They're the absolute best of anything I've ever heard for electronic. Nothing else I've heard comes close. They do manage to sound horrible on some stuff though, not an 'all around' can at all, haha. Some stuff on these makes me want to shoot my foot.
I've just covered 3 of the port holes, put three cotton ball's worth of cotton in the housing, and put a bunch of RTV silicone on the back of the driver housings on these t20RPs and they're sounding fantastic. Do most people here follow a structured modding guide from the wiki, or do you guys just kind of do whatever you want and see how it pans out? I'm leaning towards the 'do anything you want' part because I have an amp with dual output channels and two sets of the phones, so dicert A/Bing will be super easy, even for my immature ears... But if there are any 'Must-do' type mods, I'm open.