Make that two customers lost because of the jerg sub-bass fiasco. With the Oppo PM-1 soon out, I returned my HE-4, and will not pursue Hifiman any longer!
I would suggest you wait for Frank's review/comparison to both.
He already pointed put how the he560 are excellent for stings so we will see how the oppo holds up. I trust Frank.
At most you get an atonal ambient rumble you don't even feel with headphones... No pitches of notes to distinguish = no musical value...
.. I'm just extremely hesitant about this mod not having ANY acoustical effects on reproduction instead of the boost in sub bass ...
I think it is kind of naive to think sub-bass DOES NOT play a MAJOR role in any and all music....
We need to hear "more" than just a certain frequency range..
We need all frequency range to give a "life-like" realism..
Sub-bass plays a part in the all important "ambiance", "echo", "reflections" space of all NoN instruments as well...
We can determine the size of the room, or place... with sub bass.
We can hear the rumble of the chorus feet, the organ pedals, the bombs bursting in air...
We can and need to hear EVERYTHING...
Impact, size, weight, substance, realism..
All uses sub-bass.
So if you want to limit yourself to non-sub-bass.."sound"...
Then it won't sound as real...
As if you are there.
Then you might as well throw away your sub woofers and listen to some "no bass" cheapo dollar earbuds..