Koss Portapro Thread
Apr 4, 2013 at 10:29 PM Post #392 of 1,313
***NEVERMIND*** I figured it. Used a socket and a razor blade ...
I have a set of the HD414 pads coming in the mail; could any of you let me know the best way to cut the hole in them so as to wear them "reverse" ??
I also have a set of grado pads, shaped/formed much like the HD414 pads that will need the same holes cut for reverse wear.
Was wondering what the best method for cutting would be that leaves the cleanest results and rougly, how big to make the hole.
Thanks ..
Apr 13, 2013 at 9:14 PM Post #393 of 1,313
I'll echo what I've heard from several other posts ...
The Portapros sound way different out of my Cowon J3 than they do out of my desktop amplifier, a Ray Samuels Raptor ...
Out of the J3, they sound good .. a bit thin and I need to EQ them a good bit to bring the bass out and get the overall freq picture clearly visible ...
But out of the Raptor tube amp? No EQ settings are necessary ... by default, the bass is huge (almost too huge and I've since moved to a pair of quarter modded HD414 pads to tame it a bit) and the highs and everything else are just way more present and up front.
Really ... I was amazed at the difference between the portable and desktop scenarios ... 
Seems they are very responsive to different levels of power input ...
Super fun cans, for sure. Here's mine (quarter modded HD414 pads, reverse; straight over the driver housing with no stock foamies; sounds like my GS1000's just a bit more veiled and not nearly as detailed...but for 30 bucks? Dear god, a no brainer back up set of cans!):

Apr 14, 2013 at 9:55 AM Post #394 of 1,313
I just bought a pair of these for a friend's late birthday present (I had rewards and a gift card from work at Office Depot, so it was like 5 bucks). These REALLY don't look like they should sound as good as they did. I'm going to have to buy a pair for myself as they make a lot more sense than Ultrasones for workouts. :)
Apr 17, 2013 at 4:15 AM Post #395 of 1,313
Do these let all the exterior noise pass right through into your ears? Or would they isolate the noise a bit? I'll want to wear these in environments where there is quite a bit of background noise, such as the bus or in school where a lot of people would be talking.  I've been looking into sennheiser px200ii's for this reason, and as far as I understand, they block the noise a little bit.  Would these do the same?
Apr 17, 2013 at 6:43 AM Post #396 of 1,313
Nope, they leak sound in and out.

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Apr 17, 2013 at 6:43 AM Post #397 of 1,313
Do these let all the exterior noise pass right through into your ears? Or would they isolate the noise a bit? I'll want to wear these in environments where there is quite a bit of background noise, such as the bus or in school where a lot of people would be talking.  I've been looking into sennheiser px200ii's for this reason, and as far as I understand, they block the noise a little bit.  Would these do the same?

No. Not even a little. I know the description says "semi open" ... but to my ear, they are completely open. I get zero isolation. This isn't a bad thing, necessarily, though as I generally only use them at home....
But for noisy environments? Not so good...
Apr 17, 2013 at 5:07 PM Post #399 of 1,313
If you want an open design but are in a quiet spot (like an office or library) they are great because they do leak sound, but the drivers are small enough that unless you just blast it, it's hard to hear outside a few feet away. 
I had a pair of Grado SR60's for work (quiet office), and loved them, but since the drivers are so big they leaked a ton of sound that could be heard pretty far away from me. So I was always self-concious about leaking sound so I never felt comfortable turning them up. 
I can turn the PortaPro's up to a comfortable, present level and you can't hear it unless you are within a few feet of my desk, if that. 
May 6, 2013 at 2:32 AM Post #400 of 1,313
Just got mine today. Do these things have a history of bad driver pairing? The right side is definitely putting out a louder sound than the left side.
May 13, 2013 at 6:35 PM Post #402 of 1,313
I don't know about a history but I've had 2 pair and both sounded fine. I would exchange them for a new pair.

Just got in my new pair and these are perfect. Have a couple hours on them and I'm pretty impressed with them so far. Definitely my favorite sub-$50 headphone out there. Hell, they may turn out to be my favorite sub-$100 headphone overtaking the MDR-V6.
May 14, 2013 at 12:03 AM Post #403 of 1,313
Glad you like them!
I have over 200 hours of burn in on my pair and they sound absolutely sweet. I acknowledge that the Fiio E6 amp plays a major role in the sound quality equation as well. Even paired with a budget player (sansa clip+) and budget amp, the portapro is a very capable set of headphones. 

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