Monoprice Monolith M1060 and M560 Planar Headphones
Dec 24, 2017 at 7:51 PM Post #6,406 of 8,052
The issue is rhe ringing and harshness is something mods don't fix, that only make it different, not better

Not in my experience. Vegans and paper towel removed 100% of the harsh mids that bothered me. It now sounds buttery smooth. Of course, YMMV.

I also have to agree with @OldDude04. I find my HD6XX rather boring. They get almost no head time, I always seem to be reaching for some other headphone. But, as the old saying goes, different strokes for different folks. Everyone has their own path to audio nirvana.
Dec 25, 2017 at 3:05 AM Post #6,408 of 8,052
I'm about to pull the trigger on the M1060s and only one thing is bugging me.
I have a giant watermelon head that could be a problem lol.
I own the ath m50s and put the headband strap halfway for reference.

I have a pretty big head, too. My ATH-M50s are usually set around click 5 (halfway as far as I can tell) or 6. I have to have my M1060s set as large as they can go but I have added padding on my headband. Before I added the padding I was one click away from the largest setting for a snug fit or set to largest setting for a looser fit. So It will be close whether they will fit you or not, but I'm thinking they will. Good luck!

Sometimes it's tough but we didn't choose the melon head life, the melon head life chose us. :watermelon::o2smile:
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Dec 25, 2017 at 1:48 PM Post #6,409 of 8,052
I have a pretty big head, too. My ATH-M50s are usually set around click 5 (halfway as far as I can tell) or 6. I have to have my M1060s set as large as they can go but I have added padding on my headband. Before I added the padding I was one click away from the largest setting for a snug fit or set to largest setting for a looser fit. So It will be close whether they will fit you or not, but I'm thinking they will. Good luck!

Sometimes it's tough but we didn't choose the melon head life, the melon head life chose us. :watermelon::o2smile:

Thanks for the help.
And the quote made me feel a little bit better about my melon head lol.
Dec 25, 2017 at 2:26 PM Post #6,410 of 8,052
I got my M1060 headphones today as a Christmas present. First listen they sound good.
Dec 27, 2017 at 4:24 PM Post #6,411 of 8,052
if anyone is in doubt at what type of music/genre/artist the m1060's shine on, try to listen to some Pink Floyd. The Wall is mastered very well, and sounds spectacular.

Also, I just found this:

Mindblowing. This can also be found on Tidal in even higher quality (This is from Live in Gdansk 2006) :) :)

Absolutely brilliant; Gilmor/Floyd "Great Day for Freedom" - stunning playing/musicianship and song-writing. It'll be a sad day when no longer.

As always, Wow !

Dec 27, 2017 at 4:28 PM Post #6,412 of 8,052
Thanks for the help.
And the quote made me feel a little bit better about my melon head lol.

There's absolutely no reason for a headphone not to accommodate 99% of noggin's out there. I noticed a similar situation with my normal-average smaller melon -with some company's. That should never be. It ain't rocket science. If a $10. headphone can accommodate any head size, no reason that more expensive one's cannot. Simply poor design.

Dec 27, 2017 at 4:42 PM Post #6,413 of 8,052
I'll give another plus for the M1060s. They brought a fun fresh affordable planar listening experience to me that I am really enjoying. I don't notice ringing at the normal volumes I listen to. Perhaps at higher volume it is there, but everything becomes fatiguing when I crank it up, due to the sound level. Dang those planars just love to be cranked up though. They are immersive. It's really hard not to turn up the volume.

For me, there is no single one headphone versus all others. I am fortunate enough to have a few headphones that I can reach for depending on the music genre, music source, situation, external noise environment, duration, comfort and mobility. After about 2 hours, I am ready to take the M1060s off to let my head/ears cool off. I switch to something lighter, currently the M300s. HD650s can stay on my head longer but aren't as fun to listen to as the M1060s. My 650s have been with me for a decade. My brain knows them well. They are the standard against which I like to compare other gear. I use them to audition other headphones and dac/amps. The pads are worn and they have the most hours of any headphone I have ever owned. I still recommend the 600/650s and got in on the 6XX drop. Would I be satisfied with only a set of 650s? Nope. Would I be satisfied with only planar magnetics. No again. I love listening to the different driver designs/engineering philosophies/tunings. It keeps the music fresh and engaging.

