JVC/Victor FX700 - The Successor (early Easter Bunny brought something very nice!)
Apr 30, 2010 at 8:36 PM Post #376 of 1,764

Originally Posted by dfkt /img/forum/go_quote.gif
My jaw dropped a little when I heard them.

DON'T listen to the SM3, your jaw might completely fall off
Apr 30, 2010 at 8:40 PM Post #377 of 1,764

Originally Posted by JxK /img/forum/go_quote.gif
^Do tell. You can't just leave us a teaser like that. It simply isn't done.

All I can say so far is that my first impression is similar to when I heard my fresh-out-of-the box IE8 the first time. Seems everyone hates new IE8 and finds they "burn in" to the better - I however found they "burn out" to my ears, got less exciting and engaging over time.

Either way, after an hour (beware, gushing first impression, take it with a grain of salt) I really can't find a flaw in the sound quality the FX700 manage to give - they sure match my personal taste very, very well. Big bass of the highest quality (like Hippo VB, and surpassing IE8, UE11, etc), excellent midrange (better than SE530, and ABing them with the FX500 sure makes the FX500 sound recessed in comparison), excellent sparkly treble (not sure yet if it's too much of the good stuff, but it sure beats the IE8's "burned in/out" treble by a lot, and if I'm not mistaken reminds me of the e-Q7 or PFE). But the one thing that's really far out (pun!) is their stellar soundstage... yeah, they isolate for crap, but at least that open-ness has been put to good use. Only those weirdo Final Audio Design thingamabobs (also courtesy of james444
) managed to portray a soundstage like the FX700 so far, in my experience.

It's actually not right dissecting the FX700's sound into separate categories - it's great as a whole, it just lovely and very homogeneous. They're precise like the best "monitoring" IEMs out there - but they're the opposite of boring.

Technicalities - what I don't like: isolation like a KSC75, slight hiss with MP3 players, blingy looks (especially the awful silver/gold metal combination), stupid modular cable (slightly too short to use a player in my trouser pockets, way too long for shirt pocket use), cheap and too long strain reliefs on the earbuds, cheap loose strain relief on the plug.

What I like: feel of the cable, buds angled the "right" way (for over-the-ear use), very comfortable to wear.
Apr 30, 2010 at 8:54 PM Post #381 of 1,764
Yes, cool effects on the pic. And I do think the FX700 is great. Very, very nice lower half of the spectrum, and the upper half is very good, although I prefer the Copper upper half.
Apr 30, 2010 at 9:45 PM Post #382 of 1,764

Originally Posted by dfkt /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Maybe it's not a matter of good or bad, but about simply having a strong opinion about something? I dunno, I just wanna listen some more to the FX700!

Welcome to the club buddy. What kind of voodoo is this that the FX700 is weaving inside of our cerebral cortexts? lol
Apr 30, 2010 at 11:35 PM Post #383 of 1,764
Listening to the Doobie Brothers "Taking It To The Streets" through my FX700s and Sony S545 DAP and very lovely!!! The bass is so rich and natural. Great reverb on the strings, not to mention mids and highs sounding righteous. Now "China Grove" is rocking out; they are so natural sounding. Okay, these have become my favorite quickly for sound enjoyment, although I still give them a three-way tie with the Orto and Miles Davis for performance (each do something a little different that I love). But I never really knew what you guys were talking about when you mentioned fun IEMs. I get it now...
Apr 30, 2010 at 11:51 PM Post #384 of 1,764
yea just like the other fx what was it help me out, the fx 600 or 1000 was supposed to be better than the fx 500 and it was exactly same.

the fx 500 is probably the most comfortable iem i have ever worn
May 1, 2010 at 12:52 AM Post #385 of 1,764

Originally Posted by dfkt /img/forum/go_quote.gif
All I can say so far is that my first impression is similar to when I heard my fresh-out-of-the box IE8 the first time. Seems everyone hates new IE8 and finds they "burn in" to the better - I however found they "burn out" to my ears, got less exciting and engaging over time.

