HiFiMAN RE-272 Review
Oct 14, 2014 at 10:48 AM Post #406 of 489
what do you think equals it at US$500?  i cant say ive heard any IEM that equals it.

Sometimes I cannot believe the amount of detail that 9mm dynamic doles out. And yet never fatiguing.
True legend. 

Oct 14, 2014 at 11:13 AM Post #407 of 489
its why i have long believed that the absolute best treble is only found in dynamics.  BA's are getting better but tend to have an edge and slight over crispness to them.  Dynamics can do massive detail but so much more naturally.
to my ears its like BA tend to form square waves and dynamic's nicely rounded sinusoidal waves.
Oct 14, 2014 at 1:25 PM Post #408 of 489
mark, the re600 is the most expensive iem i have bought/tried , so i don't know what happens to the 500+$ front

but the 272 is very very nice and so crystal clear without sounding thin/sibilant it's funny

someone told me about the N4 that it's a better one but i have not tried it.

Oct 14, 2014 at 4:30 PM Post #409 of 489
  its why i have long believed that the absolute best treble is only found in dynamics.  BA's are getting better but tend to have an edge and slight over crispness to them.  Dynamics can do massive detail but so much more naturally.
to my ears its like BA tend to form square waves and dynamic's nicely rounded sinusoidal waves.

I concur with everything that was said.
Oct 15, 2014 at 5:37 AM Post #410 of 489
I concur with everything that was said.

you, good sir, are a wise man indeed

Oct 16, 2014 at 9:26 AM Post #412 of 489
  I find instrument separation better on RE272 compared to RE600. Re600 has good mids, however it does not have enough airy and bright highs. That reduces detail level on RE600. In any case, Re600 is easy to listen.  

i have re600 for less than a week , yet i sense where its sound signature lies

first of all these don't need an amp, as they sound even louder than the 272 (the 262 need an amp due to their big impedance)

compared to the 272 (which was the previous iem flagship for hifiman and my favourite iem ever) it is more mid-centric(like 262) but also more forward.

the mids are more warm and thick but the detail retrieval is very good, even better than the 272 (mid-wise only, in the highs 272 is unbeatable)

the bass also is very robust and full compared to the anemic bass of the 272, where i always use 272 with the bass boost of arrow 4G on, with 600 i turn the bass boost off

the highs are not as good as those in 272 , but then again nothing touches the perfection in the highs by 272

272 and 600 are very different iems , even more so than when comparing 262/272 (i always thought that the 262 amped sounded quite like an unamped 272)

i have a feeling that the 600 is still changing soundwise due to initial burn-in, so i will return with impressions

i like what i am hearing so far though and it is a completely different signature/approach from the 272

Oct 16, 2014 at 9:37 AM Post #413 of 489
i have re600 for less than a week , yet i sense where its sound signature lies

first of all these don't need an amp, as they sound even louder than the 272 (the 262 need an amp due to their big impedance)

compared to the 272 (which was the previous iem flagship for hifiman and my favourite iem ever) it is more mid-centric(like 262) but also more forward.

the mids are more warm and thick but the detail retrieval is very good, even better than the 272 (mid-wise only, in the highs 272 is unbeatable)

the bass also is very robust and full compared to the anemic bass of the 272, where i always use 272 with the bass boost of arrow 4G on, with 600 i turn the bass boost off

the highs are not as good as those in 272 , but then again nothing touches the perfection in the highs by 272

272 and 600 are very different iems , even more so than when comparing 262/272 (i always thought that the 262 amped sounded quite like an unamped 272)

i have a feeling that the 600 is still changing soundwise due to initial burn-in, so i will return with impressions

i like what i am hearing so far though and it is a completely different signature/approach from the 272


Mids on 272 is laid back and veiled compared to Re600, it is normal that Re600 has more detail in this frequency. However 272 is better on highs and lows. Which source are you using with Re272? It is so sensitive to bad recordings. 
Both iem does not need for an amp. In addition Re600 is an advanced type of Re262.
Mids of Re600 require a lot of burn-in hours to become smoother. More than 150 hours. 
Oct 16, 2014 at 9:54 AM Post #414 of 489
  Mids on 272 is laid back and veiled compared to Re600, it is normal that Re600 has more detail in this frequency. However 272 is better on highs and lows. Which source are you using with Re272? It is so sensitive to bad recordings. 
Both iem does not need for an amp. In addition Re600 is an advanced type of Re262.
Mids of Re600 require a lot of burn-in hours to become smoother. More than 150 hours. 

to my ears and setup (J3+Arrow 4G) the 272 mids are not veiled at all , just lean and kinda moved a bit back in the sonic mix compared to the highs (which is not a bad thing anyway)

my recordings are all FLAC 16/44.1 , most of them great vinyl rips , so the quality is as good as it gets

I agree that 600 is an improved 262, i seldom use my 262 anymore.
the 272 highs are better , but the lows i think 600 'hits' better and more visceral
good to know that 600 mids benefir from burn-in, i am still around the 20-25 hour mark with them, and i think they are improved compared to how they sounded off the box.
in conclusion, if i had to grade the lows/mids/highs of the 272/600 to what i am hearing now it would be something like this (and take it with a grain of salt)

272 : 5/8/10
600: 8/9/8

Oct 17, 2014 at 1:23 AM Post #415 of 489
one final note, as of today at least (cause re600 is still very new to my ears) - if i had to pick just one of these 2 iems (272/600), it would be 272 although the more i listen to the re600 the more i like it

this iem is almost a wonder, for its price and the sound it produces.

beautiful sound - no fat, no bloated frequencies, nothing.

3 years later, i am still as amazed as i was the first month i purchased it. and i still think it's  shame that this enlightened(?) community didn't embrace it as much as it should. bummer.
Oct 17, 2014 at 9:28 AM Post #417 of 489
i think perhaps americans are afraid of chinese brands/products and they 'd rather pay for an american,overpriced iem from shure/westone etc

never underestimate the fear inside people's brains.
Oct 18, 2014 at 6:42 AM Post #418 of 489
  i think perhaps americans are afraid of chinese brands/products and they 'd rather pay for an american,overpriced iem from shure/westone etc

never underestimate the fear inside people's brains.

well.....i do kinda think your right.  obviously not all americans are but there does rather often seem to be a, erm shall we say "patriotic" attitude to buying.
Nov 21, 2014 at 7:34 AM Post #419 of 489
there is one pair of RE-272 FS here from a UK seller , great price at 100 pounds (around 160$)

just a heads up as this is a fantastic iem for people who like their IEM sound neutral without overbloated bass/mids
there is also the hifiman/amazon sale for the RE600 at 199$ + free shipping , if you want an alternate sound from re272

and i have to say it again - oh my , how much i enjoy the 272 sound !

Nov 21, 2014 at 12:19 PM Post #420 of 489
  there is one pair of RE-272 FS here from a UK seller , great price at 100 pounds (around 160$)

just a heads up as this is a fantastic iem for people who like their IEM sound neutral without overbloated bass/mids
there is also the hifiman/amazon sale for the RE600 at 199$ + free shipping , if you want an alternate sound from re272

and i have to say it again - oh my , how much i enjoy the 272 sound !


I have to say I put up those up there to see whether they get some attention (and they deserve to do because they really are amazing). I'm considering "upgrading" to the FX850 although I am not sure whether they will be an upgrade. Honestly, with a decent source and well recorded audio in at least 320kbp, these RE272 really does so much for the price I'm asking for. I mean, even compared to my modded HE400, it does not lose out on so much.

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