Noble Audio - the Wizard returns!
Jan 20, 2017 at 6:52 PM Post #24,481 of 36,127
4 weeks down, 2-4 to go for my Katanas. Time continues to exponentially slow down. How does one survive as the wait approaches infinity? (In desperate need of the retail therapy right now :wink:

I'm in the same boat as you. Impressions received at the lab on Dec 20th, so I'm 4.5 weeks in. I reckon that factoring in Chinese new year I'm half way (+ a week for shipping from China to Ireland).

It hasn't been as bad as I was expecting to be honest, and it has given me time to save up for the import duties so silver lining and all that...
Jan 21, 2017 at 11:35 AM Post #24,482 of 36,127
Hi Guys,

Received my Katanas this week, the seal is great I can chew, move my head around, drink and sing without it braking, but when I was playing around with them in my ear I noticed when I press down on the top of them the sound opens up it is slightly louder and the highs become clearer slightly. I was reading an article where a guy was saying about the canal angle needing adjustment.

I think I'm putting them in properly, pulling the top of my ear up with the opposite hand, inserting the canal first in a forward position then twisting anti clockwise at the same time as pushing them into my ear.

Do you think I'm putting them in right or is there any trick I'm missing? I'm a first time ciem owner so not sure what to expect I hope they don't need a refit but want them to be perfect really. I have emailed Sunny but no reply yet so thought I'd ask you experienced people if I'm doing something wrong?


Jan 21, 2017 at 12:16 PM Post #24,483 of 36,127
Hi Guys,

Received my Katanas this week, the seal is great I can chew, move my head around, drink and sing without it braking, but when I was playing around with them in my ear I noticed when I press down on the top of them the sound opens up it is slightly louder and the highs become clearer slightly. I was reading an article where a guy was saying about the canal angle needing adjustment.

I think I'm putting them in properly, pulling the top of my ear up with the opposite hand, inserting the canal first in a forward position then twisting anti clockwise at the same time as pushing them into my ear.

Do you think I'm putting them in right or is there any trick I'm missing? I'm a first time ciem owner so not sure what to expect I hope they don't need a refit but want them to be perfect really. I have emailed Sunny but no reply yet so thought I'd ask you experienced people if I'm doing something wrong?



Sounds to me like you are inserting them correctly. You have done the right thing emailing Sunny. I'm sure she will be able to advise.
Jan 21, 2017 at 2:02 PM Post #24,484 of 36,127
Hi Guys,

Received my Katanas this week, the seal is great I can chew, move my head around, drink and sing without it braking, but when I was playing around with them in my ear I noticed when I press down on the top of them the sound opens up it is slightly louder and the highs become clearer slightly. I was reading an article where a guy was saying about the canal angle needing adjustment.

I think I'm putting them in properly, pulling the top of my ear up with the opposite hand, inserting the canal first in a forward position then twisting anti clockwise at the same time as pushing them into my ear.

Do you think I'm putting them in right or is there any trick I'm missing? I'm a first time ciem owner so not sure what to expect I hope they don't need a refit but want them to be perfect really. I have emailed Sunny but no reply yet so thought I'd ask you experienced people if I'm doing something wrong?



Speculating here, but it sounds like you're getting a good seal and when you're pressing the top, you're breaking the seal.  My experience has been that when you break the seal, you hear a little more treble and less bass.  Strictly my own personal experience.  I would think that if your ear canal was blocking the tube openings that much, you might feel discomfort where the tip of the iem is pushing against your ear canal.  Food for thought anyway.
Jan 21, 2017 at 3:44 PM Post #24,486 of 36,127
You could be right there, would that explain the increase in volume though? I can still feel them when they are in they don't just disappear and feel like your not wearing anything in your ears as some people say when wearing ciems, the first few days felt like they were poking my ear drums, that has calmed down but still feel like they are touching a bit

Jan 21, 2017 at 9:55 PM Post #24,487 of 36,127
Mattyj6969, I'm a long time happy owner of a custom K10 (see my avatar). I definitely feel the iems when they are inserted, nothing wrong with that. It's also normal for iems to change position slightly as you move around or swallow. For me, it tends to happen more with my right ear, and depending on what I'm listening to, for a split second, tonally, it may seem slightly different. As long as you have a good seal, are not dramatically losing bass, and of course are not causing pain, I suspect your Katana is fine.
Jan 21, 2017 at 11:50 PM Post #24,488 of 36,127
  Just got my new cables for my Katanas. Double Helix 8-strand Fusion silver/copper. Originally had them made for some full-size cans, but sent them in to be repurposed for my Katanas and finally got 'em back. 
The sound is definitely improved. The cables bring out the best of the Katanas: more holographic and greater detail.
Still totally worth it even if you assume half the difference is placebo effect (which you gotta considering how cool they look!).
(Also more comfortable. The stock Noble cables are so light they tend to float off my ears, but these stay firmly in place.)

Maybe this will hold the custom impulse at bay a while longer...

