**Hifiman HE-400 Impressions and Discussion Thread**
Dec 14, 2012 at 4:11 PM Post #3,091 of 22,120
^^ Weight and too heavy is all relative to the person wearing them really. The he400 is the heaviest hp that I can wear comfortably. Even though the he500 is only moderately heavier, I can't justify the purchase because it becomes uncomfortable after an hour. The lcd2 is even worse. The unfortunate part about that is the lcd2 has my favorite sound signature of anything I've listened to. 

Dec 14, 2012 at 4:21 PM Post #3,093 of 22,120
I've been to many checkups. My head is larger than the average human. Skin and bones are thicker also.

So heavy isn't the issue on my body, probably because my head is big, making more clamping force from the headphones :[

@ Jerg

I can only wear them for about 15 minutes (the HE-400) and 10 minutes with the HE-500.

I just listen to too many aggressive pop music thus fatiguing my ear drums before my head head even starts hurting from the headphone's weight. :mad:
Dec 14, 2012 at 5:56 PM Post #3,094 of 22,120
I don't know if cost is important but power is, especially for the HE-500. Now that the Gugni is out, powerfull and cheap seem to be possible nowadays.

I assume you meant the $99 Magni ?
Dec 14, 2012 at 6:07 PM Post #3,095 of 22,120
First time poster, long time lurker here.

I don't know if it is common knowledge, but I just wanted to give a heads-up to anyone interested in third party pads, that the pads that Beyerdynamic sells as "replacement pads for old-style DT990" fit the HE-400 perfectly without any modding. I ordered these to spice up a pair of very beaten vintage DT990s and was very surprised that the pads fit on my HE-400.

Along with the pads I had also ordered some foam plate replacements, which turned out not to be needed on the vintage DT990. However, these come in very useful when using the Beyerpads on the HE-400, as with some patience they can be inserted into the pads after installing them on the HE-400 pad ring. This will result in a near perfect replacement pad for the HE-400.

For anyone interested, part numbers below:

1x Replacement Pads EDT 990 V 926679
2x Foam Pad 910236
Dec 14, 2012 at 6:19 PM Post #3,096 of 22,120
First time poster, long time lurker here.
I don't know if it is common knowledge, but I just wanted to give a heads-up to anyone interested in third party pads, that the pads that Beyerdynamic sells as "replacement pads for old-style DT990" fit the HE-400 perfectly without any modding. I ordered these to spice up a pair of very beaten vintage DT990s and was very surprised that the pads fit on my HE-400.

Very cool!
Have you done any swapping comparisons between normal velours and the Beyer pads? How is the 1) comfort change and 2) sound change?
Also, why did you add the foam pads in as well? A quick look on the internet and it seems the Beyer pads already have a dust-protective fabric in the middle.
Dec 14, 2012 at 6:27 PM Post #3,097 of 22,120
Man, the Magni is sure tempting. What an unbelievable price. I keep asking myself, "How can I not by this?" I'm fairly sure all my headphones would appreciate the extra juice. But here's the deal: my next headphone amp needs to first and foremost drive the hd800, a notoriously picky headphone. Does anyone here have any idea (based on the technical specifications and/or experience with Schitt products) if this little guy might possibly mate happily with not only the he-500, say, but also the hd800? (The he-400 seems happy with almost anything.) If I asked this question on the hd800 thread I'm sure someone would flame me for such a presumptuous conceit. But I'm hopping folks here will be a little more tolerant. But just in case I get someone's dander up, I'm putting on some flame resistant clothing. 
Dec 14, 2012 at 6:33 PM Post #3,098 of 22,120
Very cool!

Have you done any swapping comparisons between normal velours and the Beyer pads? How is the 1) comfort change and 2) sound change?

Also, why did you add the foam pads in as well? A quick look on the internet and it seems the Beyer pads already have a dust-protective fabric in the middle.

