JH Audio JH-13 PRO impressions thread
Jul 30, 2009 at 1:19 AM Post #2,567 of 10,754
Jul 30, 2009 at 1:25 AM Post #2,568 of 10,754

Originally Posted by rlanger /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Does anyone else listen to these louder than what they would normally listen with other headphones?

Because of the amazing clarity and detail, I find myself cranking the volume to levels I don't usually listen to.

At times I do. One thing that is very, very interesting to me is that I often get tinnitus from too loud a volume on headphone. My 10JPN can do this as can my Ed. 9 but the HD650's can actually take it away. On the JH13's not only can I play them louder but often I have no tinnitus and if I do from something else it is often gone after I use the 13's.
Jul 30, 2009 at 1:30 AM Post #2,569 of 10,754

Originally Posted by jamato8 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
At times I do. One thing that is very, very interesting to me is that I often get tinnitus from too loud a volume on headphone. My 10JPN can do this as can my Ed. 9 but the HD650's can actually take it away. On the JH13's not only can I play them louder but often I have no tinnitus and if I do from something else it is often gone after I use the 13's.

Latest medical/scientific studies have confirmed that the mind has the power to do a lot of amazing, miraculous things in your body. My guess is that you enjoyed your JH13 so much that the sheer enjoyment helps your body to adjust. LOL Just my hunch, but if I'm right... keep listening!!
Jul 30, 2009 at 1:33 AM Post #2,570 of 10,754

Originally Posted by tigon_ridge /img/forum/go_quote.gif
That's if assuming that I was referring to laser technology to scan ear canals; and even if did, it's obvious laser rays don't go around corners (unless a blackhole is nearby)...they do bounce, however. That's how computer mice and scanners scan things. I was thinking just now maybe something like that can be applied to scanning the outline of small concave spaces, such as ear canals. In any case, you guys should practice thinking with innovation in mind; who said anything about shoving a giant scanning machine into your ears? Have you guys forgotten how desktop computer technology gradually changed into laptops...and then even smaller laptops...and then handheld PCs? As I say, anything is possible!

EDIT: I said "changed into". I meant "led to".

thanks, very edumacashunal
, didnt realize you were talking many years into the future, many many years. thought this thread was about JH|13 and the 'current' technology related to it.
Jul 30, 2009 at 1:47 AM Post #2,572 of 10,754

Originally Posted by qusp /img/forum/go_quote.gif
thanks, very edumacashunal
, didnt realize you were talking many years into the future, many many years. thought this thread was about JH|13 and the 'current' technology related to it.

Future projects and developments don't come out of thin air. It starts by someone who envisions them (***today***), who goes and share it with people he thinks might listen with an open mind and who might be helpful in supporting the vision. Now I know how the Wright brothers must've felt. Smart responses like "you didnt think this through very far did you??" will often make one feel that way. Anyways, like Bolardito said, back to our primary topic (sorry for sliding off the track)...
Jul 30, 2009 at 3:21 AM Post #2,579 of 10,754
So what happened to mine? She even tried to get me to talk while taking my impressions!!

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