Help out a Noob
Aug 10, 2010 at 10:53 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 11


New Head-Fier
Aug 10, 2010
I've been pretty interested in joining the community for a while and there's no time like the present eh?
I've purchased a few decent headphones but I'm interested in making this a pretty big thing in the next few years
I just wanted to ask around If you guys could recommend a good pair of (portable) headphones that are less than $150
(Highschool kid on budget). But yeah if this is any help I listen to mostly hard rock NDH dubstep electronica trance. I also like to live dangerously at times and listen to some really good vocals... nancy sinatra, amy lee, eh sara bareilles and others...
style is a great bonus but mostly I'm looking for affordability great sound quality and of course, a sound construction.
Headphones I own/use are...
Klipsch S4's
Grado Sr60i's
Phiaton MS300's
Apple In-ear's 2.0
If you have the time to reply... thanks a whole bunch! Any comment is appreciated :)
Aug 10, 2010 at 10:59 PM Post #2 of 11
Oh gosh... where to start. High school wasn't that far long ago for me, so it's great to see another person pretty much in the same situation. What worked great for me back then were small and concealable earbuds - I was fond of both my Yuin PK3 and PK2 - that could be easily hidden during class lectures, and portable closed headphones like the Audio Technica ES7. If you like bass, the D2000 may also be right up your alley; I have its big brother the D7000 and the sound is absolutely superb.
Aug 10, 2010 at 11:32 PM Post #4 of 11
wow the d2000's are huge 0_0 but interesting nonethelesss.... I'm kinda looking for a pair of closed on-ear headphones; one's that are good for everyday, commuting work.. small and foldable :) 
I think the Ortofon 0-one's are the most intriguing... not very expensive and stylish aha
I'm musing over the MS 400 and the 0-ones's ... the ms300's are great but the 400's are pretty expensive :/
Aug 10, 2010 at 11:48 PM Post #5 of 11
The Koss KDE/250 in my profile pic... ~$140 2 dynamic speakers, quite good bass impact, smooth treble, and full mids. Better sound than the two triple driver IEMs I have heard, (Westone 3, Shure SE535) and better in my opinion for bass than the Monster Turbine Pro Gold, which I also did a direct comparison with at CanJam. Note: All Koss products come with a Lifetime Warranty.
Aug 10, 2010 at 11:54 PM Post #6 of 11
wow the d2000's are huge 0_0 but interesting nonethelesss.... I'm kinda looking for a pair of closed on-ear headphones; one's that are good for everyday, commuting work.. small and foldable :) 

I think you'll get a lot of recommendations for the ATH-M50 then. They seem to be the most popular pair of closed portables nowadays. I have no personal experience with them, but I have previously owned and loved their cousin the ES7. From what I have heard, the M50 improves upon the ES7 in every way.
Aug 11, 2010 at 12:08 AM Post #7 of 11

wow the d2000's are huge 0_0 but interesting nonethelesss.... I'm kinda looking for a pair of closed on-ear headphones; one's that are good for everyday, commuting work.. small and foldable :) 
I think the Ortofon 0-one's are the most intriguing... not very expensive and stylish aha
I'm musing over the MS 400 and the 0-ones's ... the ms300's are great but the 400's are pretty expensive :/

The MS400 has pretty thin highs, but a lush mid grade and bass.  I personally found the fit to be somewhat weird.  But, it's still pretty good, though on a styling stand point, it's a bit rich for me haha.
Aug 11, 2010 at 1:55 PM Post #8 of 11

I think you'll get a lot of recommendations for the ATH-M50 then. They seem to be the most popular pair of closed portables nowadays. I have no personal experience with them, but I have previously owned and loved their cousin the ES7. From what I have heard, the M50 improves upon the ES7 in every way.


I've heard alot of good feedback for the ATH-M50, not to mention a whole load of recommendations.
I have no questions about the sq of the m50's but noone mentions if they come with a hard/semi-hard case
My first pair of ms300's broke after about six months ;_; because i used those things to death and I'm pretty sure a case would have extended their life.
So I guess my question is what sort of case does the m50 come with, if at all aha


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