JH Audio JH-13 PRO impressions thread
Nov 15, 2009 at 9:40 PM Post #5,986 of 10,754

Originally Posted by cujobob /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Yes, but I believe you can bridge an unbalanced amp, as well.

I believe if you do that you'll get one channel, i.e. mono.
Nov 16, 2009 at 3:00 AM Post #5,988 of 10,754

Originally Posted by cujobob /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Interesting...seems to be mixed opinions on what exactly balanced offers. There were quite a few people who claimed the JH13 sounded better balanced...perhaps it was simply due to the amp used having better balanced connection vs. SE?

There's a whole thread (and religious war) on Balanced vs. Unbalanced.

I think the gist of this is that the 13's scale from direct ipod connection to high end amazingly well. Their sound balanced sold me on a set in 10 minutes of listening. They're ability to kick a** out of the iPhone makes 'em my main headphones...

The 13/EHHA combo is epic. I suspect it might be the ultimate amp (even stereo) for these 'cans.' I DO like solid state, so I'd love to hear the 13's on an M3 and a B22. for argument's sake. My EHHA slays both of these. It's like the HD800s on the balanced EHHA, taken up a notch. Full Disclosure - I may be selling the balanced EHHA soon - this is not a shill!

I'd love to A/B these with some K1000 on the EHHA, Larry?

I'll get to some more specific impressions soon.
Nov 16, 2009 at 3:19 AM Post #5,989 of 10,754
Currently using my JH13s through Cary 306SACD balanced > WA22 > Whiplash SCSCag 4-pin xlr recable. I have never been this satisfied with any of the dynamic headphones I've ever owned. The only headphone that I have heard (and still own) that MIGHT be able to compete with my JH13s are my Stax O2 MK1s. Still waiting for my KGBH SE to really see if it's worth keeping my stax rig or if I should sell it off and buy speaker rig.
Nov 16, 2009 at 5:36 AM Post #5,990 of 10,754

Originally Posted by wiatrob /img/forum/go_quote.gif
There's a whole thread (and religious war) on Balanced vs. Unbalanced.

I think the gist of this is that the 13's scale from direct ipod connection to high end amazingly well. Their sound balanced sold me on a set in 10 minutes of listening. They're ability to kick a** out of the iPhone makes 'em my main headphones...

The 13/EHHA combo is epic. I suspect it might be the ultimate amp (even stereo) for these 'cans.' I DO like solid state, so I'd love to hear the 13's on an M3 and a B22. for argument's sake. My EHHA slays both of these. It's like the HD800s on the balanced EHHA, taken up a notch. Full Disclosure - I may be selling the balanced EHHA soon - this is not a shill!

I'd love to A/B these with some K1000 on the EHHA, Larry?

I'll get to some more specific impressions soon.

Sure, we can do that sometime, but you'll find the JH13Pro will win the battle.
Nov 16, 2009 at 1:51 PM Post #5,991 of 10,754

Originally Posted by wiatrob /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Anybody listening to these balanced yet?

indeed they are superb!!

general info/ balanced makes for MUCH better noise rejection and SNR; as well as much more voltage swing (I know you know that wiatrob, just a general piece of info) better options than 4 pin XLR too. before the possums found my buffalo32 project box burning in downstairs (true story, dont ask) I was enjoying them enormously balanced. the most amazing headphone in my collection thats for damn sure.
Nov 16, 2009 at 8:34 PM Post #5,992 of 10,754

Originally Posted by jc9394 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I just sent my JH13 back to fix the isolation issue, will report back once I received back from them.

Got it back last Friday, it is less than a week turn around. The isolation is much better, i can barely heard my coworker next cube over when no music is playing. It is slight pain on the left side on the first day but my ear got used to it and no more pain.
Nov 16, 2009 at 8:36 PM Post #5,993 of 10,754

Originally Posted by qusp /img/forum/go_quote.gif
indeed they are superb!!

general info/ balanced makes for MUCH better noise rejection and SNR; as well as much more voltage swing (I know you know that wiatrob, just a general piece of info) better options than 4 pin XLR too. before the possums found my buffalo32 project box burning in downstairs (true story, dont ask) I was enjoying them enormously balanced. the most amazing headphone in my collection thats for damn sure.

If there was a way around having to use such damned large connectors I would have min balanced as well but since I still use them portable a lot I don't think it would be very practical. Switching cables a lot on the headphone side isn't good either.
Nov 16, 2009 at 9:18 PM Post #5,994 of 10,754
At weekend mini meet, I was able to hear friends JH13. Thought I didn't have optimal seat, I was very impressed with their sound. They simply beat every other top IEM I heard and even it was better than my K701. HD800 was little better, but I think it was mainly because of bad Fit.
Now I'm in temptation of getting them.
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Nov 16, 2009 at 9:18 PM Post #5,995 of 10,754

Originally Posted by hockeyb213 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
If there was a way around having to use such damned large connectors I would have min balanced as well but since I still use them portable a lot I don't think it would be very practical. Switching cables a lot on the headphone side isn't good either.

I talked to JH about switching cables, and he said as long as your not rough with it you should be ok. Though, he did say over time the connector would get lose and you'd have to send it in. I'm probably gonna be switching my cables at least 2x a day when I get mine.
Nov 16, 2009 at 9:26 PM Post #5,996 of 10,754
I just sent my pair back today for refit #2. The left canal needs to be shortened and widened, I'm guessing.

Before I sent the pair in for the first refit, I didn't realize I could get good isolation without the canal being super deep in my ear, this being my first custom IEM. Now that I got the pair back and the right IEM is so snug and so comfortable and isolates so well, I know I can get good fit without discomfort.

I took this pic to send to Adam so he could see what I mean when I say that the canal seems long:

Nov 16, 2009 at 9:29 PM Post #5,997 of 10,754

Originally Posted by OPTiK /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I talked to JH about switching cables, and he said as long as your not rough with it you should be ok. Though, he did say over time the connector would get lose and you'd have to send it in. I'm probably gonna be switching my cables at least 2x a day when I get mine.

Well that is my point those connectors are not meant to be used in a way like that and I really would like to not have to send them in for that. If anything I would use one cable terminated in a 4 prong xlr and then have a converter to 1/8.....
Nov 17, 2009 at 12:57 AM Post #6,000 of 10,754

Originally Posted by qusp /img/forum/go_quote.gif
better options than 4 pin XLR too.



Originally Posted by qusp /img/forum/go_quote.gif
before the possums found my buffalo32 project box

With a bit of luck they chipped their teeth on which ever reg they decided to chew on.

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