New Site Platform Bug Reports and Feedback Thread
Apr 28, 2017 at 1:18 PM Post #121 of 1,052
I'm late to the party (and on my lunch break at work) so I don't currently have time to read all of the pages of this thread. If I repeat something (which I most likely will) I apologize in advance.

*There needs to be a subscriptions sub-tab when we click on the top right tab. I think this is an absolute necessity.

*On our accounts, we need a "reviews" tab which takes us to an index of our reviews.

*Product reviews need to be organized similarly to the older site. Most popular reviews on top (based on feedback) then descending down to the least popular review.

*The overall feel of the site is that community and user input has taken a back seat to banners and ad space. This is based on not only my own, but also other's impressions.

*I have lots of log-in issues with my phone. It's hit and miss in terms of whether I get on, or the site is identified as malicious.

*My wife accused me of watching porn before she realized it was Head-Fi. This is because of the dating site adds featuring pictures of sleazy girls in skimpy clothes.

*I can't search for things because I get a prompt stating that there was a security error.

*I know the amount of work needed to get a new website of this magnitude going, so I don't envy the people working on it. What I will also say is that Head-Fi needs to keep its roots as a crowd/participant driven website. I know ad space is important, but shouldn't come at the cost of what made the website so great. If Head-Fi loses focus, which I consider to be the ease of use, and availability to engage in interactions and make contributions in the form of thread posts and user reviews, they could lose a lot of loyal followers to other audio sites.

Just my two cents for now. Please take all of this as constructive.

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Apr 28, 2017 at 1:28 PM Post #124 of 1,052
Can you please explain further? I don't seem to be able to replicate this and I'd love to add it to the Tips and Tricks thread.
in forum on the right there is new posts then just at the top of the list of new posts you have a blue "mark forums read".
paint lvl999.png

MS paint lvl over 9000!!! ^_^
Apr 28, 2017 at 1:33 PM Post #125 of 1,052
It's still there for me. When you do discover a fix, preferably for the whole 'mark forums read' thing, please could you make sure it's available in the mobile version too. I believe you're using xenForo, I know of at least one other site that also uses it, and has the 'mark read' link at the top of every page.

Also, I can't quote or reply to a specific post, I get an error message about 'undefined: security error'.

Thanks for looking in to the issues and trying to sort them :).

Okay I found it, thanks! It's better than nothing but yeah, a bit of a wide swath. I'll add it to the Tips and Tricks.

As you can see, quoting does work for me. I'm on desktop/Chrome. Did you check the "stay logged in" box when you logged in? This seems to help me.

Oh and a new trick I just discovered: multi-quote works across threads now! That's going to come in really handy!

Link to the tips and tricks thread:
Apr 28, 2017 at 1:34 PM Post #126 of 1,052
Account alerts says I have two unread messages when it's not the case.

You will probably have to do the same thing I did: go page by page in the PMs, select all and mark as read. It was showing 15 unread messages after the transition and I've read all of the PMs I've received. Once I marked all pages as read it showed 0.
Apr 28, 2017 at 1:47 PM Post #127 of 1,052
I managed to sort the read messages out!

The only thing that still doesn't really look okay is the size of the whole site, too tight / not wide enough for 16:9, and the size when a post is quoted. I'm pretty young and have 20/20 eyesight and it strains my eyes to read the text in a quoted post, would be great if those can be resized to the same size as the original post and NOW italic. Why would the quoted posts even be italic though...

I'm asking this because there are long threads where someone quotes a very old post and reading long quoted posts in italic and small font is physically painful for me.
Apr 28, 2017 at 1:49 PM Post #128 of 1,052
I managed to sort the read messages out!

The only thing that still doesn't really look okay is the size of the whole site, too tight / not wide enough for 16:9, and the size when a post is quoted. I'm pretty young and have 20/20 eyesight and it strains my eyes to read the text in a quoted post, would be great if those can be resized to the same size as the original post and NOW italic. Why would the quoted posts even be italic though...