To my ears they sound nearly identical to the original Hifiman Velour pads (which I both find superior to the pleather pads). I prefer the comfort, since the Beyerdynamic pads just seem to fit my ears better. I will be keeping these on the HE-400 and will have to order another set for the DT990 that I wanted to replace :xf_eek:

The foam pad is needed with this type of Beyerdynamic pads, as they do not contain any protective layer in the middle, since otherwise they would not work with the original vintage DT990. Check this picture below:


(Photo by vid on head-fi)

When putting them onto the HE-400 plastic rings, you may need to apply a bit of pressure with a blunt object to bend the pads a bit. They fit very well once they are on. The manual that came with the Beyer pads suggest to heat them up a bit with a hairdryer to make them more elastic.
Dec 14, 2012 at 6:47 PM Post #3,099 of 22,120
To my ears they sound nearly identical to the original Hifiman Velour pads (which I both find superior to the pleather pads). I prefer the comfort, since the Beyerdynamic pads just seem to fit my ears better. I will be keeping these on the HE-400 and will have to order another set for the DT990 that I wanted to replace

The foam pad is needed with this type of Beyerdynamic pads, as they do not contain any protective layer in the middle, since otherwise they would not work with the original vintage DT990. Check this picture below:

(Photo by vid on head-fi)
When putting them onto the HE-400 plastic rings, you may need to apply a bit of pressure with a blunt object to bend the pads a bit. They fit very well once they are on. The manual that came with the Beyer pads suggest to heat them up a bit with a hairdryer to make them more elastic.

I see. How about pad depth? Could you try to put these vs HFM velour pads side-by-side and compare their relative thicknesses? One issue that arises with certain pads is they aren't thick enough, and people with wider ears tend to touch the drivers which hurts after a while.
Dec 14, 2012 at 6:48 PM Post #3,100 of 22,120
To my ears they sound nearly identical to the original Hifiman Velour pads (which I both find superior to the pleather pads). I prefer the comfort, since the Beyerdynamic pads just seem to fit my ears better. I will be keeping these on the HE-400 and will have to order another set for the DT990 that I wanted to replace

The foam pad is needed with this type of Beyerdynamic pads, as they do not contain any protective layer in the middle, since otherwise they would not work with the original vintage DT990. Check this picture below:

(Photo by vid on head-fi)
When putting them onto the HE-400 plastic rings, you may need to apply a bit of pressure with a blunt object to bend the pads a bit. They fit very well once they are on. The manual that came with the Beyer pads suggest to heat them up a bit with a hairdryer to make them more elastic.

Is there any difference between the EDT 990 V and the EDT 990 VB pads other than color? Amazon is selling the VB's for a paltry $32 dollars!
Dec 14, 2012 at 7:20 PM Post #3,102 of 22,120
First time poster, long time lurker here.
I don't know if it is common knowledge, but I just wanted to give a heads-up to anyone interested in third party pads, that the pads that Beyerdynamic sells as "replacement pads for old-style DT990" fit the HE-400 perfectly without any modding. I ordered these to spice up a pair of very beaten vintage DT990s and was very surprised that the pads fit on my HE-400.

Along with the pads I had also ordered some foam plate replacements, which turned out not to be needed on the vintage DT990. However, these come in very useful when using the Beyerpads on the HE-400, as with some patience they can be inserted into the pads after installing them on the HE-400 pad ring. This will result in a near perfect replacement pad for the HE-400.

For anyone interested, part numbers below:
1x Replacement Pads EDT 990 V 926679
2x Foam Pad 910236

Amazing! This is exactly what I was curious about. Thank you for doing this mod. I personally much preferred the velour material on my DT990s. I'll definitely be doing this mod :)
Dec 14, 2012 at 7:44 PM Post #3,105 of 22,120
I see. How about pad depth? Could you try to put these vs HFM velour pads side-by-side and compare their relative thicknesses? One issue that arises with certain pads is they aren't thick enough, and people with wider ears tend to touch the drivers which hurts after a while.

Sadly I left the velour pads with the nude DT990 at the office. If it helps, I got the pleather ones to compare at home:

Right now the Beyerdynamics pad is actually slightly thicker than the pleather Hifiman pad, but they are known to get a bit thinner over time.. so what you explained might be possible.
If needed I can compare them again with the velour ones next week.

Is there any difference between the EDT 990 V and the EDT 990 VB pads other than color? Amazon is selling the VB's for a paltry $32 dollars!

I think they are the same, when searching for the replacement parts on the German Beyerdynamic website it also suggested me the black one as fitting.

For anyone looking to do this mod, here is a picture of the back of the finished pad:

As you can see the elastic parts fit fine over the plastic ring from the HE-400 if you are patient enough and maybe revert to the hairdryer method as suggested by Beyerdynamic.

If you look closely at the holes you can see that this is how I inserted the foam pads into the thing. I started with one side and then used a small plastic toothpick to adjust the foam pad and keep it centered in the cup. I kept adjusting the pad through the holes in the plastic-ring to avoid any bulges. This is the most painful thing about the mod but should be done within a few minutes as well.

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