Sep 23, 2014 at 1:15 PM Post #3,541 of 10,681
  It just wouldn't boot up any more. I just dug up a charger cable to see if it still gives any sign of life, and it does! "Charging, Please Wait..." Seems DFU mode is working too. *wipes sweat off face*

Sometimes this is resolved by replacing the battery, in some instances you need a new HD ribbon cable or in worse scenarios a new logic board.
Sep 23, 2014 at 4:33 PM Post #3,542 of 10,681
Hey guys.
I just PMed @Freeze to see if he would be willing to update the first post of this thread. This thread has grown quite a bit over the years, and I would love to see all the pertinent info consolidated. I'm hoping we can all put our minds together and come up with a document that we can email to each other to add info, links, ect. It would be nice to have it and send it on to Freeze so all he would need to do is copy and paste it into the original post. Would anyone be willing to help with this? I'd be willing to help with it as much as I could. I think it would be great for new comers to be able to find the info they are looking for without too much digging and it may help alleviate some of the same questions being asked.

Thanks guys!
Sep 23, 2014 at 6:52 PM Post #3,543 of 10,681
  Sometimes this is resolved by replacing the battery, in some instances you need a new HD ribbon cable or in worse scenarios a new logic board.

The worn out battery cable (due to repeated plug and unplug from the board) can also cause that message. It happened to me once.
Hey guys.
I just PMed @Freeze to see if he would be willing to update the first post of this thread. This thread has grown quite a bit over the years, and I would love to see all the pertinent info consolidated. I'm hoping we can all put our minds together and come up with a document that we can email to each other to add info, links, ect. It would be nice to have it and send it on to Freeze so all he would need to do is copy and paste it into the original post. Would anyone be willing to help with this? I'd be willing to help with it as much as I could. I think it would be great for new comers to be able to find the info they are looking for without too much digging and it may help alleviate some of the same questions being asked.

Thanks guys!

I mentioned to him a few weeks ago when OP posted here. Also I believe someone can take over from OP if he agrees.
Sep 23, 2014 at 7:26 PM Post #3,544 of 10,681
The worn out battery cable (due to repeated plug and unplug from the board) can also cause that message. It happened to me once.
I mentioned to him a few weeks ago when OP posted here. Also I believe someone can take over from OP if he agrees.

Okay, the stupidest thing just happened. I think I put it in DFU mode accidentally over a year ago, and not knowing what it was, presumed it to be dead. So when I thought I put it in DFU mode just now, it actually turned back on. I'm still flabbergasted.
The upside of this whole thing is that I discovered this thread and am ready to build the Pod of my dreams ;)
About the front page update: I think it's a great idea. Maybe use Google Docs instead of sending around e-mails?
Sep 26, 2014 at 9:49 AM Post #3,545 of 10,681
Im getting antsy waiting for my Tarkan adaptor and 2000mAh battery to get in :p Also need to order my 1TB mSATA card today. Now if only we could get a thick back plate with 1TB inscribed in the back like they did for the 240GB :p That would definitely be a nice touch.
Sep 26, 2014 at 10:09 AM Post #3,546 of 10,681
Im getting antsy waiting for my Tarkan adaptor and 2000mAh battery to get in
Also need to order my 1TB mSATA card today. Now if only we could get a thick back plate with 1TB inscribed in the back like they did for the 240GB
That would definitely be a nice touch.

Now that you mention it, I talked to this guy in China in 2011 who can do this. I will go back on my eBay buying history and see if I can find him.
Sep 26, 2014 at 11:03 AM Post #3,547 of 10,681
That would be awesome. It would be a subtle touch, but it would be a head turner when people saw it. Thanks for looking!
Sep 26, 2014 at 2:36 PM Post #3,549 of 10,681
Well, I finally pulled the trigger. Ordered the 1TB Samsung EVO. Got a barely used one for $399 on amazon. I also ordered this msata adaptor in case I need to reformat it in my laptop.

:D I have a feeling the iPod will also be used in disk mode for a little storage every now and then :p
Sep 26, 2014 at 3:41 PM Post #3,550 of 10,681
Well, I finally pulled the trigger. Ordered the 1TB Samsung EVO. Got a barely used one for $399 on amazon. I also ordered this msata adaptor in case I need to reformat it in my laptop.

I have a feeling the iPod will also be used in disk mode for a little storage every now and then

If the drive is not brand new, there is a good chance you will need to reformat (thru the motherboard) for the ipod to recognize it. Do you have a cable like this one to connect the adapter to the motherboard's SATA port?
Good thing about buying from Amazon is you can always return for refund if it doesn't work.
Sep 26, 2014 at 4:20 PM Post #3,551 of 10,681
I don't have a cable. Wouldn't be able to use it as I don't have a desktop. So I picked up the msata to sata adaptor so I can plug it in to one of the HDD bays on my notebook. My notebook has 4 HDD bays so I figured I could just pull one of my storage drives for a reformat. Essentially it should offer the same capability as the cord. the connection has the smaller power connection on the side and the slightly wider sata connection beside it.

I do like that I can return it since I bought it though Amazon. At this point I don't foresee any problems. Hopefully it goes off without a hitch.

msata to sata adaptor.

Next project might be getting my Westone W40s reshelled into customs. Man this hobby isn't cheap :p lol
Sep 26, 2014 at 5:08 PM Post #3,552 of 10,681
OK, I think that should be the same as formatting thru the motherboard. Good luck and throw big WAV files to that drive as much as you can. :)
One yr ago I wouldn't have dreamed about 480GB ipod, let alone a 1TB ipod. But I think finally this has been pushed to the limit.
Sep 26, 2014 at 5:26 PM Post #3,553 of 10,681
Lol Yea same here. I think this may be the end of the line. But man what a sweet sounding and all around perfect DAP. :D I'll be loading tons of wav files :D

Sent from my XT912 using Tapatalk
Sep 26, 2014 at 5:48 PM Post #3,554 of 10,681
Lol Yea same here. I think this may be the end of the line. But man what a sweet sounding and all around perfect DAP.
I'll be loading tons of wav files

Sent from my XT912 using Tapatalk

Here is my end-game setup:
WAV files ----> 1TB capless DIYmod (wired with pure silver solid core)  ----> capless DIY LOD with pure silver solid core & cotton/silk jacket ----> capless UHA-6S.MK2 ----> EX1000
Sep 26, 2014 at 6:51 PM Post #3,555 of 10,681
Nice! Much like mine but my mod is the RWA iMod with copper and not to the pins. Just the pads. Capless silver LOD. The rest is detailed in my signature. To much to type on my phone. :p but eventually I want to practice soldering and do just like yours. Solid silver. :D I love my cord I got for my W40s. If I remold the W40s I'll definitely be keeping the silver cable :D

Sent from my XT912 using Tapatalk

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