Old School Trio: AKG K701, Beyerdynamic DT880, Sennheiser HD650
Dec 4, 2010 at 2:23 AM Post #91 of 169

On the other hand, maybe delusional is a possibility after all.

More seriously, I'm afraid I'm unable to see your point. No one is suggesting that because Uncle Erik inferred from its pricing structure that AKG consider their product inferior to the opposition then it must be a fact. Personally I consider it a dubious supposition at best. Nevertheless it's one possible inference and not beyond the realms of possibility, and Uncle Erik is entitled to make it just as you're entitled to disagree as vigorously as you wish. Where unicorns enter the picture is a mystery to me.

Sure he's "entitled" to make his clearly questionable inferences, but please remember that he has a Moderator tag under his name. Whether he likes it or not, to an extent he represents these forums and/or it's management. I'm fairly certain that manufacturers/sponsors/potential sponsors would look negatively on and object to untrue comments made by forum representatives regarding their products.
Dec 4, 2010 at 3:45 AM Post #92 of 169

Sure he's "entitled" to make his clearly questionable inferences, but please remember that he has a Moderator tag under his name. Whether he likes it or not, to an extent he represents these forums and/or it's management. I'm fairly certain that manufacturers/sponsors/potential sponsors would look negatively on and object to untrue comments made by forum representatives regarding their products.

We're members first and moderators second.

I find the K-701/2 inferior to AKG's earlier offerings, of which I own several.

This is my personal opinion. Others disagree, and that's OK.

However, I am *not* going to change my opinion to please others. Sure, it might make AKG happy if I kissed their backsides, but from where I stand, they're pushing a dog of a headphone.

Do you want me to modify my opInion based on reasons other than what I really think? That's shilling, and I take a dim view of that.

If AKG produces a good headphone, I'll praise it. If not, I will call it as I see it. I'm *not* going to suck up to a bad product just to make someone happy.
Dec 4, 2010 at 5:08 AM Post #93 of 169
Your opinion is your opinion, I don't think anyone has an issue with that.  You don't like the K701 (many don't) I certainly don't think that is an issue.  What is an issue for some is the way you go about it. 
dcpoor states it well in post #69 of this thread.
"Maybe because you do it with such regularity, fervor, and unreasonableness. It's as if these headphones somehow personally wronged you and you now have a vendetta against them and those that like them.
And making silly comments/arguments such as "Akg admitting the k701's to be inferior because they're priced a bit less than it's competitors" or "the only reason people buy k701's is because they're too cheap to buy hd650's" or "only new people with no experience like k701's" certainly helps to stir up this "firestorm" you seem to enjoy so much." 
However, for whatever reason I am sure that you will continue with your attacking comments and look for other ways to infer things that are simply untrue/misleading.
I find it ironic that you shut down a thread http://www.head-fi.org/forum/thread/526236/headphone-bash-thread   very recently, stating that you don't like headphone bashing for the sake it.  Well that is moderator first and member second.  And pot meet kettle.
If Uncle Erik is on the forum now and see's it, he will.

Uncle Erik's thread closing quote is below. 

How right you are.

I don't like to see bashing threads. The point of the forum is to guide people to what they would enjoy. We want people to find headphones they love listening to.

We don't need trashing for the sake of trashing. Thread closed. 
Dec 4, 2010 at 6:11 AM Post #96 of 169
We're members first and moderators second.
I find the K-701/2 inferior to AKG's earlier offerings, of which I own several.
This is my personal opinion. Others disagree, and that's OK.
However, I am *not* going to change my opinion to please others. Sure, it might make AKG happy if I kissed their backsides, but from where I stand, they're pushing a dog of a headphone.
Do you want me to modify my opInion based on reasons other than what I really think? That's shilling, and I take a dim view of that.
If AKG produces a good headphone, I'll praise it. If not, I will call it as I see it. I'm *not* going to suck up to a bad product just to make someone happy.

I have no problem with the fact that you no longer enjoy k701's and I don't believe I've stated anywhere that you should change your opinion to please anyone or to "shill".
I take issue with comments like these:
 AKG, by the way, implicitly acknowledges that the K-701 isn't as good as the DT880 or HD-650. That's why it is priced lower than those two. They can only compete on price, not sound.

 The only reason the K-701 has any popularity is because it's the least expensive "top" offering from a big manufacturer. If the K-701's street price were higher than the HD-650 or DT880, nobody would buy it.  

 If it cost more than the HD-650, no one would buy it. The only reason so many people buy the K-701 is because it costs less than other flagship headphones.

Really? Are you really saying it's impossible for anyone to enjoy and prefer the k701? Everyone that choose the k701 over the dt880 and hd650 were just too cheap and ignorant?
And you often remind us that you've never liked the k701's and always thought they were bad headphones. Some sort of disgrace to the AKG legacy and sound.

 On the other hand, I never loved the K-701. There's a weird, artificial sound to the treble that really comes out in vocals. Every time I made an effort to listen, the plasticky vocals forced them off my head. I listened to other pairs, but they all had the same tonal balance problem.

Oh come on... 
 I'm loving the K-701 stock with the Zana. I was very, very close to selling the K-701 to pay for the Zana, but decided to hang onto it to and see if it sounded different. It sure did, and I've kept the K-701.

 For me, I was on the verge of selling the K-701. It sounded plasticky and artificial. I decided to keep it until the Zana was ready, however. I'm glad I did. For the first time, the K-701 sounded pretty good. Good enough to keep.

 You can't really go wrong with any of the three. I'm crazy about the DT880 and HD-650. The K-701 I've come to like a lot.

But none of them are bad, not even close.

