Dac Thoughts Anyone?
I am considering three dac options. Two have headphone amps the other is integrated dac/amp. The three are: Exasound E22 $3499 dac/hp Mytek Digital Stereo192-DSD DAC $1595 dac/hp Nad M2 Used $2850 dac/amp Any opinions are welcome as are alternate suggestions. Also, If I don't get...- Nick63
- Thread
- exasound-e22-dac grace-design-m920 mytek-stereo192-dsd-dac audio-gd-master-7
- Replies: 7
- Forum: Dedicated Source Components
Oppo HA-1 Impressions Thread
The long awaited release of the Oppo HA-1 headphone amplifier was today. It doesn't look like there is an impressions thread yet, so I'll open one up. Let's keep this to impressions only please. There are a few beta testers out there that have heard the unit starting back last year. ...- aamefford
- Thread
- oppo-ha-1-integrated-headphone-dac-and-amplifier yulong-audio-da8-dsd-dac-with-integrated-headphone-amp oppo-pm-1 mytek-stereo192-dsd-dac
- Replies: 5,419
- Forum: Headphone Amps (full-size)
Decision time! Wyred 4 Sound DAC 2 or Mytek DSD-DAC?
Okay, I am on the fence on which to get. The Mytek has headphones out which I like and DSD file support for the future. The Wyred 4 Sound DAC 2 is well received and proven to be a great DAC. The Mytek is new so no reviews yet, but it Mytek is well respected by the Pros. Your thoughts? ...- DjAmTraX
- Thread
- dangerous-music-source mytek-stereo192-dsd-dac wyred4sound-dac-2
- Replies: 13
- Forum: Dedicated Source Components
Is Shiit Modi / Vali combo a joke compared to (Woo Audio WA6-SE, Burson, Graham Slee, EARMAX-Silver, MyTek, etc) ?
I am just curious. My Shiit Modi / Vali is arriving today and I'll be using it with HD598 and soon maybe with HD650 ... I know that just like many rave about high end $2,000 amps, same amount of rave you can see for cheap stuff simply because that's what people can afford and don't know any...- Pianist718
- Thread
- schiit-modi schiit-vali woo-audio-wa-6-se mytek-stereo192-dsd-dac
- Replies: 22
- Forum: Headphone Amps (full-size)
Mytek Stereo192-DSD DAC
- audiophile quality conversion, 128dB, 192 kHz, DSD, 128xDSD - 32 bit Sabre DAC - USB2.0 (async) and Firewire interfaces - Standard AES, SPDIF, SDIF, WCK, optical ins/outs - Audiophile quality high current headphone amplifier - Precision programmable analog 1dB step attenuator - Balanced...- kinger2005
- Head Gear item
- mytek-stereo192-dsd-dac
- Category: Amp/DACs