Hiby R6 Pro II (2023 Edition) - Launch, Hype, Thoughts & More
Sep 23, 2023 at 6:28 PM Post #961 of 2,044
Loving the R6P2 so far! Great synergy with Anni 23 and Singularity. I find Anni’s bass texturing a little lacking, but the R6P2 is able to remedy this issue which I’m thrilled about.

The R6P2 has a really nice tonality/musicality and a much larger stage compared to RS6 and Mojo 2. It’s very dynamic as well.

I think the center image is a little weaker compared to RS6/Mojo 2 and it’s ever-so-slightly less detailed, but it layers well and creates plenty of space between instruments.
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Sep 26, 2023 at 2:57 AM Post #962 of 2,044
Is anyone's unit volume down button more recessed than volume up? I just noticed mine is nearly flushed with the unit but volume up is not. The button now kinda looks like a ramp now :laughing:


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Sep 26, 2023 at 6:18 AM Post #963 of 2,044
The official Hiby case from AE fits the R6P2 perfectly and is very plush and soft, giving the DAP ample protection when storing or travelling with it.



Sep 26, 2023 at 8:43 AM Post #964 of 2,044
Have any of you upgraded to the Pro II from an R6 III? Could you give us an idea of the improvements please?
Sep 26, 2023 at 9:10 AM Post #965 of 2,044
According to my first impressions It's a big step up after the R6 III in every way. It feels much more exclusive. Very good value for the price difference. more analogue presentation, more front mids, much better background detail, better separation, cleaner highs, better screen....


Have any of you upgraded to the Pro II from an R6 III? Could you give us an idea of the improvements please?
Sep 26, 2023 at 3:58 PM Post #966 of 2,044
Discovered another good R6 Pro II pairing: the Focal Elex.

This pairing most notably adds body and texturing to the bass, and expands the soundstage.
Sep 26, 2023 at 6:46 PM Post #967 of 2,044
@leylandi Thanks. Needless to say, I am considering upgrading but the R6 III sounds sooo good that I can't imagine the Pro II being that much better. There's only one way to find out I guess... :)

(BTW, how does quoting work here? I can't work it out for the life of me!)
Sep 26, 2023 at 8:15 PM Post #968 of 2,044
Have any of you upgraded to the Pro II from an R6 III? Could you give us an idea of the improvements please?
Disclaimer, i am not an audiophile (Nope, don't have golden ears) and also just owned R6 III for a week previously before i returned it and switch to R6 Pro II.

I like the R6 III form factor but i don't like its tonelity.
How i test is not very scientific way, YMMV. I use my favorite song (flac file) and use the same headphone with both devices.
The singer is Milet and she has husky voice (don't judge :)). With R6 III, her husy voice seems got EQ smooth out (yes, the EQ is turn off) and lost her signature. But with R6 Pro 2, it sounds right (sound almost similar to my Shanling M6).
My guess is the different between ESS chipset (R6 III) VS AKM chipset (R6 Pro II).

Just share my 2 cents. :beyersmile:
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Sep 26, 2023 at 11:49 PM Post #969 of 2,044
@leylandi Thanks. Needless to say, I am considering upgrading but the R6 III sounds sooo good that I can't imagine the Pro II being that much better. There's only one way to find out I guess... :)

(BTW, how does quoting work here? I can't work it out for the life of me!)
Replying in the message you want to quote will quote the entire post. If you select a smaller portion you will the see an option to quote or to reply to just that snippet. Hope that this works for you!
Sep 27, 2023 at 2:26 AM Post #970 of 2,044
@leylandi Thanks. Needless to say, I am considering upgrading but the R6 III sounds sooo good that I can't imagine the Pro II being that much better. There's only one way to find out I guess... :)

(BTW, how does quoting work here? I can't work it out for the life of me!)

I for one was supposed to purchase the R6 3... after auditioning both the R6 3 and R6 Pro 2 side by side. Pro 2 sounds cleaner, and wider, and more detailed. R6 3 sounds a tiny bit warmer.

I was going for the R6 3 since it was cheaper, had better battery life, and smaller. I gave up on dongles or the hassle of whipping out my Topping G5 when I wanted a proper listen. ? But since it was out of stock after deciding.. I just got the Pro 2 instead.
Sep 27, 2023 at 10:31 PM Post #971 of 2,044
I for one was supposed to purchase the R6 3... after auditioning both the R6 3 and R6 Pro 2 side by side. Pro 2 sounds cleaner, and wider, and more detailed. R6 3 sounds a tiny bit warmer.

I was going for the R6 3 since it was cheaper, had better battery life, and smaller. I gave up on dongles or the hassle of whipping out my Topping G5 when I wanted a proper listen. ? But since it was out of stock after deciding.. I just got the Pro 2 instead.
Thanks. I'd set myself a budget and didn't have the chance to demo either unit so I went for the R6 Gen III. I'm very happy with it but I keep reading that the R6 Pro II sounds a lot better so I'm thinking of upgrading while mine is only 3 months old.
Sep 28, 2023 at 7:03 AM Post #972 of 2,044
I have R6 III, and R6 Pro II, and the III is now gathering dust since I got the Pro II. The Pro II is far easier to listen to for long sessions. I find myself more engrossed in the music, rather than listening to the sound of the player.
The R6 III is a very good player, excellent for the price, but the Pro II is superb!
Sep 28, 2023 at 7:23 AM Post #973 of 2,044
Thanks Mike, thats good to know. Sounds like I'm going to be upgrading soon. :)
Sep 29, 2023 at 12:24 PM Post #974 of 2,044
Hi all, I meant to post this sooner but due to my poor work/life balance and some health issue I had (nothing serious), I wasn't able to. Anyway, it's been close to 1 month since I got the R6 Pro II and I wanted to share my user experience here. Hopefully, someone finds this information useful when making a purchase decision.

