JH Audio JH-13 PRO impressions thread
Nov 10, 2012 at 10:34 PM Post #8,986 of 10,754
I sent them another email stating that I would just get another brand, as I am sick and tired of companies not responding to emails, and treating their clients like idiots. I mean, 1200 for  earphones, and not even a response to an email. That is ridiculous. 

You did the right choice, in my opinion. There is so many serious and professional CIEM companies out there with a far better customer service than JH Audio.
I'm still dealing with their after service for my imbalance issue, and it's a pain in the a**. They almost ignored the detailed explanation I wrote down, and are still telling me it might be the internal components. I feel they will send me back my JH13 and I will still have the same issue...great!
Nov 11, 2012 at 11:59 AM Post #8,987 of 10,754
i sent them an email before they shipped my cable and told them how bad their customer service is even after more than 2 years from ordering the jh13.their reply was"we are sorry you feel that way,your cable was shipped."
If anyone is interested in jh audio products,i strongly recommend to look into other companies.
They still dont recognize that for us international buyers,in the other part of the world,we care about customer service just as much as the product because of the shipping costs and such.
im definatly not going to support this company again with my money or recommendations.I will not even call for their help when something(touch wood) happens to my jh13.
OTOH,the silver dragon cable is amazing.biggest and only differences i can hear are better imaging,air,clarity and detail.cant recommend that cable enough.
Nov 12, 2012 at 1:04 AM Post #8,988 of 10,754
Pretty ridiculous. I am pretty upset by it all, as was expecting to get a premium product which I paid a premium price, but that comes with premium service. From what I can tell, you get a good product (with many others of similar quality) and no service. 
Service is pretty important these days. JH Audio seem to be dropping the ball big time, and will probably suffer the same fate as many other Niche market brands. A few people in the company that don't care, and the entire company gets a bad name and goes down. 
Nov 12, 2012 at 6:56 AM Post #8,990 of 10,754
At least JHA has a two-year warranty. An issue came on on my pair roughly 22 months into them (about 15 months ago) and they handled it, not perfectly smoothly, but without charging me. Most custom manufacturers include a paltry 1-year warranty.
Nov 12, 2012 at 9:11 AM Post #8,991 of 10,754
Just wanted to thank everyone for the color I was able to glean from this post. Recently ordered a set of 13 Pro...a bit late to the party, but the silver lining is that I'll be getting the FreqPhase version. Muddy Water Blue Translucent with solid flying girl (red on right and white on left). Ear impressions already in the mail. Now it's a waiting game. Fingers are crossed that I don't need any re-fits. Only negative so far is that JH Audio charges you in-full at time of purchase even though there's a 5-6 week wait. Seems a 50% deposit would've been more reasonable, but oh well.
Nov 12, 2012 at 12:33 PM Post #8,992 of 10,754
Gotta say that really they were always great on the phone and responsive.   The one time out of many fit issues that they lost them...it was when they were moving locations and they found them with in an hour and shipped them that day.  Even though i have the foot fall issue that was never completely addressed, as  a whole my experience in dealing with them was positive, they bent over backwards to get the iems right.  They even did work on them a year after i had them to try to fix the footfall issue that i have always had, changing them as i requested and then back again without a word of complaint.  
I am really surprised at this all but i do have to say that they have always been much more responsive to phone calls than to emails.
Nov 14, 2012 at 5:00 AM Post #8,993 of 10,754
Finally got a reply from Gary from JH Audio. No real response to the 4 emails I sent with no reply. It sounds like apparently they didn't get them, so I forwarded him the emails that I had sent before. 
In any case, apparently my order is going to ship soon. 
So I guess they didn't get the email where I asked for my money back either!
Ah well, will get the IEM's at least, and will see what their service is like after that. 
So far, am not very impressed. Perhaps they only really want to look after local clients, and not international ones. 
Nov 15, 2012 at 8:28 AM Post #8,994 of 10,754
I'm an international client and I've had positive experiences. When I ordered my JH16s, they arrived in a preposterously quick 10 days (counting from the moment I dropped off the impressions to FedEx) with no issues with fit or anything like that. 
When I moronically snapped off the cable pins inside one IEM while I was working out, I sent them in for repair. They did get the address I wanted them sent to a bit mixed up, but it was understandable as the address I sent it from differed from the one I wanted the repaired IEM sent to. They fixed the error.
I wouldn't generalize a few highly visible negative comments as JH not caring about international clients. I feel like I've been adequately taken care of.
Nov 15, 2012 at 8:47 AM Post #8,995 of 10,754
Now that the hype about the JH13 has died down over the years, do people these days still see the JH13 as genuinely comparable to the likes of other top tier headphones like the HD800 or LCD2? I've seen the threads comparing them but it would be interesting to see what people think now that this iem has long passed it's "FOTM" stage.
Nov 15, 2012 at 8:54 AM Post #8,996 of 10,754
I have to agree with JCS.
I'm an international customer and my experience was fine. I don't remember exactly the time frame from order to delivery, but it wasn't particularly long.
My emails were replied to quickly and even though I have had some fit issues which meant having to send them back across the pond, they were turned around very quickly. I also particularly like one aspect of their delivery service...which I won't go into on an open forum.
The only negatives I have are having to have 3 refits...and one side is still not 100% - but even months on, they have offered to take a look again. I just dont know if I can be bothered with sending them back again as it gets expensive and I'll miss them....might have to have a go shaving a bit off with a Dremel.
Nov 15, 2012 at 10:08 AM Post #8,997 of 10,754
Now that the hype about the JH13 has died down over the years, do people these days still see the JH13 as genuinely comparable to the likes of other top tier headphones like the HD800 or LCD2? I've seen the threads comparing them but it would be interesting to see what people think now that this iem has long passed it's "FOTM" stage.

I "much" prefer my jh13 to the lcd2.
Although lcd2 has great bass,the jh13 is more neutral,better imaging,deeper soundstage,better treble and airiness and a wee bit more detailed.
My biggest problem with the lcd2 is its soundstage and lack of air.thats why I'm hunting down an hd800,
Nov 15, 2012 at 7:12 PM Post #8,998 of 10,754
I "much" prefer my jh13 to the lcd2.
Although lcd2 has great bass,the jh13 is more neutral,better imaging,deeper soundstage,better treble and airiness and a wee bit more detailed.
My biggest problem with the lcd2 is its soundstage and lack of air.thats why I'm hunting down an hd800,

You must be ... freaking kidding me.
My hifiman he-500 sounds better than JH13 in every aspect, some by a huge margin. 
Nov 15, 2012 at 8:35 PM Post #9,000 of 10,754
it s wrong to compare headphones and iems. they physically can't do the same thing or give the same space, that s like wondering if a headphone is better than a speaker. (or if galactus is stronger than the hulk)
everybody should have at least one headphone, one iem (custom or not) and a good pair of speakers. they got different sound and different use.
when i succeed in my self-nomination to the title of "world general", remind me to make this mandatory plz.
and to answer to ProjectDenz, i don't imagine that JH really pwn any other brand of custom in the same range.
to me the strength of my jh13 in the long run is that they are easy going. it s an "almost" flat sound that doesn't fatigue me and works fine with all music genres.
i ve never owned anything with that much definition that didn't kill my ears after 2 or 3hours. and really that's the main reason i like them.

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