Is the HD800 a huge improvement over the K701/K702?
Jun 6, 2009 at 9:41 AM Post #61 of 110

Originally Posted by some1x /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Sakura better don the HD800 rather than a pair of dumbbells while answering that! LOL
Jun 6, 2009 at 10:14 AM Post #62 of 110
The local Stax dealer has K701s in the shop to demo with the Luxman P-1 and P-200, so I might drop in with the HD-800s and ask them if they'd like to do a comparison. It would be interesting to try K701s again with a better amp than I had last time.
Jun 6, 2009 at 10:47 AM Post #63 of 110

Originally Posted by Currawong /img/forum/go_quote.gif
The local Stax dealer has K701s in the shop to demo with the Luxman P-1 and P-200, so I might drop in with the HD-800s and ask them if they'd like to do a comparison. It would be interesting to try K701s again with a better amp than I had last time.

That would be cool.

They're both circum-aural phones, both dynamic, both have great soundstage. Interesting comparison
Jun 6, 2009 at 11:44 AM Post #65 of 110

Originally Posted by SleepyOne /img/forum/go_quote.gif
That will be very interesting, thanks!
(Do check with shop that 701 has been sufficently run in.)

Can't emphasize the importance of burn-in more... my K701 is a different beast after several months of use! That thin sound and lack of body with instruments is mostly gone!

But I guess that the HD800 is a different beast... only if I earned enough to buy one!
Jun 6, 2009 at 2:05 PM Post #66 of 110
I'm interested in this comparison as well, although actually don't need it anymore; the reviews at hand have been positive enough (Jude's review alone would have been enough) to convince me of the HD 800's outstanding qualities.

I still like my K 701, and it gets the most listening time of all my headphones. That said, I was always aware that it isn't perfect. Other headphones offer better performance in single criteria: my own electrostats in first place, HD 650/Zu, HE 90, K 1000...

However, I wish there was a headphone that ideally combines the sonic traits and virtues of K 701, K 1000, HD 650, ER-4, Audéo and my electrostats. And from what I gather, the HD 800 could be passably close to this sonic ideal. Neutral without being analytical, resolving and detailed yet smooth and musical, excellent 3-dimensionality... I'm looking forward to it or its European appearance, resp.
Jun 7, 2009 at 9:01 PM Post #68 of 110

Originally Posted by Currawong /img/forum/go_quote.gif
The local Stax dealer has K701s in the shop to demo with the Luxman P-1 and P-200, so I might drop in with the HD-800s and ask them if they'd like to do a comparison. It would be interesting to try K701s again with a better amp than I had last time.

Hello there! Did you check them out side by side?
Jun 7, 2009 at 11:41 PM Post #70 of 110

Originally Posted by Acix /img/forum/go_quote.gif can be a HUGE improvement over the K702/1, and nobody know to explain why. Sounds like a conflict of a new toy.

BTW, good job Jude.

The K702 have slightly brighter treble and in the bass they do reproduce, it's a little tighter. The HD800 are more neutral over all, the treble is smoother (sometimes too smooth for my taste) and extends higher, the bass extends lower but without the right amp it isn't as tight as the K702 is through my Opera, and the soundstage is gigantic in comparison. With the K702 you have a greater sense of knowing that the sound is coming from two drivers on your ears than you do with the HD800, which just sound like the speakers are in the room and not on your head -- but the K702 is still much better in that regard than most headphones.

I have also had quite a substantial improvement with my K702 using a Locus Design custom cable with rhodium plated Cardas SE connector. The bass is even tighter and extends deeper, and the midrange blends in more with the rest of the music (as opposed to with the stock cable where the midrange seems almost detached and in front of everything else).
Jun 7, 2009 at 11:49 PM Post #71 of 110

Originally Posted by bhanja_trinanjan /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hello there! Did you check them out side by side?

I wont have a chance until later this week as they are on the other side of town. I go that way twice a week though. My HD-800s will have hopefully arrived by then.
Jun 8, 2009 at 5:47 PM Post #72 of 110

Originally Posted by IPodPJ /img/forum/go_quote.gif
The K702 have slightly brighter treble and in the bass they do reproduce, it's a little tighter. The HD800 are more neutral over all, the treble is smoother (sometimes too smooth for my taste) and extends higher, the bass extends lower but without the right amp it isn't as tight as the K702 is through my Opera, and the soundstage is gigantic in comparison. With the K702 you have a greater sense of knowing that the sound is coming from two drivers on your ears than you do with the HD800, which just sound like the speakers are in the room and not on your head -- but the K702 is still much better in that regard than most headphones.

I have also had quite a substantial improvement with my K702 using a Locus Design custom cable with rhodium plated Cardas SE connector. The bass is even tighter and extends deeper, and the midrange blends in more with the rest of the music (as opposed to with the stock cable where the midrange seems almost detached and in front of everything else).

Now that's what I call a definitive answer! Well written, mate!
Jun 8, 2009 at 6:21 PM Post #73 of 110

Originally Posted by IPodPJ /img/forum/go_quote.gif
The K702 have slightly brighter treble and in the bass they do reproduce, it's a little tighter. The HD800 are more neutral over all, the treble is smoother (sometimes too smooth for my taste) and extends higher, the bass extends lower but without the right amp it isn't as tight as the K702 is through my Opera, and the soundstage is gigantic in comparison. With the K702 you have a greater sense of knowing that the sound is coming from two drivers on your ears than you do with the HD800, which just sound like the speakers are in the room and not on your head -- but the K702 is still much better in that regard than most headphones.

I have also had quite a substantial improvement with my K702 using a Locus Design custom cable with rhodium plated Cardas SE connector. The bass is even tighter and extends deeper, and the midrange blends in more with the rest of the music (as opposed to with the stock cable where the midrange seems almost detached and in front of everything else).

Yep, this is the kind of answer I would expect from a Head Fi member. Please keep us updated on the comparison.
Jun 8, 2009 at 7:00 PM Post #74 of 110
X3 about your post Ipodj - it's nice to see a comparison that seems to factor out the FOTM or newness excitement. And paints a nice comparison without belittle one over the other.

That type of comparison has been elusive lately.
Jun 9, 2009 at 2:02 AM Post #75 of 110
Thanks. I don't want anyone to think the HD800 is perfect in every regard because it's not. If you are used to the way cymbals sound through most dynamic headphones, they do not sound that way through the HD800, however with the right amp they will get close. The HD800 are much more like stats in that regard but they do so much right that I have to say they are the most neutral headphone available on the market right now, and certainly the easiest and least fatiguing headphone you could listen to. The way they present the music is just effortless.

Here's a little story of 3 headphones, the HD800, the D5000 and the K702.

If he could talk he would say, "Look at me. I'm Mr. Sennheiser Suave. Give me a high five. Hah, you missed, you're too slow for me. You hear me talking but you don't know where I'm at." Cocky little person, ain't he? Well he's allowed to be. But sometimes he just wishes he could blend in more with the crowd.

Our old buddy Mr. Denon Deceiver, he just hangs his head high and says, "Who wants a piece of the Stiffmeister? I'll make you feel real good." And he does just that, like he's enticing you with an opiate. "I've got lots of muscle behind this hustle." But under his breath he mumbles, "I have to lie to get people to like me."

Then there's Mr. Average Joe AKG. He doesn't try to be anyone's friend and he's not the best at everything he does. But he tries real hard to be an achiever even though he's often let down. He wakes up every morning with a smile on his face and says to some omnipotent being, "I know I'm a good person and I've been very blessed in life. But I have just one wish. I go to the gym and work out everyday, but I've always been really skinny and I'd just like to gain a little weight."

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