I'm asking this because there are long threads where someone quotes a very old post and reading long quoted posts in italic and small font is physically painful for me.
As a workaround for those long posts, you can still click the arrow in the title of the quote section to take you to the original quoted post and read the original. That's probably what I'll end up doing. New tab, of course, so I don't lose my place.
Apr 28, 2017 at 2:00 PM Post #129 of 1,052
there are way too many ads. WAY too many. I get that you need funding, but all of these ads are insanely obnoxious. I primarily look at headfi at work but now i cant do that anymore without all the bright colors from the adds attracting my coworkers all the time. at least on the old site if you kept scrolling down the thread the ads would eventually disappear, but now it just keeps going and going so you cant get away from it. its obnoxious and really annoying.
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Apr 28, 2017 at 2:02 PM Post #130 of 1,052
Okay I found it, thanks! It's better than nothing but yeah, a bit of a wide swath. I'll add it to the Tips and Tricks.

As you can see, quoting does work for me. I'm on desktop/Chrome. Did you check the "stay logged in" box when you logged in? This seems to help me.

Oh and a new trick I just discovered: multi-quote works across threads now! That's going to come in really handy!

Link to the tips and tricks thread:

Aha, progress! The error seems to be related to using mobile mode. I switched to desktop mode, and it's just worked. Shame, as I don't like using desktop mode at the moment, due to the large ads running down the side of the page, and the (possibly related) smaller text size. I'm using Safari on my iPad at the moment.

Speaking of ads, apart from the inappropriate dating ads, I feel something needs to be done about them. I dont like obnoxious ads, like the JH Audio animated one at the bottom of the page. Or the fact that there's a column of Noble ads taking up nearly 25% of the width of the screen! It's because of annoying ads like these that people run ad blockers. I know the ads bring in revenue for the site, but please, don't make them annoying, or people will just use ad blockers.

Can someone also please do something about having the useful links section of each sub forum appearing in the forum list page when using mobile mode? I think they are supposed to be pop up tool tip like things when using desktop mode, but they just don't work in mobile mode, they just mess up the formatting / layout.
Apr 28, 2017 at 2:54 PM Post #131 of 1,052
Aha, progress! The error seems to be related to using mobile mode. I switched to desktop mode, and it's just worked. Shame, as I don't like using desktop mode at the moment, due to the large ads running down the side of the page, and the (possibly related) smaller text size. I'm using Safari on my iPad at the moment.

Speaking of ads, apart from the inappropriate dating ads, I feel something needs to be done about them. I dont like obnoxious ads, like the JH Audio animated one at the bottom of the page. Or the fact that there's a column of Noble ads taking up nearly 25% of the width of the screen! It's because of annoying ads like these that people run ad blockers. I know the ads bring in revenue for the site, but please, don't make them annoying, or people will just use ad blockers.

Can someone also please do something about having the useful links section of each sub forum appearing in the forum list page when using mobile mode? I think they are supposed to be pop up tool tip like things when using desktop mode, but they just don't work in mobile mode, they just mess up the formatting / layout.

Adblockers don't natively block the ad on the right of the forum, the big and flashy one and neither do they block the one on the bottom natively...
Apr 28, 2017 at 3:31 PM Post #132 of 1,052
I should have been more specific. It's letting me know about some posts. But not all of them. I would think that they're all operating under the same system. It's not like I had them set differently before the new page. But I'll go into my settings and make sure they're the same.
Apr 28, 2017 at 3:34 PM Post #133 of 1,052
All I get when I try to insert a quote is an undefined security error, but with regards to ad blockers, one can hardly fault Head-Fi for cleverly dodging them.

After all, ad revenue is what keeps this site free. (Though I'd much rather pay an annual fee and be served an ad-free site!)

That being said, I'd really appreciate not being asked whether I'd dare to date a mature woman with photoshopically (at least I hope they are!) enhanced breasts whenever I come here.
Apr 28, 2017 at 4:20 PM Post #135 of 1,052
Embedding the likes of Bandcamp and Soundcloud still isn't working. It seems like you should be able to go into the editor, click the 'Insert...' icon, then 'source' and 'html' from the drop-down and whack in the <iframes> code, but it doesn't work. Not exactly a priority for you guys I'm sure, but curious to know what the issue is... just no support for iframes on this new platform?
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