New Shure SE215 - First Impressions
Aug 25, 2015 at 4:13 AM Post #1,636 of 1,937
Yeah, i know. I'm starting with the se215, as right now i'm still figuring out what kind of signature i like most (as of now, definitely not something bright like the xba-h1, and i've just got a pair of dunu dn-12 which i'm enjoying, maybe a tad too much bass presence related to the mids, and i want to try the se215 to find out if i like less recessed mids), so it's better to stay on cheaper IEMs for now, and i'm also looking to buy the DAP, so the budget is split between those two.

For what i gathered till now, the se534 might be a good choice for me (and the 846 even better, but those are just a wee bit out of my reach :D ), but first i want to try the smaller sibling, and if i find miself comfortable with more present mids, i might consider getting the 535 the next christmas.:)

SE215 and SE846 is for you. Others are bass light and more mid-forward/centric. SE215 isn't recessed in mids. If at all, mids are bit forward. It's neutral, and your ears are perfect, not too treble sensitive, if you say its too treble sensitive.
Aug 25, 2015 at 8:18 AM Post #1,637 of 1,937
SE215 and SE846 is for you. Others are bass light and more mid-forward/centric. SE215 isn't recessed in mids. If at all, mids are bit forward. It's neutral, and your ears are perfect, not too treble sensitive, if you say its too treble sensitive.

Nah, with "sensitive" i didn't mean my ears have issues, but just that with time, i've become really susceptible to bright earphones, ven thought i used to like that kind of signature. Simply, my tastes have changed, and now i prefer warm and smooth sounding earphones, and find bright earphones (especially earphones with particularly pronounced upper mids/lower trebles, in the 4 to 8khz region id' say) somewhat fatiguing and unpleasing.
I think that the se535, with their farward mids, might be a nice addition to flatter/bassier sounding earphones, as i like to change signature based on mood and the music i want to listen.
And for now, i'm set on buying the se215, as, aside the SQ, the offer great ergonomics and detachable cable, that for the price point are a massive added value.
Aug 25, 2015 at 8:29 AM Post #1,638 of 1,937
Nah, with "sensitive" i didn't mean my ears have issues, but just that with time, i've become really susceptible to bright earphones, ven thought i used to like that kind of signature. Simply, my tastes have changed, and now i prefer warm and smooth sounding earphones, and find bright earphones (especially earphones with particularly pronounced upper mids/lower trebles, in the 4 to 8khz region id' say) somewhat fatiguing and unpleasing.

I think that the se535, with their farward mids, might be a nice addition to flatter/bassier sounding earphones, as i like to change signature based on mood and the music i want to listen.

And for now, i'm set on buying the se215, as, aside the SQ, the offer great ergonomics and detachable cable, that for the price point are a massive added value.

I mean, when someone says he's sensitive to treble, it's almost always that that oerson has perfect ears. Study the logic behind the Harman curve.
Aug 27, 2015 at 4:44 AM Post #1,639 of 1,937
  Nah, with "sensitive" i didn't mean my ears have issues, but just that with time, i've become really susceptible to bright earphones, ven thought i used to like that kind of signature. Simply, my tastes have changed, and now i prefer warm and smooth sounding earphones, and find bright earphones (especially earphones with particularly pronounced upper mids/lower trebles, in the 4 to 8khz region id' say) somewhat fatiguing and unpleasing.
I think that the se535, with their farward mids, might be a nice addition to flatter/bassier sounding earphones, as i like to change signature based on mood and the music i want to listen.
And for now, i'm set on buying the se215, as, aside the SQ, the offer great ergonomics and detachable cable, that for the price point are a massive added value.

If you are sensitive to high frequencies the SE215 is a good choice. Pretty rolled off on top and predominantly a mid-centric buttery smooth delivery.
Aug 27, 2015 at 9:34 AM Post #1,640 of 1,937
If you are sensitive to high frequencies the SE215 is a good choice. Pretty rolled off on top and predominantly a mid-centric buttery smooth delivery.

Yup!  Although they do have some fairly elevated bass, it seems to be well-separated from the mids.  I don't know how they engineered a single dynamic microdriver to have such heavy bass and yet have it so clearly delineated with only minimal bleed into the mids.  The engineers at Shure are cleary brilliant.
That being said, the treble isn't TOO rolled-off.  I find it still has an enjoyable amount of sparkle/air.
Aug 27, 2015 at 9:52 AM Post #1,641 of 1,937
Please, guys, stop it. Say something bad about these IEMs, waiting for the new toy to arrive is already bad enough on it's own. People praising its qualities makes the wait even worse 

Aug 27, 2015 at 10:11 AM Post #1,643 of 1,937
If you are sensitive to high frequencies the SE215 is a good choice. Pretty rolled off on top and predominantly a mid-centric buttery smooth delivery.

