**Hifiman HE-400 Impressions and Discussion Thread**
Dec 24, 2012 at 4:57 PM Post #3,601 of 22,120
Im taking a wild guess here, but if you have a 3000 kbps flac it is most likely a vinyl rip at 96/24, in which case they're known to have these 'micro distortions' or noise in quiet passages. 

Not that wild, they sound exactly like that, and i already thought it could be that. Also i must say that i was running Crystalizer and it made things worse.
Thx, so the hifiman are surely working perceftly. Time to get better music :D.
Dec 24, 2012 at 6:18 PM Post #3,602 of 22,120
Perhaps I wasn't using the best material when I first auditioned them which may explain why I wasn't impressed at first, but I don't remember the song though.
I had a Sennheiser IE80 hooked up to a Fiio E17 through USB to my computer. Not the best setup but sounded really good to my ears. I really wish I still had them, for those times I can't use open cans. But of course the M-stage + HE400 demolishes it.

Aah yes, that might explain.
And being open is indeed unpractical at times. A lot of times actually, but they do sound much better than any closed can I've ever heard!
Dec 24, 2012 at 7:12 PM Post #3,603 of 22,120
- Posting so i get updates on the HE400, moving from the other thread :)
Dec 24, 2012 at 8:14 PM Post #3,604 of 22,120
- Posting so i get updates on the HE400, moving from the other thread :)

You could just subscribe to the thread and get updates all the same. Though, I've taken off my subscription on both HE-400 threads since there's way too many people, posting way too fast. Came back after a week, 200 updates. Not complaining, since I can just ignore them. But OCD tendencies make it so that I eventually have to clear them out.
Dec 24, 2012 at 8:33 PM Post #3,605 of 22,120
You could just subscribe to the thread and get updates all the same. Though, I've taken off my subscription on both HE-400 threads since there's way too many people, posting way too fast. Came back after a week, 200 updates. Not complaining, since I can just ignore them. But OCD tendencies make it so that I eventually have to clear them out.

Whaat? 200 post updates = 40 minutes of quality entertainment. 
Dec 24, 2012 at 10:53 PM Post #3,606 of 22,120
Whaat? 200 post updates = 40 minutes of quality entertainment. 

40 minutes of burn-in talk, amp talk, DAC talk, and maybe 4-5 posts relevant to the HE-400 in the end? Gee, what a fun way to spend my holidays.
Actually, I guess I spoke too soon. Did read the 200 updates in the end (not that I'm celebrating anything this year). There were some gems, so re-subscribed (until those HE-6 come, then it's bye-bye again)
Dec 25, 2012 at 5:52 AM Post #3,608 of 22,120
Have many people tried these with the E9/E7 combo? That's what I'm working with right now to go with DT 880 (600) and 770 (80). I'm thinking of selling my 880s to go towards these and possibly switching to Schiit Magni/Modi in the future.
Dec 25, 2012 at 6:25 AM Post #3,609 of 22,120
Have many people tried these with the E9/E7 combo? That's what I'm working with right now to go with DT 880 (600) and 770 (80). I'm thinking of selling my 880s to go towards these and possibly switching to Schiit Magni/Modi in the future.

I did.
The audinst hud-mx1 blows the e7/e9 combo right out of the water. Made me realize that the power of the e9 is quite useless with its high output impedance.
I might buy another amp to go with the hud-mx1. But the he-400 sounds really good straight out of the hud-mx1. I can't imagine it getting much better.
The hud-mx1 offers a much clearer sound compared to the e9. The e9 really 'smeers' out the sound.
Dec 25, 2012 at 7:10 AM Post #3,611 of 22,120
Thanks for the response. I might consider the audinst now too.

Hmm, that wouldn't be the best choice for your wallet though. Not because it doesn't sound good, but because you're probably want to expand the amp section someday.
I really want to expand the amp section, so that's 170 usd (hud-mx1) plus additional costs for the amp. 
The cheapest way for you would be to get the magni, and just plug in the e7 via a line out cable.
The e7 is really good actually, it's the e9 that's being nasty here.
Dec 25, 2012 at 9:14 AM Post #3,613 of 22,120
I did.

The audinst hud-mx1 blows the e7/e9 combo right out of the water. Made me realize that the power of the e9 is quite useless with its high output impedance.

I might buy another amp to go with the hud-mx1. But the he-400 sounds really good straight out of the hud-mx1. I can't imagine it getting much better.

The hud-mx1 offers a much clearer sound compared to the e9. The e9 really 'smeers' out the sound.

Actually, the bottleneck is the E7, not the E9. The E9 is a great amp. The E7 is pretty bad DAC. Even the Fiio D3 is better. People need to realize this. Also, the E9 wouldn't even affect the HE400 with it's output impedance, as planars are basically immune to that, unlike dynamic headphones.

Your opinion is quite the opposite of what most people here on Head-fi have experienced, including myself. The E9 competed quite well with other SS amps I've used, including my SA-31. The E7...didn't. The E is better than an onboard soundcard, but other than that, it's pretty entry level.

Thought the E9K sounded great with the HE-400 too. Not as refined as the SA-31, but for $109, it sounded VERY damn good. About as good as the Magni does.

Again, I say to switch out the E7 for a better DAC. There is more to squeeze out of the E9.
Dec 25, 2012 at 12:23 PM Post #3,614 of 22,120
Just opened my HE400 for Christmas and listening now. Unfortunately I noticed out of the box a small spot where the black paint chipped off the left grill near the center. I could probably "buff" it out with a Sharpie but I wonder if I should contact HeadRoom or HiFiMan about getting a replacement grill. 

Dec 25, 2012 at 12:40 PM Post #3,615 of 22,120
If I were you, I would. I don't see them having problem doing so. How do they sound?

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