MrSpeakers AEON Flow Open - Impressions Thread

Mar 28, 2018 at 4:01 PM Post #1,666 of 2,596
I have received my AFO's today. Been only playing music for a few hours, but I can already say that my quest for HD650 upgrade has concluded. Until I get Utopia that is.

A brief comparison to other headphones I already own plus some loaners, playing through Mojo, Hugo 2 and UD505:
HD650 - classic, really shines with Hugo 2. Pros: Light, very realistic and balanced sound, all instruments and vocals sound as they should. Cons: Not overly detailed, rolled off on both ends.
TH-X00 - Pros: Superb bass. Cons: Superb bass, recessed mids, high pitched vocals can get a bit shouty. Conslusion: Not really an upgrade from 650 due to overly emphasized bass basically and a bit unbalanced sound.
Elear - Pros: Superb dynamics, good bass, OK detail. Cons: Weird highs, rough guitars and unrealistic piano, mids suckout, heavy. Conslusion: Not really an upgrade from 650 due to boosted and unrealistic dynamics, unbalanced sound, weird mids and highs.
Clear - Pros: Superb dynamics, good bass, good balance, fine detail, superb clarity, great extension on both ends. Cons: Still a bit weird highs, unrealistic guitars and strings in general, heavy. Conslusion: Not an upgrade from 650 due to some instrument distortion. My ears also get pretty tired of the sound after 2-3 hours (hot highs?)
T1 v2 - Pros: Great balance, good dynamics, no distortion, clarity, fine detail. Cons: Driver imbalance (!) Conclusion: This could very well be the HD650 upgrade if you get one with balanced drivers. In my case they were not - and given the fact that it's not an isolated incident for Beyer, I gave up on T1.
GH-1 - Pros: Great clarity, fine detail, good bass, good extension on both ends. Cons: A bit hot highs at times, a tad slow at times. Conclusion: Due to the hot highs it's not an upgrade to HD650.
AFO - Pros: Good clarity, good dynamics, fine detail, very good bass, good extension on both ends, balanced sound. Cons: None compared to HD650. Conclusion: True upgrade to HD650 in all aspects to my ears. Super comfortable too.
Utopia - Pros: Smokes them all in all aspects. Cons: Price. Conclusion: Upgrade to both HD650 and AFO.

I am happy the upgrade path is very clear for me - and until I save up for Utopia, I'll submerge to AFO bliss powered by Mojo / Hugo 2. I'm very happy with my AFO purchase. Kudos to Mr. Speakers team for building this special headphone.

Designed, built and tested in USA rocks!
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Mar 28, 2018 at 10:21 PM Post #1,667 of 2,596
I've been listening to a little Toni Braxton wow she sure sounds fine, The AFO's really are a great hp I mean for under 1k almost unbeatable..enjoy

Apr 2, 2018 at 8:05 AM Post #1,668 of 2,596

I've just got the AFO last weekend, and I am a little bit troubled on how to keep the headband in position. The left side slider has a good grip but the right side slides easily upon wearing, which makes the headphones slide easily down the side of my face. Are there any solutions to this?
Apr 2, 2018 at 8:08 AM Post #1,669 of 2,596

I've just got the AFO last weekend, and I am a little bit troubled on how to keep the headband in position. The left side slider has a good grip but the right side slides easily upon wearing, which makes the headphones slide easily down the side of my face. Are there any solutions to this?
Not normal. Contact Mr. Speakers support...
Apr 2, 2018 at 8:20 AM Post #1,670 of 2,596

I've just got the AFO last weekend, and I am a little bit troubled on how to keep the headband in position. The left side slider has a good grip but the right side slides easily upon wearing, which makes the headphones slide easily down the side of my face. Are there any solutions to this?
Take a regular screwdriver and tighten the nuts on the right hand side.
Apr 2, 2018 at 9:01 AM Post #1,672 of 2,596
Hi all.

I finally received my Magni 3 and after a whole afternoon listening to the AFO with it (using the one notch filter), I must say it is a wonderful amp and they're a great pairing. The Magni brings a lot of detail and a lovely sense of space to the AFO, minimum coloration and a nice and defined bass. I cannot recommend it more, especially when taking into account the very affordable $99 that it costs. I'll be doing some critical listening on the following days and comparing it with other amps I have on hand
Apr 2, 2018 at 11:48 AM Post #1,673 of 2,596
Anyone have experience vs Audeze LCD-2C?
Apr 2, 2018 at 1:15 PM Post #1,674 of 2,596
Tyll Hersten at innerfidelity published a review of the LCD and he compares it with the AFO:

While the LCD2C is a mildly warm headphone, the Aeon Flow Open is even warmer. It's clearly a less neutral headphone with a relaxed presence region and a somewhat emphasized upper bass/low midrange. Thing is, it's a sound that's right up my alley. Bass lovers and those averse to treble brightness will easily prefer the Aeon over the LCD2C.

If you're interested in a snappy, present response however, the dynamics of the LCD2C is likely to win you over. I feel this is a pretty clear example of two headphones with differing responses that remain within bounds of good taste but offer solid alternatives for those with different listening preferences. In fact, I would say these two cans would complement each other quite well in the quiver of a headphone enthusiast who wants alternatives on hand to suite various moods and music. It is a hobby after all, one headphone is probably never enough for a die-hard headphone geek.


Apr 2, 2018 at 8:13 PM Post #1,675 of 2,596
I'm looking into getting a balanced cable for the AFO and just PM'd a guy who's selling both the Dummer and the Dum cable. My question to him? What's the difference between Dum and Dummer? WTHWIT? Can't wait for the answer as if it were me?... I'd be a smarta$$.

On a more serious note, other then getting a balanced cable from MrSpeakers store, any cheaper quality cables that anyone can recommend?
Apr 2, 2018 at 8:38 PM Post #1,678 of 2,596
Tyll Hersten at innerfidelity published a review of the LCD and he compares it with the AFO:

While the LCD2C is a mildly warm headphone, the Aeon Flow Open is even warmer. It's clearly a less neutral headphone with a relaxed presence region and a somewhat emphasized upper bass/low midrange. Thing is, it's a sound that's right up my alley. Bass lovers and those averse to treble brightness will easily prefer the Aeon over the LCD2C.

If you're interested in a snappy, present response however, the dynamics of the LCD2C is likely to win you over. I feel this is a pretty clear example of two headphones with differing responses that remain within bounds of good taste but offer solid alternatives for those with different listening preferences. In fact, I would say these two cans would complement each other quite well in the quiver of a headphone enthusiast who wants alternatives on hand to suite various moods and music. It is a hobby after all, one headphone is probably never enough for a die-hard headphone geek.


My experience has been the opposite. The 2c was warmer than the AFO. Mind you I did my listening without any tuning pads on the AFO.
Apr 2, 2018 at 10:29 PM Post #1,680 of 2,596
I was also looking for a balanced cable for my fiio Q5. If you feel broke like me these days (a.k.a stock market), take a look at Ebay. It looks like there are some decent occ/ofc cables around $70 from a seller with a high rating.

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