The cable looks awesome. DHC's cables are solidly built, and are pretty as heck, and it definitely shows in your picture.
I just received an 8-braid PlusSound cable myself, and as someone who buys cables mostly for looks, I must say, the 8-braid versions are really pretty.
Jan 22, 2017 at 1:29 AM Post #24,489 of 36,127
I just finished an 8 hour session, on the plane ride home, with my new C-Encore.  I never thought I would say this statement again, "I heard sounds in the music which I had not heard before".  The music I have been listening to for 50+ years never sounded so good.  I thought with having TOL IEMs, the full size Audeze LCD-3, very good amps and dacs, lossless formats, and balanced cables for the last 5 years, that I had heard all that was there to hear.  I was pleasantly surprised!
The most notable differences between Encore and K-10 are more air/separation between instruments, larger sound stage, deeper bass, and clearer sounding all around.  If I had to quantify an amount, I'd say 10-15% improvement.  
The Encore and the K-10 are excellent and I am keeping the Encore and universal K-10 and selling my other customs and universals.
Jan 23, 2017 at 3:08 PM Post #24,493 of 36,127
or tag me :wink:
These were stocked with us and were sent within 24 hours of your order :D

Yes, I've received them - they are terrific! Their tuning is 100% to my liking!
I asked here because I didn't get any status update from the system about it being dispatched for 2 days (I've ordered on 15th and on 17th I've left a message on asking when it'll be shipped - with no answer. On 18th I got an automated message that the order was dispatched  - to which I replied asking about the tracking number. I received the phones on the next day before the answer itself :)    I just thought that there was a technical problem with the site (at various times some icons didn't load, the design was broken) - maybe you were doing some software
maintenance and my message got lost. There is no problem at all - it's just that I was very anxious to hear the Savanna :)
Jan 25, 2017 at 3:17 PM Post #24,495 of 36,127
After one month of owning a Kaiser Encore custom I think it’s time to share my (unprofessional) impressions.
At first I have to apologize because neither my English nor my sound description is as accurate as I would like, however I try my very best.
This is my first pair of (costly) CIEM, so I was quite excited when I could afford a pair of K10. Before that I only owned a Shure 215, an Ultrasone HFI-780 and a Cowon P1, so there will be no direct comparison. Several days after Sunny’s confirmation mail, Noble announced the Kaiser Encore. I reached out to Brannan and asked for an update to KE, he and Sunny have done a great job and change my order. About eleven weeks after ordering and few days before Christmas, I received a package by Noble, and had to pay less tax then I was prepared for. Nice additional gift! But the real ones are the CIEMs themselves.
I absolutely love the design (don’t ask me why I chose a red, it just hit me). Hand-manufactured masterpiece which fit snugly in my ears. I don’t have any issues with seal break, I can move, run, eat, talk and nothing hurts. I though my strange narrow ear canals could be a problem for the seal or even the placement of sound bores, but everything went well. If someone is interested, my ear impressions were made in a slightly open jaw position without a bite block.
Until Christmas I was more an EDM/Electronic music guy who listened also to some normal, popular song. But with KE, much EDM music are pretty bad recorded, that is why I was looking for some other music. That was the best decision of the year (after ordering :wink:. I browsed this and some other threads for music recommendations and found a complete new way to enjoy music. Songs by Amber Rubarth, Macy Gray and many others sounds so realistic. You can feel how every instrument is placed around yourself, sometimes only couple of meters, sometimes on a really big stage. I even sometimes here something clicking or dropping in the recorded environment, and I instantly move my head because I thought I would be in real life, because it sounds so natural and positioned. After I received some albums by Art of Noise, Pink Floyd, and Flim & The BB’s from my father, it goes even one step further. I was really frightened by some songparts and amplitudes. It just hit you, completely unprepared. It sounds so clear, detailed and fast but can also punch your face if it's necessary. The amount of bass feels right and balanced in my opinion. If you need more the KE can easily deliver more by changing cable, use EQ (really good on my P1) or other tweaks. I cannot explain (and also don’t know) which frequencies are boosted or whatsoever, it just feels right, no hiss or massive bass. In combination with my P1 they are definitely on the warm side.
I still listen to (for me) new music genres and every time I’m impressed by the KE. After plugging in some other headphones, I don’t want to listen to vocals and instruments, there is no fun anymore. That’s probably the reason why I never got stuck at these genres. At EDM or popular pop everything is so mixed up, like mash or some other stuff, it’s no big difference. Don’t get me wrong, they sound great and many times better than my old one, but where the KE really shines is good recorded music. Binaural or not, instrument separation, soundstage, realistic sound signature and fast punches are their biggest strength.
I like the stock Noble cable, it’s quite comfortable, long enough and has small connectors on each side. Sound wise … I have no idea. From time to time I can hear some interferences which are coming from my smartphone, but this should't be a problem caused by the cable.
In conclusion, I’m really happy with my purchase, I would order them immediately again even though they are pretty expensive. Maybe … probably this one isn’t the last Noble CIEM, I’m looking forward to future line-up. Right now I'm going to convince my father, because the biggest downside of the CIEM is, that no one else can try them.
I hope this may help you. If you have more music recommendations, that would be awesome.
Big shout-out to whole Noble-Team!

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