Yeah. I loved my IE8's out of the box, but after a few months I began to find all sorts of things to whine about - too warm, too thick, no sparkly treble
... you name it, I whined about it. And yet I loved them out of the box


Originally Posted by dfkt /img/forum/go_quote.gif
excellent sparkly treble (not sure yet if it's too much of the good stuff, but it sure beats the IE8's "burned in/out" treble by a lot, and if I'm not mistaken reminds me of the e-Q7 or PFE).

It reminds me more of the PFE treble than the e-Q7 because the PFE treble is quite pronounced (if I remember correctly) and the e-Q7 treble is much smoother and softer than both the JVC and the PFE. I like the JVC treble a lot and don't find it nearly as bothersome as the CK10 treble.


Originally Posted by dfkt /img/forum/go_quote.gif
They're precise like the best "monitoring" IEMs out there - but they're the opposite of boring.

True. When I had the UM3X (my only stage-monitoring IEM I think) it wasn't long before I wanted to toss them in the blender and puree the crap out of them. But I was reviewing them so had to keep them in for long periods of time. It was actually hard to listen because I found them that boring, and they actually made my music sound boring. No phone has ever done that before.


Originally Posted by ericp10 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Listening to the Doobie Brothers "Taking It To The Streets" through my FX700s and Sony S545 DAP and very lovely!!! The bass is so rich and natural.

Thanks eric. Even though it's nearly 2am here and I've been out all evening and I'm totally wiped out, now I have to go get the Doobs

I haven't got round to listening to them yet but I have the DCC remaster of the 'Best of the Doobs' and it's a very good recording. The best track on it (as far as sound quality goes) is 'Listen to the Music'. So that's what I'm going to do right after this post... listen to the music
- and then crash!


Originally Posted by techenvy /img/forum/go_quote.gif
yea just like the other fx what was it help me out, the fx 600 or 1000 was
supposed to be better than the fx 500 and it was exactly same.

The reason it was the same is because it was the same.

The FX500 was simply rebranded as the FX1000 for the UK, but it was the same model. The FX700 is a new model.
May 1, 2010 at 1:01 AM Post #386 of 1,764
Enjoy soozieq!! Not a bad way to have pleasant dreams after listening to the music (pun intended) of the Doobies!! lol. Happy listening. Really haven't been this excited about an investment in phones since the MDs (and Ortos). But these are really standing out straight out of the box and getting better and better!!
May 3, 2010 at 5:35 PM Post #388 of 1,764

Originally Posted by dfkt /img/forum/go_quote.gif
The reason why some things are only sold in Japan...

LOL!! I don't see what the issue is! What's wrong with a 'wood unit'?
May 3, 2010 at 6:40 PM Post #390 of 1,764
After USPS messed up yesterday, I was finally able to get my FX-700 this afternoon. Like what some have said, the provided tips is hidden from you...
The packaging is nice, very minimalist. Only the necessary stuff are included, and there's virtually no plastic part. First thing when I saw the earphone, I was like wow...even though I'm Asian (~170cm), the cable was too short even for me. But they did include the extender cable as the saving grace. Those who are taller should watch out...maybe like measuring their upper torso and waist length first

Size by side, the FX-700 (without extender cable) is a good 20-30 cm shorter than IE8 cable. The cable before the spliter(I dont know how you call that, the part of cable before it is split into 2) is quite a bit thicker than the cable on IE8, but good thing is they are not as stiff as shure's cable. Overall, the cable is much like IE8 cable slick cable. The strain relief is kinda long though. The plug is a straight plug, gold plated (JVC specified on the box, 24K plated)

I have been listening to my IE8 for quite some time, it's pretty good now after a lot of hours burning in (if you believe). I had been skeptical about my tip modding, thinking that it may be psychoacoustic effect, so last night I tried putting the Sony Hybrid directly on the nozzle. Well, the sound wasn't that good. It was too warm, and mid-bass become too apparent, I'd even say it became muddy. I wonder if that's how IE8 got infamous...changing back to my modded long tips, it was completely different. The vocals came through, and it was less warm.