 I can go along with that. Now that I have them amped well, the K-701 has opened up and begun to sing for me. My appreciation is growing, but they still can't match the magic of K-501 mids or the overall experience of the K-1000. But the K-701 now has a place in my heart.

Though my favorite all-rounder is probably now the HD-600.

The K-701 is my second choice.

 The K-701 is a very good headphone, but if you want to hear it at its best, you'll need to invest in or build a quality amp.

Dec 4, 2010 at 6:18 AM Post #98 of 169
Yeah I added a tonne to this thread didn't I?

Anyway, I do think the K701 has some rather big flaws but it's not like all three headphones have flaws. If the K701s weren't so cheap, I honestly think people wouldn't buy it. I used to adore them but hey, I've progressed. I'm guessing it's the same for Erik. He can speak for himself though but I just couldn't be bothered to go through his posts to find the K701 loving posts. That's some kind of mission there.... yeah.... I'm going back to my rum and coke.
Dec 4, 2010 at 6:44 AM Post #99 of 169

Yeah I added a tonne to this thread didn't I?

Anyway, I do think the K701 has some rather big flaws but it's not like all three headphones have flaws. If the K701s weren't so cheap, I honestly think people wouldn't buy it. I used to adore them but hey, I've progressed. I'm guessing it's the same for Erik. He can speak for himself though but I just couldn't be bothered to go through his posts to find the K701 loving posts. That's some kind of mission there.... yeah.... I'm going back to my rum and coke.

"Anyway, I do think the K701 has some rather big flaws but it's not like all three headphones have flaws."
um. you were trying to say that all three had flaws? or?
" If the K701s weren't so cheap, I honestly think people wouldn't buy it."
So you honestly believe that no one purchased the k701 because they liked the sound?
I like the k701's, but there are a good number of headphones that I like more. I don't have a "special mission" to defend the k701's from any criticism it takes, but I have no problem pointing out comments i see as consistently irresponsible or false.
Dec 4, 2010 at 6:46 AM Post #100 of 169

Pointless banter.  

For some.  I think most threads that incur unreasonable bashing are pointless or quickly go there, EG: all Headfi Bose threads, most Skullcandy threads, a large percentage of Beats threads etc.  No one is sugesting that threads should only be about praising the virtues of any equipment, without people expressing a contrasting opinion where warranted.  However as our mod publishes (and acts) trashing for the sake of trashing is pointless, and in my opinion particularly when one selects words to infer a position that has little or no basis.  A member's right?  Of course. Some might sugest behaviour that is deliberately antagonistic, perhaps even trash for the sake of trashing (make up your own mind on that one).  When a mod shuts down a thread for trashing (and you can all read it for yourselves to see how bad the trashing got before it got shut down) and yet makes trashing statements themselves (IMO and obviously in the opinion of others as well), then I think it reasonable to point it out.
Everyone can make their own judgements and form their own opinions, including whether the whole thing is pointless banter; of which I don't necessarily disagree with.
However I do find it ironic and a double standard, that a thread that deteriates into pointless banter based on someone trashing a headphone with arguably unreasonable statements, is in fact against headphone bashing and has the power to terminate a thread based on that personal opinion.
End of subject for me. Thread derailed.  Bash and trash all you like, I really have had enough of this school yard behaviour and I will simply stay away from any future K701 threads, because so many end up here.
Dec 4, 2010 at 11:00 AM Post #101 of 169
Hmm, I didn't expect this tread to derail this badly. Would it be the K701 that caused all this? Of course not, it's the members. The K701 was just the explosive and our members knowingly lit the fuse.
But remember, each headphone has a specific and unique sound that someone, somewhere, will find special to them. It doesn't have to agree with the populations taste, and that is perfectly okay. The awesome thing about this hobby, is trying to find that really intriguing sound signature, that makes our ears and our minds happy. For some, it's the HD650. For others, the SR80i. For a few, it may be the RX700. And for a select amount, it's the K701. Why bother arguing which is superior when there is no such word in Head-Fi? Superior is a word that only our ears can tell us it's meaning, and nothing, or nobody else can. That's why we all have a favorite headphones. Let's just try not to smash others for not liking a specific brand or model, because just like you, they have their favorites as well.
"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts" ~ Daniel Patrick Moynihan

Dec 4, 2010 at 11:17 AM Post #102 of 169
Time to have a rum and coke gang. Evolution in the hobby is a blessing and a curse. Once you hear better, the flaws of others become more acute. I brought up the "plasticky" comment honestly. I never could figure out what UE was talking about until I listened to a darker headphone for a while and came back to the K701. I'm not a fan of dark headphones but the LCD-2 has so much going for it you accept it.
Dec 4, 2010 at 1:28 PM Post #103 of 169

AKG, by the way, implicitly acknowledges that the K-701 isn't as good as the DT880 or HD-650. That's why it is priced lower than those two. They can only compete on price, not sound.

not this stupid line of reasoning again. the MSRP of the k701 is in between the dt880 and hd650. and the street price of the k701 is slightly higher than the dt880 these days.

But you forgetting that K701 need to be amped so it ads extra cost while DT990 (didn't try DT 880 yet but will try soon) are great unamped
Dec 4, 2010 at 7:45 PM Post #105 of 169
I wouldn't have thought the 701 was copping much here. I'm still getting over a thread where the 595 was bashed so violently it had to be admitted to Emergency. Someone even posted that "The 595 is simply no good with music" and a number of others solemnly agreed, almost as if it were a long-established fact with which it would be unreasonably to take issue. So if you think the 701 gets unfairly treated, spare a thought for poor old 595 and his little brother, 555.   

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