


Sep 8, 2014 at 4:41 PM Post #1,655 of 5,414
  If this turns out to be static discharge related, I would strongly urge people to use a powered USB hub like the compatible one I provided a link to in my original post which should be good for at least 2kV of isolation (some industrial hubs offer 4kV - 15kV of isolation but cost hundreds of dollars).
For more information about ESD (Electrostatic Discharge) levels, see the table at the bottom of: http://www.edn.com/design/consumer/4413332/Circuit-protection--Understanding-differences-in-the-Human-Body-Model-and-IEC-61000-4-2-standards

This is exactly what happened to mine - rear USB input just stopped working one day but optical and other inputs were fine. Oppo had me troubleshoot a bit and did an advance exchange. The whole warranty process was smooth. New one has been working just fine since I got it even without a powered hub. I just assumed it was an odd glitch with my original unit.
Sep 8, 2014 at 4:55 PM Post #1,656 of 5,414
Hi to everyone - my first post on this site!

A word of caution to potential purchasers - the HA1 appears NOT to take ipod classic gen 5. The user manual (kindly linked earlier in this thread) contains the following text:

"Note: USB works with iPhone 5S, iPhone 5C, iPhone 5, iPhone 4S, iPad (4th generation), iPad mini, iPod touch (5th

Classic is never mentioned and indeed is "stalled" by connecting it to the front USB. It has to de-power, run flat, and recharge and restart to recover.

Also - (and I know this is picky but it caused me some confusion,) the manual also says:

"The digital audio signal from your Apple product will be converted by the internal DAC and
sent to the headphone and line level outputs."

I'm guessing what it actually means is "...will be converted by the internal DAC IN THE AMPLIFIER, not your idevice, and send to the etc etc..."

So if I plug in idevice it is bypassing the small inbuilt DAC in the ipod and using the oppo DAC instead.

Cheers - enjoying reading and learning ALOT from this forum.
I have a classic gen 7 and it IS compatible. No freezing up, and it passes the data.
Sep 8, 2014 at 5:16 PM Post #1,657 of 5,414
^Sounds different... ...
Yes, you can get a different sound from them, but that is based on the audio that is input.

I'm not going to post about it anymore. I don't want to waste others' time to beat a dead horse.
I think I made my point clear. No disrespect intended. I just don't agree. :smile:

Hey no problem I actually agree with your point!

The reason is I don't see them as opposing viewpoints, but actual points to a multi faceted issue with various variables involved.
To me they are pieces of a puzzle and do not conflict but instead add up to try cover all the complexity of the reality of the situation which is hard to fully capture in a description.
So I appreciate you point out other sides..(!)
Sep 8, 2014 at 5:25 PM Post #1,658 of 5,414
This is exactly what happened to mine - rear USB input just stopped working one day but optical and other inputs were fine. Oppo had me troubleshoot a bit and did an advance exchange. The whole warranty process was smooth. New one has been working just fine since I got it even without a powered hub. I just assumed it was an odd glitch with my original unit.

For protection I suggest the schiit wyrd usb decrapifier..
Sep 8, 2014 at 6:19 PM Post #1,659 of 5,414
Can someone please help... I'm debating either the HA-1 or the Chord Hugo for my PM-1 headphones. I have no opportunity for a demo, unfortunately.

They are both the same price over here in the UK.

If the Hugo is prices as low as the HA-1 (around $1.2k) then it is probably great for portable use if you are able to spend that much on a portable unit. .
Otherwise it is just apples and oranges and just totally different item categories that are odd to be comparing.

Amos has briefly compared HA-1 & Chord Hugo on his PM-1 review http://www.head-fi.org/products/oppo-pm-1/reviews/11180

This is the second time I see a comparison of this nature I believe can be taken out of context.

Just an odd thing to do and To me, it is misleading For any reviewer who is testing,
to say the Hugo has more details without specifics.

It is general consensus that balanced output is superior to normal headphone out.
Similar opinion applies to speaker taps being superior.
Also, in my experience,
every headphone I tried, on the HA -1 balanced xlr outputs, sound superior to its headphone out.
I would consider the HA-1 competitive, if not superior to anything its price range...

That being said:
1-Reviewers simply put it out there with no evidence that they used anything other than normal headphone out on the pm1.
2-The pm1 does not come with a balanced connector.

Therefore it is a correct assumption to say they didn't use the HA-1 to its potential with the balanced xlr outputs which are superior.