Anyway, back to the topic at hand. Tips given with the FX-700 includes some medium and large size silicone, with medium and large foam. The foam looks pretty much like the foam given together with the IE8.

The seal, bad. Downright bad. Sealed is like no seal. If you consider IE8's isolation as bad, the FX-700 is even worst.

Then again, it will make up with its sound. I am not gonna comment a lot on the sound here, but I will try to write a comparison between the Miles Davis vs IE8 vs FX-700 when my final exams over. If I can find the other friend to lent me his TF10, that will be a 4-way comparison.

Ok, to the sound itself. Biting clarity and transparency. It's the type that screams for attention. The whole presentation tends to be on the warm side(just a tad warm), but as far as I can remember, it's not as warm as the MD on the mids. And definitely not as warm as IE8. With the IE8, certain vocals that has lower frequencies become unclear and at times, unnatural to me due to the mid-bass hump. It just became so thick. Not with the FX-700 though.

The bass is tighter and much faster on FX-700. It does not linger as long as in the case of IE8, which is actually good. The bass on IE8 can sometimes overshadow/overpower the rest of spectrum. I could never listen to trance and rock properly on IE8, but the FX-700 does it. Clarity and transparency screams on it.

I typically like to pay attention to string instruments on music. The FX-700 has shorter but more natural reverb, but on IE8 it seems more pleasant to me due to longer reverb. It's more natural on FX-700 though. The FX-700 presents it with such bite and edge to them.

The highs on FX-700 seems just a bit harsh to me new out of box, but I believe it will change for the better once I listen to it longer. If you want to compare the IE8 and FX-700 new out of box, I'd say the FX-700 is a notch above in terms of clarity. The high and mid is more prominent on FX-700, which is actually more balanced.

Soundstage on IE8, is huge and FX-700 is slightly behind it. Then again, the plastic shell of IE8 makes the soundstage weird, almost synthetic like. I wonder how it would be if they have designed them using metals, like what Final Audio did. The FX has very good imaging ability, on par, if not better than IE8. The clarity makes it easier to pick things up anyway. On IE8, the vocals is in the music, which in real life situation, means that the lead singer is nearer to the band playing music. On the FX, the vocals come through, which means the vocals has more priority, which is how it's supposed to be for me.

If you ask me whether I will sell my IE8, I'd say no. I have yet to hear another IEM that match the smoothness of IE8. It just does not give you fatigue. Not that the FX-700 gives you fatigue, just that sometimes when I rest, I prefer the music to be laid back and relaxing.

I need to listen to more songs to give more impression, where I will compare MD/FX/IE8 using some of my classical/orchestral collection.

In short, IE8 is like a wife, slightly plump and voluptuous, and wife is always very nice and gentle to you. But wife sometimes like to keep things from you. Still, the wife does everything almost right, and does it in her own way. She's good in her way.

FX-700, on the other hand, is like a young slim sexy girl, she's the mistress. She wears transparent clothes, and doesn't hide things from you. She craves your attention. Yet, mistress sometimes will complain a bit. If you don't give her what she wants, then she will give you the face. Maybe as time goes, she will love you more, and you will have tamed her by then.

Using another analogy, IE8 is like a fat dark furred grizzly bear, while the FX-700 is like a leopard, light and swift. Both are strong, albeit different.

As I listen more to it, the clarity grows on me....it's addictive in some magical way. Pardon me if there's any grammar or structure mistake, I am on a rush to eargasm with my mistress, or in a more refined way of calling it, aural bliss.

EDIT: After listening for a few hours, I found that the isolation without music playing sucks, as sound comes in through vents all over the housing. But once the music plays, it helps a lot to stop the outside noise from coming in

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