Tyll Hertsens did a great talk entitled, "Finding Flat: How to Interpret Headphone Measurements." You can find on youtube. In it, he talks a bit about how your brain interprets what it is hearing from the headphones, particularly in regard to location/placement of instruments on the soundstage. Once your brain gets familiar with your headphone characteristics like transient response, your brain comfortably fills in the imagery. I like to change/refresh/reboot that brain imagery by swapping headphones and dac/amps and doing A/B comparisons. It's fun. I'd miss that experience if I only had one headphone.

Dec 27, 2017 at 5:05 PM Post #6,414 of 8,052
I'd miss that experience if I only had one headphone.
having one very good headphone is the way to go for me, i am sellin my closed back planars right now, the reason for that is no matter how hard i try to like them and to convince myself that i need at least one closed back headphones, they just disappoint me when i compare them to my open back planar
i decided to have one full size open back (HE 500) and one in ear (er4s) when i need to isolate myself from the surrounding noise
Dec 27, 2017 at 5:33 PM Post #6,415 of 8,052
having one very good headphone is the way to go for me, i am sellin my closed back planars right now, the reason for that is no matter how hard i try to like them and to convince myself that i need at least one closed back headphones, they just disappoint me when i compare them to my open back planar
i decided to have one full size open back (HE 500) and one in ear (er4s) when i need to isolate myself from the surrounding noise

Both very nice headphones indeed! I feel the same way about closed back cans. I tried again recently with the M560s but with same outcome. Will be passing them on to a family member once I find better pads. I too just opt for IEMs when I want isolation, and that is usually when I am on the go, on an airplane, or in my electric brewery making beer (noisy pumps and ventilation). Even with IEMs though I have more than one set. There's just so much good gear out there to experiment with, I can't resist trying something new from time to time.
Dec 27, 2017 at 6:22 PM Post #6,417 of 8,052
Just bought Monolith M560 and just realized how small the stock pads are. I have HM5 sheepskins pads on my other headphones and I really love them but they are not oval so I can't try them. Do you guys think I should get HM5 pads or Sony XB500 pads that Zeos mentioned on his video?

I did not like the XB500 pads at all on the M560s. Still too small of an opening and too thick/mushy/cushy foam which affected the sound negatively to my ears. I intend to mount pads with slightly larger outside diameter next onto the 3-d printed plates I made. I think that's going to be the solution.
Dec 27, 2017 at 6:34 PM Post #6,418 of 8,052
I tried out the 400i, 600 and 650. settled on 600 because i felt it captured a lot of what I liked about the 400i with the 650s smooth relaxed style.

Im satisfied but I miss the clean sound and bass of 400i (i.e I miss planar) and the rich, enveloping sound from the 650... The LCD2 classic seems like a good way to capture the essence of both these but its a lot of money.

Would the M1060 be worth considering? the poor mans LCD2 as its been called.
How does it compare to the 400i and 650?

Poor man's planars? I think so.
400i? I find the M1060 more engaging than 400i but 400i more comfy for multi-hour extended listening.
HD650s? I think everyone should have a set of 600/650s in order to participate in the 600/650-against-everything-else debate that has been going on for over a decade . . .
Dec 27, 2017 at 8:29 PM Post #6,419 of 8,052
Not in my experience. Vegans and paper towel removed 100% of the harsh mids that bothered me. It now sounds buttery smooth. Of course, YMMV.

I also have to agree with @OldDude04. I find my HD6XX rather boring. They get almost no head time, I always seem to be reaching for some other headphone. But, as the old saying goes, different strokes for different folks. Everyone has their own path to audio nirvana.

I tried out various pads and the paper towels and the fuzzor mod and nothing has really gotten rid of the ringing completely. I think inevitably I hear it though it can be toned down significantly to the point where I almost forget about it. I like the 6XX because there isn't any sharp edge to the treble and it is very smooth overall. It's not really particularly exciting sure but I do like it.
Dec 27, 2017 at 9:25 PM Post #6,420 of 8,052
I tried out various pads and the paper towels and the fuzzor mod and nothing has really gotten rid of the ringing completely. I think inevitably I hear it though it can be toned down significantly to the point where I almost forget about it. I like the 6XX because there isn't any sharp edge to the treble and it is very smooth overall. It's not really particularly exciting sure but I do like it.

Interesting. I wonder if it was a different frequency that was bothering you. There are several peaks in the M1060 FR.

I completely agree that the 6XX doesn't have any offensive edges to it (at least, on a good amp). Although it never sounded dark or veiled to me, contrary to what I was expecting. I should probably give it some exclusive head time and see if I can get over the "boring". It's definitely not a bad 'phone...

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