**Hifiman HE-400 Impressions and Discussion Thread**
Aug 5, 2013 at 10:16 PM Post #11,971 of 22,120
supposedly yeah

especially paired with a magni, like you have.
Aug 6, 2013 at 3:38 AM Post #11,973 of 22,120
I am planning on selling my he400s so I can get some ciems, but people are coming out saying that these pads increase subbass, now I am interested.

You could actually do the sub-bass mod on your current stock pleather or velour pads. The idea behind the mod is to seal the pad to the driver cup using double-sided tape so as to minimize gaps and allow the bass to conduct better, so theoretically it should be able to work on any pad not just the jergpad.
Aug 6, 2013 at 7:35 AM Post #11,975 of 22,120
Jergulors :D
My guess would be somewhere around 30-50£ when he makes the next batch. It's a one man job.
Aug 6, 2013 at 7:41 AM Post #11,976 of 22,120
No insult about beats sorry if I offended

No problem, Its just a bit irritating when someone says "I like bass" and the reply is "get beats then".... Yes the beats have a lot of bass, but it is poor bass and the rest of the sound is poor as well, compared to other headphones I have owned they sound terrible....
Looks like the Audeze LCD2r2 or the HE500 would be the next step up from the HE-400... Although the bass on the HE-400 is pretty good already, when I go back to dynamic drivers, especially the HD650... they are noticeably slow compared to the planar drivers on fast music.
Aug 6, 2013 at 7:42 AM Post #11,977 of 22,120

My guess would be somewhere around 30-50£ when he makes the next batch. It's a one man job.

Hmm because I tried to get some in the last batch but they were sold out.
I got the velours today, they are more comfortable but initial impression is that they sound worse than the pleathers.... There is a bit more upper mids, but the treble is brighter and more sibilant?...
Those rubber / roam rings that are on the pleather pads.... are you supposed to use them with the velours? They are quite hard to fit with the velours, I am not sure if they are supposed to be used with them?
Aug 6, 2013 at 8:41 AM Post #11,978 of 22,120
Those rubber / roam rings that are on the pleather pads.... are you supposed to use them with the velours? They are quite hard to fit with the velours, I am not sure if they are supposed to be used with them?

Those are only for the pleathers because the foam in the pleathers is softer and they added the ring to make the distance from your ear to the driver similar to the velours.
Aug 6, 2013 at 9:20 AM Post #11,979 of 22,120
Those are only for the pleathers because the foam in the pleathers is softer and they added the ring to make the distance from your ear to the driver similar to the velours.

Thanks, I tried the velours and went back to the pleathers.... To me the pleathers sound clearer, smoother and punchier.... Although the upper mids on the velours sounds better everything else sounds worse.... Shame because the pleathers are pretty sweaty and uncomfortable..
If the jergomodulor's have the comfort of the velours but still have the good parts of the pleathers then I am interested... If they sound more like the velours than the pleathers then maybe I will give them a miss, hard to know without trying them.
Aug 6, 2013 at 10:22 AM Post #11,980 of 22,120
Thanks, I tried the velours and went back to the pleathers.... To me the pleathers sound clearer, smoother and punchier.... Although the upper mids on the velours sounds better everything else sounds worse.... Shame because the pleathers are pretty sweaty and uncomfortable..
If the jergomodulor's have the comfort of the velours but still have the good parts of the pleathers then I am interested... If they sound more like the velours than the pleathers then maybe I will give them a miss, hard to know without trying them.

I highly recommend at least doing the first 3 steps of the jerg mod on your pleathers. The dampening holes and sub bass mods are a great compliment to the sound of the pleather pads. You will risk losing the sound that they currently have however.
Aug 6, 2013 at 11:25 AM Post #11,983 of 22,120
You could actually do the sub-bass mod on your current stock pleather or velour pads. The idea behind the mod is to seal the pad to the driver cup using double-sided tape so as to minimize gaps and allow the bass to conduct better, so theoretically it should be able to work on any pad not just the jergpad.

yeah agreed. and some foam to have one elevated 1/4 section and vent
Aug 6, 2013 at 11:27 AM Post #11,984 of 22,120
Thanks, I tried the velours and went back to the pleathers.... To me the pleathers sound clearer, smoother and punchier.... Although the upper mids on the velours sounds better everything else sounds worse.... Shame because the pleathers are pretty sweaty and uncomfortable..

If the jergomodulor's have the comfort of the velours but still have the good parts of the pleathers then I am interested... If they sound more like the velours than the pleathers then maybe I will give them a miss, hard to know without trying them.

They sound like jergs, and feel like what they are: velour exterior stitched to the inner ring/seamless vinyl/taut stock pleather screen, pleather beef jergy parts with swiss cheese holes to get to the foam.

A win-win.

I agree with your analysis of stock pleather vs velour as well, and if you were willing to mod your pleathers (I did and terrible at craftsmanship but my ears loved the results instantly and I had used these since January when the tutorial came out -- a month after getting he-400's and being a weirdo about pad comparisons, it makes them pleather syrupy and refined to exceed the positive aspects of velour stock. It's really something.

Jergs review of the modulors is pretty spot on:
Aug 6, 2013 at 11:41 AM Post #11,985 of 22,120
What I would like from pads.....
1. Velour comfort / lack of sweatyness
2. Pleather bass and lower mids (any improvement of bass punchyness / quantity / depth is good)
3. Velour upper mids were slightly better but the pleathers do not sound bad to me anyway, maybe a bit more upper mids would be better.
4. Pleather treble (the pleather treble is still too "tizzy" and sibilant for me.. so any improvement to this is good, the treble on the velours sounds significantly harsher, brighter and more sibilant than the pleather to me.
So if you read my "want list" from a pair of pads.... Do you think the modded pads would be good for me? I do NOT want anything brighter / tizzier / more sibilant than the pleather pads! I would prefer they were less bright if anything.... But any other improvements are good.
If the jergomod pads meet my requirements.... Then sign me up!

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