"Buttery" is a pretty good way to put it. I own the 215s and they have their have their good sides but I'd say it fits a niche group of people who like very rich, smooth. thick sound. For clarity, presentation and treble (treble of which is a huge weak point of the 215s), I'd say the Vsonic GR07 BE might be better at that price point.
Aug 28, 2015 at 4:15 PM Post #1,644 of 1,937
So, finally bought the se215, and my first impressions are extremely positive.
Got about an hour with them and, after struggling the first five minutes to get that memory wire to shape (man, it really doesn’t like glasses arms), i’ve relaxed and enjoyed the sound.
Well, the shure are pretty much what i was looking for. They are in no way dull sounding, at least for me. Must admit i thought these would have been a much darker darker IEM.
I’ve thrown my brightest, harshest recordings at them, and everything sounded smooth. Tried some of the bassier tracks i have, and i can say i really like the bass these IEMs can deliver.
And those mids. I now know i’ve always listened to V shaped earphones, or at least earphones with really recessed mids. Really, really like the presentation.
Also, these are much more detailed than my old xba-h1, i’m hearing for the first time some particulars in tracks i tought i knew well, untill now.

The se215 got me singing from the first minute, and that’s a really good sign (well, for me, my family might object).


Me likey!! :D

Aug 28, 2015 at 4:21 PM Post #1,645 of 1,937
  So, finally bought the se215, and my first impressions are extremely positive.
Got about an hour with them and, after struggling the first five minutes to get that memory wire to shape (man, it really doesn’t like glasses arms), i’ve relaxed and enjoyed the sound.
Well, the shure are pretty much what i was looking for. They are in no way dull sounding, at least for me. Must admit i thought these would have been a much darker darker IEM.
I’ve thrown my brightest, harshest recordings at them, and everything sounded smooth. Tried some of the bassier tracks i have, and i can say i really like the bass these IEMs can deliver.
And those mids. I now know i’ve always listened to V shaped earphones, or at least earphones with really recessed mids. Really, really like the presentation.
Also, these are much more detailed than my old xba-h1, i’m hearing for the first time some particulars in tracks i tought i knew well, untill now.

The se215 got me singing from the first minute, and that’s a really good sign (well, for me, my family might object).


Me likey!! :D

We're glad you enjoy them!  Obviously we enjoy them too, that's why we're in this thread :wink:
One thing that really impresses me about them is the detail you mentioned. . .it's pretty impressive to get that level of detail from just a single teeny-tiny little dynamic microdriver.  The engineers at Shure are awesome at what they do.
Aug 28, 2015 at 7:57 PM Post #1,646 of 1,937
One thing that really impresses me about them is the detail you mentioned. . .it's pretty impressive to get that level of detail from just a single teeny-tiny little dynamic microdriver.  The engineers at Shure are awesome at what they do.

I have to agree. An knowing that these are by no means the most accurate IEMs/headphones out there, i'm really looking ahead to try more and more headphones.

Oh god, guess the "audiofile" coirse has got me too...

Also, these IEMs are pretty darn efficient. I used to have to set the volume at 50% on my nexus 5 to drive any iem at reasonable but quiet listening levels when listening to music at night in the bed. With the shure, i'm at 30% and still getting them a bit louder than usual. Wow, just wow. Now, i can't wait to get a x3ii :D
Aug 28, 2015 at 10:38 PM Post #1,647 of 1,937
I have to agree. An knowing that these are by no means the most accurate IEMs/headphones out there, i'm really looking ahead to try more and more headphones.

Oh god, guess the "audiofile" coirse has got me too...

Also, these IEMs are pretty darn efficient. I used to have to set the volume at 50% on my nexus 5 to drive any iem at reasonable but quiet listening levels when listening to music at night in the bed. With the shure, i'm at 30% and still getting them a bit louder than usual. Wow, just wow. Now, i can't wait to get a x3ii

Oooooh you're getting an X3ii?  Yes, get right on that, man!  I have it and I absolutely love mine, LOOOVE it
  It also happens to pair quite well with the SE215, in my opinion.  It raelly brings out their potential for good sounding attack.

What I love most about it, besides the extremely accurate, fairly analytical sound with great detail (which thus manages to really work well with just about any mid-fi-or-above headphones that aren't too hard to drive for the X3ii's amp), is that it is like two devices in one. . .I also use it as a USB DAC for my computer, and it VASTLY improves my computer's sound in the process, especially when I use bitperfect output (WASAPI or Kernel Streaming) in Foobar2000.
Aug 29, 2015 at 1:32 AM Post #1,648 of 1,937
to extract more mids and treble details from the SE215, use the silicone tips, but don't undersize the silicones as it will leak a lot of bass.
Aug 29, 2015 at 8:17 AM Post #1,650 of 1,937
Are there better alternatives to Shure SE215 in the same price category?

Beyerdynamic DTX/MMX 101ie. Can't find a fault in it, except maybe the provided silicone tips. If you like the Harman-Olive FR curve, this is great.

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