HiFiMAN RE-272 Review
Aug 8, 2011 at 11:03 AM Post #61 of 489
I wonder if resolution of RE272 in mids and highs also can compare to custom IEMs like ES3x, ES5, UM Miracle?.

To test that one needs a high-end balanced source IMO. After all, RE272 was designed as a balanced IEM from the ground up, so it needs to be driven from a balanced amp to sound the way it was meant to.
Aug 8, 2011 at 12:14 PM Post #63 of 489
Just ordered some RE-272s from Yusuf at Ampcity UK. Their first batch just arrived, so I should have mine in the next day or two. Price was £169 inc postage.
Impressions to follow.
Aug 8, 2011 at 12:35 PM Post #64 of 489

To test that one needs a high-end balanced source IMO. After all, RE272 was designed as a balanced IEM from the ground up, so it needs to be driven from a balanced amp to sound the way it was meant to.

I just listen to RE272 on HM801 with the balanced amp module (which also provides single-end) . From single-end to balance, it is like someone just flip a switch and increase the dynamic range of RE272 by 3dB. Okay, '3dB' is just a random approximation, but you get my drift... The result is reaffirmed by Stepdance (active balanced ground with similar effect to balanced amp, but on single-end). That's really something there.
Aug 8, 2011 at 3:28 PM Post #65 of 489
Ok, I did some more listening to RE272 and wow. They seem to sound better and better. The single best word to describe the sound is probably realistic. Definitely more realistic than any other IEM I tried by far. Yes, that's right. Heck, even the HD800 I demoed didn't strike me as amazingly clear and tonally accurate as RE272. I am not saying it's perfect, but when you sit there listening to the headphone and suddenly get a vivid feeling as though the singer and instruments are actually in the room with you that says a lot. There are other headphones and IEMs that made me feel that way like the aforemenioned HD800, SE530, FX700, ER4 and some others, but with those, I got this illusion once in a blue moon. With the RE272 I get it all the time on almost every track I listen to.
RE272 seems to handle low volumes very well. I can still hear more detail with them at low volumes than with many headphones at much higher volume levels. Also, a few more words about the soundstage. With a good fit, it's really spacious. It makes my FX700 sound somewhat boxy. RE272's transparency and its ability to recover the smallest locational cues really helps here. Even many full sized cans I tried pale in comparison. RE272 is very sensitive to fit though and you may not hear a good soundstage with some tips.
Aug 8, 2011 at 9:43 PM Post #67 of 489
Just got my very first pair of HiFiMAN in-ears today, none other than the 262's. Just when I thought I'd heard it all, it amazes me that there's always something else waiting around the corner. I've only gotten a few minutes in with them, but they sure bring back memories of the SM3's captivating mids. I wish I still had the SM3 on hand to A/B the 2, but as was the case with the SM3, vocals just never sounded this good. I can't sya much for now, other than I'm definitely impressed with the 262's, to say the very LEAST. More to come in due time.

Aug 8, 2011 at 9:46 PM Post #68 of 489
Just got my very first pair of HiFiMAN in-ears today, none other than the 262's. Just when I thought I'd heard it all, it amazes me that there's always something else waiting around the corner. I've only gotten a few minutes in with them, but they sure bring back memories of the SM3's captivating mids. I wish I still had the SM3 on hand to A/B the 2, but as was the case with the SM3, vocals just never sounded this good. I can't sya much for now, other than I'm definitely impressed with the 262's, to say the very LEAST. More to come in due time.

Looking forward to your impressions. I'm considering the 262 (and perhaps 272 in the distant future), but if it sounds anything like the SM3 I might have to give it a pass. That presentation just doesn't seem to do it for me.
Aug 8, 2011 at 9:56 PM Post #69 of 489
Upon first impression, they certainly doesn't sound as 'veiled' as the SM3 did to my ears right out of the box, without any prior use. However, I'm the third owner of the 262, and I'm sure they've undergone many hours of use. So far, I'm definitely enjoying them, and as I hear them, they're certainly mid-centric. They definitely don't replace the EX1000's for these ears, that's for sure; but at a third of the cost, I can appreciate why they certainly would for others. 

Aug 8, 2011 at 10:08 PM Post #70 of 489
RE262 is less thick and forward in the mids than the SM3 and doesn't sound veiled like SM3 can sometimes sound. RE262 is also more coherent and has a more natural soundstage and better dynamics. Clarity is also better on RE262 I think. SM3 has better separation and more detail though.
Aug 8, 2011 at 10:36 PM Post #72 of 489
They're certainly VERY musical, and I'm now ever so slightly eager to give the 272's a listen sometime in the near future!

Aug 9, 2011 at 5:18 PM Post #74 of 489
Hmm, seems I'm left utterly confused now. As of late, I never thought anything other than the EX1000's would occupy my ears for more than 10 minutes, but I tried the Comply T-400's today with the 262's, and coupled with the Zo, I'm having a blast! Whil I still prefer the EX1000's overall pesentation, the 262's are simply too much fun to put down. At first I thought they were a bit too mid-centric for my taste, but ever since I parted from my beloved SM3's, I haven't heard anything else with such lush mids. Aaah, decisions, decisions...
Aug 9, 2011 at 6:25 PM Post #75 of 489
I just broke and bought these. I've been looking for great treble and details, but didn't quite want to get an amp for my portable rig yet (which is why the ER-4Ss were out of the question).
Thanks, Pianist and ClieOS!

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