Therefore the statement that hugo has more details than HA-1 when using the pm1 needs more clarification and is misleading.
There are other adjectives I can use to describe the HA-1 like "soundtage", "impact, "bass weight", "clarity", "realism" and all those words have greater impact and cover more description than the word "details".
So throwing out arbitrary comments to put down the HA-1, or elevate the Hugo, doesn't wash with me...
Sep 8, 2014 at 6:56 PM Post #1,660 of 5,414
If the Hugo is prices as low as the HA-1 (around $1.2k) then it is probably great for portable use if you are able to spend that much on a portable unit. .
Otherwise it is just apples and oranges and just totally different item categories that are odd to be comparing.
This is the second time I see a comparison of this nature I believe can be taken out of context.

Just an odd thing to do and To me, it is misleading For any reviewer who is testing,
to say the Hugo has more details without specifics.

It is general consensus that balanced output is superior to normal headphone out.
Similar opinion applies to speaker taps being superior.
Also, in my experience,
every headphone I tried, on the HA -1 balanced xlr outputs, sound superior to its headphone out.
I would consider the HA-1 competitive, if not superior to anything its price range...

That being said:
1-Reviewers simply put it out there with no evidence that they used anything other than normal headphone out on the pm1.
2-The pm1 does not come with a balanced connector.

Therefore it is a correct assumption to say they didn't use the HA-1 to its potential with the balanced xlr outputs which are superior.

Therefore the statement that hugo has more details than HA-1 when using the pm1 needs more clarification and is misleading.
There are other adjectives I can use to describe the HA-1 like "soundtage", "impact, "bass weight", "clarity", "realism" and all those words have greater impact and cover more description than the word "details".
So throwing out arbitrary comments to put down the HA-1, or elevate the Hugo, doesn't wash with me...

X 1

Nicely put.....
Sep 8, 2014 at 10:29 PM Post #1,661 of 5,414
  Hey Hastur!!!!!
I just did the deed - ordered a silver one - Spoke to Derek...
Methinks you and Derek might be one and the same person...

No, Derek and I are not one in the same.
 NeWayz just give it the white glove treatment i.e. No Blemishes!!!!!

The HA-1 stands were actually hand built, so I am not at all surprised if some amount of "character" got through the line. I wouldn't expect that from the HA-1 as it is primarily automated with a small amount of manual installation.
Sep 9, 2014 at 2:24 AM Post #1,662 of 5,414
If the Hugo is prices as low as the HA-1 (around $1.2k) then it is probably great for portable use if you are able to spend that much on a portable unit. .
Otherwise it is just apples and oranges and just totally different item categories that are odd to be comparing.

Well, we actually get pretty ripped off over here for Oppo stuff. The Oppo is £1200 ($2000) and the Hugo can be had for the same price. I know you shouldn't judge something by the fact that it costs more, but I don't like the idea of getting ripped off for the Oppo.
Sep 9, 2014 at 4:54 AM Post #1,663 of 5,414
No, Derek and I are not one in the same.
The HA-1 stands were actually hand built, so I am not at all surprised if some amount of "character" got through the line. I wouldn't expect that from the HA-1 as it is primarily automated with a small amount of manual installation.

Hey now Hastur it was just an observation... Don't take it personally.
Just saying that Jekyll and Hyde stuff can get outta hand real fast... Nah Mean...
Ya'll errr I mean you and or Derek might want to sit down and check out "Enemy" with Jake Gyllenhaal 


You know - just to clear matters up and see Who's Who... 

NeWayz the HA-1 and Stand are definitely gonna make an appearance at the NY Area Meet this November
I might give Jude a call to see if he's going to be there with his PM-1's
If not I may PM you about it - no need to bring Derek into this 

As always...


Sep 9, 2014 at 7:52 AM Post #1,664 of 5,414
those have living in warm climates or warm inside I found a neat little solution...

mini laptop fan!

Sep 9, 2014 at 7:55 AM Post #1,665 of 5,414
it fits perfect

although I use it for my SONY VAIO VGN-P type mini laptop which fits nicely in the back..
All black :)

I still think that just putting feet under the oppo is best solution as the time it takes to heat up is much longer and it is not as hot anymore unless I leave on 24hrs but still not as hot as stock feet which I feel is a huge oversight on their part as this unit deserves some nice big feet!

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