Initially, I was not immediately impressed by this DAP, I could immediately tell that it's resolution/detail, clarity was easily better than some of my pervious DACs (Gryphon, RS2, Mojo 2...) but I was a bit disappointed by the Bass which did not hit as hard as some of my other DACs and there was also a certain unrefined quality in the higher frequencies which I was not fond of.

After ~70 Hrs of Burn-In, that slightly unrefined sharpness went away and the Bass also became more punchy, still close to Neutral but more Dynamic than before. The soundstage is pretty good and there is a decent amount of depth here compared to some DS DACs but it does not quite have the grand scale to the soundstage that some R2R DACs have nor is it's stage depth as good as Chord FPGA DACs like Mojo 2. Still, I have no complaints with what's offered here with the R6 Pro II.

For the first few hours of my time with the DAP, I figured the lack of Bass impact was maybe because of a weak Amp section (just like the RS2) but now that the DAP has settled in a bit, I can hear that it's powering all my IEMs well. For fun, I even paired my Edition XS via 4.4 Out and while the overall sound was alright, I've certainly heard the Edition XS sing better from more powerful sources and it is also capable of projecting a wider stage with better sources. Easier to drive Headphones like the Meze 99's should have no issues with being driven by the R6 Pro II.

I have mostly been using Class A mode, there's not a big difference in sound between Class A & AB but I do like the slightly better Image and more denser sound of the Class A mode. With the AB mode, I sometimes noticed that the centre Image is just a tiny bit diffuse (compared to Class A), It's not bad sounding but there's just a different quality to the sound with AB mode. The battery life for my use case is pretty good, I listen for ~1 hour every day and because of the good standby drain, I only have to charge the DAP every 4-5 days. With my charger, it usually charges from ~20% to ~80% in under 1 hour 40 mins and that's fine for me.

Overall, I really like the sound quality of the DAP, it's Dynamic, does not sound analytical but at the same time isn't too warm or colored enough to effect the overall tone and timbre too much. The only thing that's a bit "off" for me would be the slight upper mid forwardness that I'm sometimes hearing, this rarely happens but when it does, vocals can sound a bit forward/shouty, I mostly noticed this when I'm listening to music at somewhat higher volume levels but it can also happend on some rare occations at normal volume levels.

In terms of usability, this is an area that I have a lot to complain about. Let's start with the button placement. I have big hands and it's awkward to adjust volume when the DAP is in my right hand, I would have preferred it if the volume buttons were closer to the top rather than middle of the device. On the left side of the DAP, I kept accidentally pressing the Play/Pause button initially and while I did get used to it, I would have liked either 3 individual buttons for Next, Previous, Play/Pause or to have one long button with Next & Previous controls and a separate button for Play/Pause. Other than this, I don't have any other complains about the physical aspects of the DAP. It's a good looking DAP IMO and the large display is nice to look at. There's already enough said about the case and it's issues so I will skip this part. Overall, compared to when I first got the DAP, I have somewhat gotten used to the controls but I would have preferred better layout here.

On to software side of things where again, I have some issues, nothing that would effect daily use but still, I thought I would mention them and hope HiBy will fix them in the next update.
*When adjusting volume, a volume indicator pops up and covers the whole display for ~3 seconds. I would have liked an option to remove this and get a normal volume dialogue instead (like in most phones) as I sometimes accidentally swiped up or down wanting to browse my Library and accidentally adjusting the volume too much.
*When I'm listening to Music and set a timer on the DAP to remind me of something (turn off stove, Coffee brew time...) when the time is up, the Music stops and I get a notification which is expected but then, there is no sound from the DAP, Play/Pause does nothing, the DAP shows that Music is playing but there is no sound untill I restart the DAP.
*Changing the Bluetooth Codec in any combination (LDAC to AAC, AAC to LDAC...) will result in stuttery playback with pauses inbetween every 1-2 seconds which requires re-pairing the Bluetooth device to work. It will work fine as long as you don't switch codecs after pairing the devices.
*There's a 1-2 sec delay in Audio when playing Video files. It does not matter if I'm playing the files locally or on YouTube. This is a shame considering that I can't fully utilize the large display by exploring for new Music Videos on YouTube.

Thankfully, most of the above problems don't really effect normal music listening so I guess that's good. Apart from the above issues the general UI is pretty good with decently fluid animations and there's not much clutter (extra Apps, options...) so... Yeah. I have tried EQ (MSEB & Plugins) and while they were fun to play around with initially, I mostly turned off all DSP as this is how I liked it best. The implementation of said DSP is better this time around compared to RS2, maybe it's cause of the extra processing power but with the RS2 there was some noticeable distortion when using MSEB.

Well, that's all I can think of at the moment, I'll update this post if something else comes to mind but untill then :beerchug:
Sep 29, 2023 at 9:39 PM Post #975 of 2,044
OK, I'm persuaded. :) I ordered a Pro II yesterday, it arrived today and I'm letting it 'burn in' for a few days as that made a big difference with the R6 Gen III. Initial impressions are good, it definitely sounds better than the Gen III and it's less buggy (several radio apps don't work on the III but do work on the Pro II) so I'm happy, although I get the comments about the buttons, they're definitely in the wrong places and there's no feel for where they are when it's in the case but I'm sure I'll get used to it.
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