I just had a surprisingly easy 36 hours of flight, largely thanks to my Roxanne + Pico combo. Even with -26 db, there's still a good deal of audible plane noise though. Thus, I recommend staying clear of your most dynamic recordings. That mostly means uncompressed orchestrated music. It also might be worth getting a set of comfy tips from JHA, as they could help block out a few extra db. Sadly, I forgot to bring mine, so I can't speak from experience.
And yes Wilderbeast, the Roxannes are fantastically detailed in their 3 dimensional presentation. Not having a big mid treble spike allows one to turn the volume up enough to read micro detail in quite components. Of course, none of this matters with brickwalled recordings. In such cases, listening louder offers no additional information, and only exposes one to ear damage.
great last line!
and that SO good to hear - I upped the bass a bit for my plane ride here to DC