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    • JaZZ
      I am very pleased to announce my findings with the aforementioned mod thanks to @JaZZ here. I call this the HEDDphone experience 2.0...
    • JaZZ
      JaZZ reacted to Rob Watts's post in the thread Watts Up...? with Like Like.
      Adding an extra stage will always degrade transparency, so I am not interested in designing an analogue headphone amp. If you need more...
    • JaZZ
      JaZZ reacted to Rob Watts's post in the thread Watts Up...? with Like Like.
      Yes it's a pulse array DAC in the ADC feedback loop - with a latency of just two or three master clock cycles - the whole ADC runs from...
    • JaZZ
      JaZZ reacted to Ragnar-BY's post in the thread Watts Up...? with Like Like.
      @Rob Watts Hi Rob! One friend of mine (and Hugo 2 owner) told me that he bought an old (10 or 15 years old) DAC and liked it a lot. I...
    • JaZZ
      Ok lads, this is a tentative report on the clicking problem that I myself have experienced. Yesterday, Chord sent me a new SMPS to try...
    • JaZZ
      This is a good example of how measurements are used to mislead people. You don't listen to sine waves or sweeps. If you listen through...
    • JaZZ
      Thanks for your feedback, and also thanks to @Boldakov @Hooster @juansan @dontfeedphils @LCMusicLover I drove 200km to a headphone...
    • JaZZ
      JaZZ reacted to Rob Watts's post in the thread Watts Up...? with Like Like.
      Given that I turned 60 recently, I am in the twilight years of my career. In many ways I am extremely fortunate, being fitter today than...
    • JaZZ
      Actually I'm sure that they expect a real, technical benefit, not just sound effects. Otherwise amp emulators would be more popular...
    • JaZZ
      «Re-processing» is an ugly word for mere DSP, as it implicates a massive signal deterioration, including the infamous breaking of «bit...
    • JaZZ
      JaZZ reacted to Rob Watts's post in the thread Watts Up...? with Like Like.
      My advice over many years has been not to use up-samplers, but to always feed my DACs with bit perfect data, as the WTA algorithm would...
    • JaZZ
      JaZZ replied to the thread Hifiman HE1000-SE.
      The stock cable sounds comparatively rough and hard. I went from the Lavricables Master Silver to the Grand and from there to the Norne...
    • JaZZ
      JaZZ replied to the thread Campfire Dorado 2020.
      Sorry – the correct spelling is Xcessor.
    • JaZZ
      JaZZ replied to the thread Campfire Dorado 2020.
      I get these «electrical shocks» with most of my Campfire IEMs (1x Atlas, 2x Andromeda) – sometimes just from one driver, sometimes from...
    • JaZZ
      JaZZ replied to the thread Campfire Dorado 2020.
      Picked mine up today. Atlas «diamond» bass driver plus some BA tweeter sounded too good to resist. I already own the original Andromeda...
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